Thoughts on WoW Token in Wrath Classic

Not to mention 0 work done to stop bad players from using AHK for PVP. Only 1 big banwave at the end of the season and these losers will be back in 2 months once again using AHK to cheat.

Looking at you Tortsen. Nice 99% cast shield reflect and no gcd stance swapping using AHK and caught live on twitch! You deserved that ban. Lol


That would be detected with a kernel a/c immediately. One that sits in the kernel looking for injected inputs and any malicious drivers that try to scrub injected inputs.

It’s clear they will not add a kernel a/c, as per this post, despite WoW needing it badly.


you forgot character boosts too, gotta allow the bots to immediately level up again too, its the spirit of classic


Its kind of incredible to see the exact same response as when the token was first introduced.

99% of people aren’t affected. Your consume prices are gonna stay the same, AH prices are gonna stay the same. The only people who are gonna be affected are people who GDKP and see more whales who didn’t want to risk losing their account, and there might be more people who GDKP in general.

There will be an uptick of token selling when ToGC launches for some of the first week GDKPs, there will be an uptick for ICC as people are getting their saronite taken care of.

Otherwise it literally won’t affect you.


Communicating is a thankless job. Thank you for putting the time into it. Even if people disagree, I hope they can at least respect the attempt to communicate your ideas. And personally? I totally agree with the logic. My only negative reaction to it was fearing it would appear in Era, but since that won’t happen, I think it’s a brilliant move.

They say they’ve tried as much as they can, but I’ve yet to see them ask riot to license out their vanguard anti-cheat.

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Well played, Roger Goodell of the forums.

Come here pedaling that horses*** instead of just admitting its about money.

Fortunately for you guys, Cata was mediocre on its best day so you can’t possibly make it (much) worse - but youll try!


You’re not going to convince many people you’re telling the truth here. Blizzard has allowed popular streamers to lie with impunity. They’ve told their communities that you lie, they’ve channeled misinformation and misinterpreted nearly everything about the report systems and cheating in WoW. You know this, and your company still bends the knee to these lowlife streamers.

You will never, ever convince people you’re telling the truth while you sit there and let content creators fuel the false narrative bonfire over and over again. Look at your “Community Council” members:

You think ignoring this stuff is going to convince people, Kaivax? They see your companies’ lack of pushback as an admission of guilt.


This solidified my desire even more to not play Cata Classic. Did not plan to anyway. This makes it easier to say no.


One can read it as the team has done as much as they can. Rather, it’s upper management saying no to further additions like a kernel a/c or more GMs.

Like an under budget IT department that has to beg the CEO for replacing decade old hardware.


You are so full of BS it’s not even funny. You lied to your community… no I’ll go one step further, you BETRAYED your community. The bigger insult is that you’re even suggesting for a MOMENT that we’re not smart enough to realize that you’re not just doing this for revenue.

Literally piss off. Proving once again that Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about their games or their players.


So when’s RDF getting added?


That would atleast redeem them a little bit

Launching the tokens without even a SLIGHT heads up, during a 30 minute patch, was absurd and you should know better by now.

Likewise, the SAME EXACT BOTS have been running in the SAME EXACT PLACES for entire expansions, so NO, we do not believe that you are “regularly fighting the good fight”.

A single person making minimum wage would be able to police a cluster of servers and take these accounts out, instead of letting them ruin the economy freely for months and months–if not YEARS.

You know what? I’d do it for free.


You’re free to provide actual commentary, rebuttals, opinions…etc instead of just calling people you disagree with names.

[quote=“Kaivax, post:1, topic:1598255, full:true, username:Kaivax”]
The best way to start is to simply say that this wasn’t something we arrived at lightly.

But, something you felt the need to stealth drop in between announcements for the next raid tier and a 50% exp increase buff AFTER you had already hotfixed it into the game and people had noticed.

Deceptive beyond belief. You know this wouldn’t be popular, which is why you guys tried to hide it. Which is insane in and
of itself. The stupidity is off the charts.

[quote=“Kaivax, post:1, topic:1598255, full:true, username:Kaivax”]
For the entirety of Classic so far, the WoW Classic team has been very resistant to the idea of adding WoW Token to any form of Classic in the Western regions (NA and EU). When WoW Classic started in 2019, adding something like token felt unimaginable to us, and that continued to be true for us–even late into Burning Crusade Classic–for a few reasons:

Yet you guys were completely okay adding level boosts, which exacerbated the botting and RMT issues by a LARGE magnitude. You then removed player ability to boost pre 60-70 so they had to pay you to boost there and then could continue to pay players gold to boost the rest of the way. Completely undermining your supposed point. You started selling cosmetics and other things which were completely against the spirit of classic TBC. I don’t understand why you think your playerbase is this stupid.

A market that revolves entirely around GDKPs. All you had to do was make them against TOS, which many voiced to do early before they became a problem. Players also received little to no punishment for buying gold from the start. 3 days at most. Many got nothing, and often players that got a suspension still kept their gold. I know players that have bought 3m+ gold since classic launched and never received a ban. When it’s that safe to buy and the market gets flooded, your only option to compete is to do the same thing.

You could have banned bad actors, but you chose instead to keep taking their money. Stop acting like doing it this way wasn’t the most profitable thing for blizzard and why it was ultimately done in this manner. You COULD have done something. You CHOSE not to. Short term profits over long term every time with you guys. This is why your playerbase doesn’t trust or respect you.

You guys do ban waves once every 6 months to a year. The ban wave strategy is a joke and it lets RMTers and Botters make large profits before being banned. If you were banning them often enough to hit their bottom line to the point of no profit, we wouldn’t have RMT. We all know that classic is run on a skeleton crew of new hires that have no ability to do anything. In the 3-4 years of classic, I’ve literally never once had a ticket I sent in get resolved and fix the issue. Ever. I’m not even exaggerating. Dozens of tickets and the response was always for me to go F myself. If I pushed, I got threatened with a ban. I know dozens of other players that got the same response. Stop acting like you put any resources into classic. We know you don’t. The lies are this point are a joke.

Tbh, most companies that sell gold and accounts in video games have more credibility and customer support than blizzard does by leagues. You can actually get issues resolved within hours. This isn’t 2006 anymore where they steal your credit card info. These are legitimate companies that are running a business and I would rather support them than blizzard at this point. Because I know if I have an issue they’ll actually respond and fix it. And bobby doesn’t need a fifth yacht.

Wrath Design and the “Value” of Gold

So, you’re openly admitting that you’re adding in the ability to buy gold for GDKPs to essentially p2w your game. You’re just tired of not getting a cut of the profit.

Here’s the truth all along.

Oh look, Blizzard’s 9,873,249,583,745 promise to communicate better. I’m sure they’ll totally do it this time.

What a joke. The mass exodus from this game the second wrath is over is going to be hilarious and justified. I know I won’t be spending another dollar on another blizzard product ever again after Wrath is over.

GG blizz, well played. You duped all the idiots again.


Not at all true… you will never completely beat “bots” with your automated system, but you can beat them with a dedicated team of employees whose job it is to identify and get rid of them.

If a youtuber can do it and track that same bot all over Azeroth, you a multibillion-dollar company sure as hell can.

Your higher-ups just choose not to spend the money it would take to do that and choose to rely on automated systems that cost them less.

This Token proves just as much that they do not care they just want their piece of the pie. Nothing more, nothing less.

You say that, but you have proved again, over and over that this will never be the case. Stop spouting lies or making promises you know you cannot and will not keep.

No, they don’t. They come back and do the exact same thing if they are banned at all. At this point, I can’t trust anything coming from Blizzard at all.


Oh shut up, just say your q3 profits weren’t what’s expected so yall shoved it in. No need to lie about it.


These numbers are meaningless. If you want credit for banning bots, you have to do the job well enough to make a difference we can feel. The fact that Blizzard’s enforcement team has been so bad at it for so many years is not an excuse, nor is the fact that other companies are bad at it too. Most other online games could only dream of the resources this team has available.


No one is talking to you.