Thoughts on WoW Token in Wrath Classic

Oh yes, I member’ :relieved:

…has a nostalgia flashback to late-Vanilla in fall 2006

I remember I got hacked fairly early on, silly/naive me (at the time) clicked on one of those “spoofed” web pages that looked 100% identical to the official Blizzard account “landing page”

Entered my username and password and hit enter, assuming I was going to my account page - nothing happened. Figured the website was down or something, stepped away to eat lunch and then went back to my dayjob (within 2 blocks of my apartment/walking distance)

Meanwhile, later that same day (after I got back from work) I happened to log into ventrilo first-thing where the guildies were in the “lounge” area for some pre-raid BS’ing/locker room talk - the time was about 5:45-5:50 PM and I had just gotten home

One of my guildies says “yo what are you doing naked next to this mailbox in Org?”… I was confused, didn’t know what he was talking about :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Fired up the game client/Blizzard launcher aaaaaand, I had apparently been logged out by someone else. Enter my username/password, get “incorrect password” error… immediately I put 2 and 2 together, I had been hacked! And, of course, the hacker had “cleaned me out” taking not only all my gold but also vendoring the clothes/gear on my character’s back - explaining the “naked next to a mailbox in Org” :sweat_smile:

Asked the guildies what’s up, was told I’d been online for hours and they were wondering why I wouldn’t talk back to them in guild chat…

Opened up a ticket and within a few hours a GM responded. Verified some information with me (basically me proving I was the true account owner) and informed me he had locked the account, he then provided me with some “temporary” login credentials so I could get back in

Once inside the game, he personally whispered me for some brief follow-up and informed me that they were giving me some generic green “starter gear” to compensate for the gear the hacker had vendored away. Unfortunately, he said my gold would not be returned to me (…thankfully it wasn’t much), citing Blizzard “policy” (or something along those lines)

Fair enough I guess, it was a (very) early lesson for me to be wary of the web pages I visit. Now compare and contrast this prompt customer service - from a real life human being - to all the automated email responses and 2+ week wait times on tickets in 2023, despite the playerbase size being like 1/10th what it was at it’s peak :woozy_face:


no one besides streamers wanted versions that were “authentic replications” streamers and people who hadn’t played vanilla-wotlk for over a decade(or in most cases at all) ignored what veterans of them were saying and stuck their fingers in their ears yelling “NO CHANGES!” and gave us stuff like spell batching, no rdf, and extremely underwhelming end game content for most of classic wow.

Company only wants the extra $$$.
Thats it.

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I think what is most telling is a large amount of players want to buy gold in this game.

The demand is insane.

But that is the standard “WoW community”

This is a redirect if I have ever seen one. This is for profit not for the health of the game.
I said it back in vanilla classic that gdkp needed to be a banned loot system because this would be the end result. I got attacked constantly because I said botting and gold buying was going to become a problem. This change and not announcing it was done intentionally not out of mistake but by convenience. Stop pretending we are all idiots and don’t know what moves like this are. It was a problem that you created and a problem that you profit from. The worse part is that the solution is conveniently one you profit from as well.

All of this coupled with the fact that this doesn’t fix botting. Look at retail as an example the stupid token has been there for years and you can find bots on every server farming all day. This was never about the bots because blizz fully knows the bots don’t care about the token. They will keep farming and selling gold while blizzard gets to go back on their word and ruin another expansion. We were so close to a great wrath expansion and I knew the moment blizzard went back on no changes this was coming. I’ll even bet you this was planned from before vanilla classic launched.

Disgusting business practices after disgusting business practices. It’ll be a miracle if this branch of Microsoft is open in a decade.


How much for an entire army of DK bots for my PvP enjoyment? :ghost:

I didn’t read any of this, but it sure was a long way to say “we really love money”.


Well guess what, who do you think will be buying tokens? GOLD FARMERS Why? Now that you can buy game time with gold, they are not gonna pay sub anymore. They are just gonna vendor a bit more and buy tokens for game time. Lmao this Blizzard is technically strongly support gold sellers now and they say it is a tool for combatting them? Come on guys like… I know all of you white collars sitting in chair counting money have degrees well beyond this intelligence. You guys are just mocking the users with such a cheap lie


That is a good point, but there are pros and cons to everything. Unfortunately, I feel like the cons outweigh the pros in this situation.

You can bet this wasn’t a knee jerk decision. He said himself that it was debated for quite some time. My guess is they always had this ready to go in their back pocket and low and behold, subs are waning between phases so perfect time to boost their profit thru the “hard times”.

Blizzard needs to look at the root cause. People are lazy and greedy. Regulate it. it’s clear people are breaking TOS so enforce it. you own the freaking game and servers you have data points on everything that is happening. You have the power to enforce your TOS. Just do something! You allow GDKP for crying out loud! That caters to the same lazy and greedy people and then you opine how you got to this point. Get real, get off your butts and enforce your own TOS. Make it inhospitable for the farmers. I agree that you will never get rid of them all but you sure as heck can can do better than banning them once every 6 months. At that rate it’s just the cost of doing business to them.

Secondly, put limits in place. Max gold cap or max gold per day for unverified accounts. Want to uncap? you need to prove who you are with ID.

Ban the BUYERS too. Complete BNet deletion. Make people think twice about it.

When there’s no penalty for buyers the sellers will always be there.


I already cancelled my sub when I found out that anti-boosting mechanics prevented me from doing any moderately paced solo dungeon farm. So you manufactured a problem of gold scarcity, and now you’re selling me the solution.

All Kaivax’s post says is if you can’t beat em, join em. I remember when Blizzard’s “core values” actually meant something. I’m done with this game.

Gameplay first: For those who can afford it.
Commitment to quality: Lets the bots and economy run rampant.
Play nice; play fair: For those who can afford it.
Every voice matters: If they’re an executive or shareholder.
Learn and grow: Learn how we can turn players into payers (when we already pay a sub).
Think globally: Chinese mobile games do it, so we should too.
Lead Responsibly: What can we do to put us ahead of other scummy companies?



It was done because Activision’s Q2 isn’t looking good. Which, by the way, ends on June 30th. – Something tells me most subs have already auto-renewed for June. So this was the perfect time to get a lil boost.

EDIT: It’s also, at the time of this post, TWICE as expensive to buy Gold via the Token as it is to buy from those ‘illicit sites’.


Yea, it was 7600 gold on Dadseeker just a bit ago.

Down 4500 from it’s peak. No one is buying them in game, lol!

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What a massive fail Blizz, the token isn’t selling and the gold price has tanked, while from what i hear you can get a lot more gold from other sources. (Never bought gold in my life)

This will do nothing to combat RMT etc and this will do nothing to stop the gdkp runs that are plaguing the servers, add to to that no RDF so no new level 80 has a remote change to do any normal heroic and you have made your own damn mess of things yet again.

Congrats on your incompetence.

I stopped playing retail due to your insane political radical left wing agenda(no male / female anymore, new class/races looks like some weird trans lizard thing) being pushed on the player base, then add in forced crz and the other issues with the game and it’s why i stay well clear of that dumpster fire.


You really need to go touch grass if you are in emotional pain over this.

Trump lost, get over it.

I’m not an American… The world doesn’t revolve around you so don’t assume anything. So how is anheuser busch doing again?


I do kind of get We’re they’re going with us but some of the phrasing is a little bit weird Yeah I think you should post when you ban bots I think that would definitely help.

Another thing that would definitely help would be you know RDF I think if you guys had put that in it would have helped with the sting of this a little bit.

And maybe having a little Bit of a discussion with us before you put this in is probably the only thing I’m upset about. Do I think this is going to ruin the game absolutely not.

Gdkps are pay to win Plain and simple we decided this was OK This is partly our fault because No market no need for rmt gdkps Are the soul market.

Maybe It’s time to maybe ask if The loot System is good for the Playerbase of 2023 ?

Maybe it would be better if we had something more deterministic Because if. That’s the sole? Reason. Why? People. Are buying gold? Then maybe attacking the market would be the best idea instead of trying to ban bots all the time.

But then again I don’t know of classic players would be ok with that speaking from some of that plays Dragonflight and wrath.

Do I think that gear acquisition is superior in Dragonflight absolutely but I also don’t think it would fit necessarily well in wrath.

So that would be my take More communication before you make changes like this Also maybe some communication of why a certain feature that so many people are asking for hasn’t come in aka RDF Anyway that’s my take.

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Poor snowflakes, triggered by a can.