Thoughts on why DM got moved up?

One reason only. A lot of players unsubbed from BfA out of boredom… 8.25 was a dud. BfA players who subbed back for the name reservation on Aug 12 and to play Classic as a past time… their second month of sub is running out in a couple days. 8.3 is tested and getting ready for PTR.

Dire Maul is moved up to get those people to resub another month until Blizzcon and 8.3 release.

Absolutely no other reason to break from the released phase plan. Expect to see more of this.


It’s clear the classic community will not be satisfied with anything blizzard does.


How dare you be sensible!

it didn’t, blizz has never released anything early, the rest of phase 2 was delayed


thats not it, its to keep classic players from getting bored. no bgs, only 2 raids with weekly lock outs

DM gives people stuff to do and they can chain run it. has zero to do with “retail”


Since it never had a schedule nothing got moved up.


It’s fine. Nothing to go all Chicken Little over.

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I don’t buy that it’s sooner than expected. I thought it was dumb not to include this pivotal dungeon at launch. They probably separated it from Phase 2 because it buys them time to clear up the layering issue which only affects world content not dungeon.

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What classic players? Most aren’t even high enough to run it. Pffft. Even you posted on a level 18.

I can run it… but I really don’t care to yet. I have played a LOT and there is till plenty of things to do without having Dire Maul added 2 months earlier than Vanilla did

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Dire Maul was scheduled to release in phase two. Phase two is not being released… so Dire Maul was moved up.

In Vanilla, Dire Maul was released 15 weeks after launch… next week Dire Maul release will be only 7 weeks. :frowning:

Money grab.

Because Warlocks and Paladins refuse to use a normie horse

i can testify on that


So what you’re really saying is that DM was released on schedule but the rest of phase 2 was delayed.

Regardless people are way blowing this out of proportion, blizzard never had a fixed schedule for phases and always said that release dates would be dynamic.

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VC is actually a boss in DM.

What Blizz is really doing is bringing up DM:E/DM:W/DM:N earlier.


I know but i thought if you say your looking for vc group it means deadmines

English isn’t hard. Dire Maul was released week 15 in Vanilla… and being released week 7 in Classic. Moved up 8 weeks, two months, 60 days…

post on your Classic account… BfA tirekickers are of no consequence in Classic.

Nope, it means that boss.

So you only want group for 1 boss, what about the rest of the bosses before it

Probably got moved up so we can all laugh at the warlocks that already blew a ton of gold on getting epic riding the normal way.

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Ion said many people were 60 and looking for something fresh and new to do.

Makes sense.

I hit 60 and once you get most of your bis and hit a raid, there isn’t too much to do.


I regret buying epic gnome mount 3 weeks ago now… I thought Dire Maul was going to take months to release, oh well