Thoughts on why DM got moved up?

Why are the pushing out content sooner than expected?

Would love to know what percentage of the player base is 55+…


Who cares. Enjoy it. Or dont


Blizzard obviously felt there wasn’t enough angst, drama and misinformation on the Classic General Discussion forum so they decided to release Dire Maul earlier than anyone speculated, despite there never being a set release schedule. Or you could just watch the video and Ion talks about it.


why is adding DM a bad thing?

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How did the Deadmines get moved up? It’s always been available.

Silly willy.


One of the Devs is playing a Paladin, finally hit 60, and realized his epic mount wasn’t available.


Honestly I don’t think it’s a big issue. It’s definitely being blown way out of proportion. Is blizz releasing it ahead of phase 2 to give players more content? Maybe. We don’t know the reason and we won’t unless there is an official word on why. Speculating about it is a waste of time and only invites the drama seekers to do their thing.


Vc is deadmines


Because the game needs the free marketing from Twitch and Mixer. They need to give the streamers a reason to play.

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Dems fightin’ words, buddy.

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The loot that drops in dire maul was designed to get people into MC and through it…

it was originally released before anyone had cleared MC, and between drops and enchants it was the boost that was needed back then to get the job done…

So, it really should have been a day 1 release to begin with if you are really wanting the “Authentic” vanilla experience, as we all had that gear when we cleared the first time.


Majority of the playerbase’s mains are 50ish.

Blizz is releasing based off population means.

they are doing it because the people that are 60 need more to do. you cant just raid all day, and we dont have bgs yet either

arguably these people rushed and are way ahead of casual players, but blizzard does not want to lose them

There were no “catch up mechanics” back then. Dire Maul wasn’t finished for release so Blizzard added it when they could finish it. The gear itemization is just an example as to how the game and the development team was evolving and analyzing the game they created. The purpose of Dire Maul was not to help people clear Molten Core, but it was a side effect.


Breaking news:

It’s because I just hit 60 and needed my mage water.

Yes, I’m a shareholder.


I have 3 main ideas
Pally/lock mounts
DM was meant to help MC

…another resub cycle coming soon after dm release

Because expectations were vastly overestimating how long DM would take. It was going to come out in Oct/early Nov.

There’s no reason for it to take longer, especially if the honor system isn’t packaged with it.

None of you guys are important. It’s all about the dreadstead.

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buy it from the argent dawn like the rest of us.

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I suspect it’s more a case of their foreseeing the rest of phase 2 being delayed for layering reasons.

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