Thoughts on Warlock Talent Trees

in all honesty, im against imp idea’s in general.
Like, master of demons should be able to pull something else besides : " worthless imps " -thalkiel.
a full replacement of imps would be a hard ask but stiring away from adding more imp stuff is possible.
Maybe a " summon inquisitor " who has a legion of eyes or " summon antoran dread hound " which spawns mini dogos.


I still hope they’ll even do Lock pet similar to Hunter and let us capture them


Made a quick little paint picture to show what I’m thinking about for affliction.

Google Photos

The reason we want soul rot is because its a dot, gives a haste buff, and allows us to mass drain with Inevitable Demise. The value of the mass drain is even increased when you add in any of the numerous drain life talents on the class side.

I understand why you think Venthyr is more thematic with warlock but Soul Rot definitely works best with Aff thematically and mechanically.
Visually they could change the color of the spell to a green or something though.


Venthyr ability is definitely better, assuming the unity effect would come along with it, but I wouldn’t expect to see soul rot leave just because it has such great synergy with inevitable demise.

They could just give the Venthyr one the aoe Drain Life. Could take over Creeping Death, as that’s an anti synergy talent.

Also, Soul Rot Staying or leaving isn’t my top priority. It was just the only thing I didn’t really like outside of some talent placements and changes to what a couple of them do. Doesn’t really matter to me if they keep it or leave it.

I think concept of using imps is fine. But what’s not fine if imps are all that we summon 90% of the time.

From the looks of it though the talent tree for demonology can let me summon imps first then start ripping out the big demons.

We got the ability to summon a pit lord for crying out loud!


They absolutely could give impending catastrophe the mass drain life bonus but I don’t see them doing it along with the curse application.

Also I’d still miss the haste buff tbh

And I know soul rot isn’t your priority it’s just the part I disagree with.
I do agree that they should make siphon life apply to corruption.


idk what i grumble about is the other specs summoning infernal abysalls every 2 seconds or a big eyed pew pew’er but we get the imps, dogs, and two gym bro’s? idk bro i want a upgrade.


Fair enough, does suck we can’t summon infernals, let alone doom guards


If soulburn is coming back we should get soul harvest.

It is. But the talent with it essentially gives a chance for your next shadow burn or conflagration to be a mini chaos bolt.

Pretty cool stuff

Summary: PVP gameplay. Main AFF spec.

Spells that need rework + possible idea:

  • Drain Soul - turn into soul shard generator
  • Siphon Life - Make this a passive or a buff that heals warlock
  • creeping death – i don’t find it worth it to take. Also don’t like its current position in tree.
  • Grimoire of Sacrifice - I never liked this spell. Boring to use, wish it was something else entirely.
  • Malefic Rupture – Boring to use, boring visuals.

What I like:

  • SoulSwap
  • Harvester of souls
  • Soul link and Soul leach’s current design DF.
  • Soul rot - I Love the soul rot and soul drain builds
  • Love having haunt back with heals and dmg amp.
  • love having Deathbolt on the tree instead of pvp talnets.
  • I love having passive talents that empower our spells like agony and corruption.

Spell Visual Reworks are needed!
*Drain soul,

  • Malefic Rupture – Hugely in need of an animation visual rework. this is our core ability yet it feels god awful to use and view visually.
    *life drain
  • our dots
  • Pretty much the package - would be nice to get more visual flare.
  • Soul rot needs to be updated for warlock visual flare. Purple Blue mix would be cool.

Class tree:

Feels pretty smooth going down but Besides Soul rot, Soulburn, and Dimensional rift… Most things don’t really intrigue me. Why do we have a burning rush though? Why can’t this be reworked already lol.

Would like a talent to make shadow flame instant like WOTLK.

other Specs: haven’t played them Cuze SL locks you down with all the grind for specific gear.

Destro: Pretty much feels the same as live to me. One cool stuff that I would like to see return is that talent that makes the warlock randomly immune to magic/spells.

Demo: I like that a lot of spells focus on empowering your pets.
Doom feels like it really needs a rework by now lol.
too many points for tyrant…

Can’t give too many details since I don’t have alpha to try out warlock. This is just from my impression on spec.

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Made a first run mock up of what changes I think should be made to the Warlock class tree. Any opinions? Everything made clear?

Edit : Post Change if modification isn’t clear.

Gameplay focus: Raiding and some M+
Preferred spec: Demonology

DEMO TREE: Understanding that some choices won’t be optimal I still think Stolen Power and The Expendables should change places. Feels like it fits the side of the tree better that way. Demonic Consumption needs to be nerfed or it’ll be the default choice, again, if not at the beginning of the expac than by the time we get a little more health it will.

CLASS TREE: Move Summon Jailer to Affs Wilfred node so it’s a choice like other specs and move Grimoire of Synergy to it’s spot as a single point talent. I say this because warlocks seem to be getting a lot of button bloat and one more DPS ability to press is gonna be hard to juggle. In GrimSyn’s place add a node that buffs your gateway and circle some combo of the Legion leggo and the SL conduit for 2 points. Pact of Annihilan for Demo is a harder one as we have no true DoT but I’d say make it your Call Dreadstalkers increases the damage of Implosion by X% for 6 sec as it would fit with the other choices affecting AoE abilities. Lastly remove the shard generation from Dimensional Rift, I assume this will be the case but pointing it out anyway. If needed buff it a bit to make it a button worth pushing.

Overall, good start to the trees hopefully some of our concerns are addressed. The fact that there’s a lot of feedback and it isn’t even beta yet is promising.

PVE Aff & Destro Focus

Overall i’m pretty positive about the tree but certainly has need for some cleanup.

Class tree

  • Inevitable demise/Demonic circle is a weird layout going healing buff into a movement utility then back to a healing buff talent is just weird.
  • Getting easier access to soul conduit is cool
  • All the defensive options feel really great
  • Teachings of the Black harvest is underwhelming
  • Summon Jailer seems interesting but of course being NYI who knows if it will actually be any good
  • I like the pact options in the bottom of the tree except for imp mother being gated behind Teachings (see above)
  • Whilst i like the idea of soul burn being back the way our shards work these days it is a dmg loss to press and it seems to be styled as a utility/defensive choice but costing our main dmg resource feels bad. Would rather it be a straight cd. Currently I am only taking it to get to Pact of the Eredar.
  • Decimating bolt will be nice for destro
  • Dimensional rift could be interesting but the soul shard gen needs to be fixed for aff and demo.

Aff tree - I have really mixed feelings about this tree. Many of the individual nodes are cool and i am happy to see there however it doesn’t feel as synergistic as I would like. Maybe that will change once i play with it in game.

Let’s address Malefic Rapture - My main problem with MR isn’t the ability itself but it’s the confusion that it causes within the spec. We have a heap of shard spenders now MR, Seed, Vile Taint, Soul Swap, Death Bolt, Soulburn. And they all have areas of overlap. MR, Seed and vile taint in aoe for example or MR, Deathbolt and potentially soul swap in single target/add cleave.

There are a lot of ways to spend shards, and a real need to apply wisdom about which spender to use in which situation because outside of shard sniping with drain soul in m+ our shard gen is entirely passive (maybe soul tap is meant to fix this but does it do enough?) So our resource is gated but we have a bunch of buttons we want to press to spend those limited shards.

It doesn’t feel like there is an actual focus to the design of how aff is meant to play in a general sense and that is a problem as the overlap between spenders will mean our playstyle will change at the mercy of individual abilities being tuned.

I personally would like to see the soul shard cost removed from soul swap, vile taint (which already has a cd as well as the shard cost) and Seed (with a cd applied in the cast of seed) if MR is to be a universal spender otherwise If seed keeps its shard cost and seed spam is the main aoe cast then i would like to see MR limited to a single target ability so there is a clear delineation in abilities and clearer design for how the spec should play generally.

  • Why is darkglare so deep in a corner of the tree? if it’s still meant to be our major cd (as per the removal of dark soul) then why are we being shoehorned into having to take it so deep in the far corner of the tree? The evoker devestation major cd positioning makes much more sense.
  • Grimoire of Sac i have zero intention of taking this in its current form.
  • Siphon life needs to be applied with soul swap if talented
  • Soul flame is cool to have back
  • Soul swap i’m happy to see back (just remove the soul shard cost pleas)
  • The vile taint rework i am a big fan of (remove the shard cost though)
  • Deathbolt - i am not a fan of it being back, again its competing with MR on single target dmg so it has to do as much if not more dmg then 3 MR casts to be remotely worth casting. Some one mentioned changing swapping out deathbolt for Rapid contagion. I would be down for this. Ever since Rapid contagion was introduced i’ve been hoping it would be brought across to PvE
  • Malefic wrath - Just no, i refuse to play with this. It just makes the momentary gameplay clunky.
  • Creeping death is currently not going to get taken, it’s anti synergistic with the core rapture, deathbolt gameplay. It will only have a place if a true rot build is made possible with something like rapid contagion.
  • Soul Rot & DSS i’m happy to see back
  • Wilfreds feels really weird on aff and seems more like a really situational choice then a capstone
  • I like the haunt splash dmg options

The button bloat is going to be very real for Aff with both the class and spec trees in their current format.

Destro - overall way more to like about this tree

Mayhem, i know people have their complaints but I get thats its meant to be a passive easy mode for destro and i don’t mind it. I’ll take havoc but that’s because i am more comfortable with the spec. Mayhems existence doesn’t hurt me.

  • Grimoire of Sacrafice as with every other tree is never getting picked by me in its current format
  • I am not 100% on board with how the tree has grouped its abilities, such as 3 aoe talents early on with Rain of fire, Pyrogenics and inferno/ cataclysm. But then you go back into single target for the most part with Flashpoint onwards until you get to blasphemy which is the next aoe synergistic talent. But you also have Channel demonfire on the far left side of the tree even though it’s more of an aoe/cleave ability. I’d like to see flashpoint and channel demonfire swapped. To make a bit more sense, you’d probably have to swap raging demonfire with GoS but i would like to see GoS on an off shoot branch going no where instead of being an essential path.
  • Lastly i’m not sure if its a complaint or a good thing but i want everything in the bottom 20+ points area of the tree, it’s nice to have compelling choices in the capstone in comparison to Aff.

While I may not offer the greatest insight to the placement of the nodes for better choices or a better feel for specs, I do have one single, strong, obvious gripe for Demonology.

Remove DeCon.

Replace it with Thalkiels Consumption, make it only wilfreds, Replace it with Tyrant Soul, Swap Tyrant to Doom Node and get rid of Doom. I am unsure what to replace it, with if anything, but I do know that the bottom line is: Remove DeCon.

Make Kazzak’s final curse a choice between itself and hand of doom, apply doom to all targets hit by hand of gul’dan.

Demo looks solid with hope to an actual full legion demon army build, but I’m still worried about nether portal & I finally get a pit lord after all these dam years & I get him for 10 seconds?

bring back meta for demo!!!

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