It seems like the trees are mostly divided into two paths, like destruction having all those talents for the infernal on the left side vs chaos bolt talents on the right. Assuming they are balanced I think this is good, and allows us to play specs differently, I for one hated Destro revolving around the infernal cd. I think the trees are a good start, but some things I am not a huge fan of.
Malefic Rupture and Afflic: MR being forced on afflic locks is disappointing. Imo it should be moved to the mid/bottom of the tree and made optional/balanced with other mid/bottom tree options. This spell alone is why I don’t play afflic anymore lol. Other than Malefic Rupture the afflic tree looks awesome imo.
Demonology: I think there is a missed opportunity here. The left side of the tree seems to focus more on summoning a lot of demons, and the right side is focused on beefing up the felguard. I think that is so awesome, but even if you go full felguard you still have to summon the dogs, I kinda wish the right side of the tree was just full focus on having a single powerful pet. The left side is all about buffing all the smaller demons you summon, but the coolest sounding talent in the tree (Gul’dan’s Ambition) is locked under the lamest talent in the tree (Nether Portal), hopefully it feels better and worth it to use bc of Pit Lord. Also Doom in it’s current state is bad and unfun. Decon is clunky and also unfun. The missed opportunity here is that there are some old talents that were very very popular and cool that could easily be re-added at the end of the demo tree but are absent. Metamorphosis, Dark Apotheosis, Permanent Infernal/Doomguard pet, these spells are just pure fun and a lot of us miss them dearly. With this style of left and right paths in these talent trees, it would be so easy to add old play styles people really enjoyed while letting people who like the new demo keep playing it the way it is now.
Destruction: Like I mentioned before, I like that I no longer have to play around the infernal CD. I am a fan of the classic destro gameplay where you just sling fat shadowbolts and all the talents beefing up chaos bolt look like it will help me fulfil those fat giant crit desires I have.
Base Warlock Talents: For every class’s base talent tree, there are abilities in the tree that should just be baseline, and warlock is no exception. Banish should not be a talent, it should be baseline like it always has been since vanilla. Same goes for Demonic Circle and Gateway. Not to be rude, but I think taking away baseline abilities like that and throwing it on the talent tree is kind of lazy design.
Grimoire of Sacrifice: This talent is probably going to be garbage like in it’s current state in SL, it needs to just become a %+ damage increase like it used to be imo, or combine it’s current effect with a %+ damage increase. Needs a buff assuming it is same as SL’s.
tl;dr: Dump Malefic Rupture plz