Thoughts on Warlock Talent Trees

Please express yourself in the threadd below.

  • Endgame gameplay focus
  • Preferred Spec(s)
  • feedback on the trees

Let’s give the devs something constructive to read while taking a dump.

  • PvP primarily, mostly RBGs but champing at the bit for rated solo shuffle. Will raid of the rewards are right or the raid is actually fun.
  • Affliction fanboy since Wrath, but I will absolutely play whatever spec is strongest because I am bad
  • Warlock trees seem very good to me. Destruction has a Chaos Bolt build that looks incredible and Aff has a rot build and a death bolt build that look extremely promising. The class tree is exceptional as well. Surprised to see burning rush considered so important to warlocks, but again I mostly pvp so its a dead talent to me.

Very excited for DF Warlock.

Demos tree is messy, I know it’s not much to go on, but the way abilities are placed, on opposite sides of the tree with something they normally synergize with, or how certain abilities are impossible to use together.

Plus a lot of our abilities are basically the same passive with a different name.

Since I can’t test on beta because reasons I guess, I can’t be that much more specific, but it just looks messy as hell.


What do you mean “messy”? Am I not seeing anything bad about the Demo Tree?

Other than Doom?

EDIT: I just look at Dreadstalker nodes and I kinda see what you mean. Still a solid tree though.


  • Vile Taint applying AoE Agony is amazing. The best thing so far.
  • Haunt finally has a great use. Should feel greate to use it now.
  • The idea of having another single target spender is good, but Deathbolt? I mean, how to balance it correctly? The only way is to remove its cooldown, and make it deal VERY high damage for 3 shards - should hit as hard as 3 MRs.
  • Soul Swap on a 30s cooldown is too much.
  • Drain Soul should be baseline for Aff. There is no need to keep Shadow Bolt.


  • Soulburn looks good.
  • Soul Link for everyone is too good.
  • I really would like to see a talent to make Health Funnel instant cast (there was a glyph doing this a long time ago). I really hate using Health Funnel, especially when leveling.
  • Too many talents focused on Drain Life. Should maybe put them as PvP talents, freeing up space in the general tree for more nice things.
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It’s not just the dreadstalker things, we also have Decon and wilfreds sharing a node, implosion being our main AoE is on the left side, with nothing really buffing or synergizing with it, and everything else you would take for aoe is all the way up the right side of the tree, like HoG talents and the felguard ones.

I like the abilities on our tree, I really do, they just need some reorganizing IMO.


That’s fair I suppose. I kinda get why people are stingy on DeCon vs Wilfred’s but you’re talking to a player who’s using mostly Grim Inq after S2. I also thought that Implosion itself is a pretty strong ability considering any cleave target inflate the charges of Imp’s Firebolts.

I think Spell Lock should be a choice node between Warlocks learning it or teaching the Felhunter and Demonic Circle being more accessible than locked behind Accrue Vitality. As for Demo Tree, considering I’ve not been using Wilfred’s or Implosive Potential, this is a huge W for my Demon Summoning Witch.

I mean for goodness sake, she’ll summon more variety of demons while keeping soul conduit AND summon a PIT LORD. I think it’s worth making up the loss of stat inflation that is Dreamweaver and DSS.

Another thing.

Doom needs removed, tyrant should take its place in the center, TKC can take tyrants spot, Decon can be removed with wilfreds being that final point.

That would probably fix that middle column to the bottom.

Move soulbound tyrant to kazzaks curse nodes, and replace the open slot with something else.


Man, you don’t like DeCon. :sweat_smile:

As for Doom, I agree. It’s weird that their nodes are just… there.


Decon is way to hard to balance, that’s why I think it should be removed, and instead have Thal Kiel consumption (the original Decon) fill that health siphon role.


Ooh, I just realized something. Tyrant Soul is going away.

… That’s… something to consider.

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That’s also kinda bad

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In that case, maybe DeCon is worth keeping? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I mean I do kind of agree it makes Tyrant a very powerful cooldown. A bit build defining that scales with Mastery.

But maybe by making DeCon a choice node between it and Wilfred’s as well as losing Tyrant Soul inherently reduce the value of Wilfred’s compensate for us keeping it?

Who knows? But losing Tyrant Soul is gonna hurt. But at least we get to use NP along with it with various demons.

Hold on, fighting seething bageljuice

Yeah Idk though cause one of the biggest draws to Decon was its 1min profile made by a 33% CD reduction by wilfreds.

But that was also in part because NP was undertuned.

If NP is now strong as it looks, Decon may just be really behind

Well adding a PIT LORD when expired is one way to make NP a very powerful cooldown.

It lasts for 10 seconds… that can’t be extended by Tyrant… but a PIT LORD nonetheless.

And come to think of it, maybe we do have talents and stats to compensate for the loss of Tyrant Soul.

The other thing that also makes NP much stronger is iirc I saw a talent letting it get 10 second longer.

Like, I think it’s 25 second long NP.

Yes, that is a very long time.

But do remember that Summon Gargoyle lasts for 30 seconds that has damage increase for each unit of RP spent and still barely see play.

Even with a CD that lasts that long may not see play depending on how undertuned it is. Having a PIT LORD that pretty much massacres everything afterwards may be sealing the deal.

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I just think some of us are just tired of decon just remove it and replace it with sowmthing else already.

It remained the defacto talent choice too long.


im just lookin forward to turning my felguard into Vinny from Snatch and havin him beat the crap outta things