I tried Stand Against Evil against the second boss of Necrotic Wake. Felt bad to spend 2 points on it, as expected. What was even worse though was that the range for it to chain to additional targets was so small that it only hit one. I think a better design would be that it changes Turn Evil to a frontal cone like Searing Glare or Light of Dawn.
Stoicism is only useful in PvP, but I think that’s okay because it doesn’t block any PvE pathing. It is, however, blocked itself by Lead the Charge. This makes it inaccessible in all but the most extreme situations (against a Sub Rogue) because you have to shift two points to get it. Same as with Turn Evil’s follow-ups, situational talents should only cost one point, but Stoicism effectively costs two.
Divine Spurs is a big issue. Steed of Liberty doesn’t work without it, but it’s too penalizing, not beneficial enough, and shouldn’t require an additional talent point. Buff it and roll it into Steed of Liberty, and then move Lead the Charge to its old spot.
A Just Reward is terrible, as expected.
Holy Reprieve: this really exists for when two paladins are present, but then I have to hope the other paladin takes it as well or else there wasn’t enough justification in my taking it. My talent build being tied to someone else’s feels bad; it’s a paladin tax that my fellow paladins in Solo Shuffle don’t seem willing to pay. It might go down a little smoother if it reduced both Forbearance applied by me and Forbearance applied to me (no double dipping).
Divine Reach is inaccessible in PvP builds because neither Holy Reprieve nor Obduracy are taken in PvP. Not saying we would take Divine Reach, but the option isn’t even there. (edit: I thought Divine Reach and Aura of Reckoning might have decent synergy in Blitz, but the latter’s tooltip reads “40 yd range.” Dunno what’s up with this because it should just apply to everyone in your aura.)
Imp BoP is only useful for Holy PvP.
Faith’s Armor is only useful for Prot.
Worthy Sacrifice is terrible, as expected.
I like Righteous Protection.
Holy Ritual is terrible, as expected.
Seal of the Crusader is amazing for Ret, totally unexpected.
Eye for an Eye should trigger from magic damage at the baseline. I don’t understand why this was separated out into a PvP talent. Yes, we could use a couple new PvP talents, but no, this was not the way to do it.
Selfless Healer is disappointing for Ret. I thought the numbers were generous if anything, but it doesn’t feel worth the investment. Maybe it would be in PvP if Ret had a smaller negative PvP modifier on FoL.
Golden Path should heal for more, but a maximum of three targets.
I love Light’s Revocation.
So, anyone else have thoughts on the revamp, now that we’ve had some time to play it?