TBF, nothing was gong to fix azerite at launch aside from deleting it, and they didn’t have enough time to delete and fill the void.
To be fair they kinda cheat with sharding nowadays and more with the multiple zones at the start.
It could be worrying for Shadowlands that everyone will go the same way.
Nah, I don’t think SL will have issues even with people filed into the same zones, sharding really fixes that honestly.
Exactly. That’s apart of why people are worried. Granted, opening up these abilities to all is far easier, it’s still worrying how silent they’ve been on these issues.
What issues in particular? Because if you’re talking covenant switching and conduits, they’re silent because they’re not changing it.
And it’s an issue because they’re refusing to do so.
That’s about what I think too. It’ll probably be about as ready for prime time as the last three or four.
Although they’d be hard pressed to have as bad a dumpster fire of a launch as WoD. I think that was the one that died and went to DoS-Hades on its first night.
I will be really curious if we can get some numbers with shadowland launch to see if their decisions paid off.
Some people think that just because they had a bad experience the entirely of the expansion was a “bad launch.”
Half these people never even played the games when they launched or have any clue what they’re talking about.
I had no issues with BfA. Can’t remember a single problem.
Legion either. And both of those expansions are some of the “fastest” to come out. MoP to WoD took AGES and WoD was…SO BAD at launch. Between the log in queues, the disconnects, all the lag and glitchiness of the garrisons. God i’ve never had a worse memory of an expansion launch.
They’re sticking to their guns, they want it to go a certain way, I respect them for that.
It’ll probably be the wrong choice in the end, but I don’t really care either way honestly, I’m not switching my choices regardless
Should have tried TBC launch on a pvp server, now that was insanity in a bottle.
No its not.
They’ve already said they aren’t changing it.
What more do you want them to say? LOL
Numbers don’t mean much.
WoD had 10 million subs at launch, BfA broke day one sales records.
Because of pre-sales*
Pre-sales have been part of day one sales numbers for a long time
I was there for Legion and BFA’s launch. Legion was fine.
BFA was a bit of a mess. I was lucky and I managed to get past Magni, albeit with a ton of difficulty. It was kind of a mess there.
It feels rushed. Covenants are an issue. Dunno how it will be at launch.
Yes but they never had that much bonus to them.
Now you litteraly get content from buying an expansion pre-launch.
I don’t see a problem with the release date. I can’t wait.
This is just pure observation, but I’m really worried. From what I have been reading so far too and watching people who are in the beta, it seems that the systems still need some work. I just don’t understand why rush it. They could’ve released it in Dec and that would’ve been fine. I don’t want this to turn to another Reforged. BLIZZARD-POLISH THE DAMN GAME.