I know everyone is excited for shadowlands to finally come out but do you guys feel that they rushed the release date? I know a lot of people that’s been playing beta and i watch a lot of some big streamers that have done extensive testing and they say there are still things that straight up are unfinished or dont work at all and bugged out.
Do you think 2 months till release is enough time to fix things? because there are still some glaring issues or do you think we will have to just deal with another unfinished product.
LOL I know what you mean. I would assume most people on this forum have never even seen a line of code, let alone be involved with a project of this size.
Legion was somewhat rushed but was pretty well received because of lot of the systems were fresh ideas after an abysmal expansion in WoD. Great raiding and scaling PvP gear was good but everything else was kinda meh. BFA was a giant mess that was totally rushed and all the issues they had to fix over the first two patches(Azerite traits not being impactful so they added an extra ring, azerite traits being locked until a certain AP level on the neck was reached on higher ilvl gear, loss of Legion Artifact abilities leaving classes to feel hollow so essences were added to the neck) were all issues brought up by people throughout the Beta but left until months after release.
Getting WoW expansions on Day 1 is paying for early access to an unfinished game with unfinished systems. I think a lot of us would be cool with not all content being in the game and them working, adding more as the expansion progresses in terms of content. The biggest complaint is broken systems, classes and how they interact with each other which takes months to fix if they get fixed at all. Just ask most Shadow Priest mains and Enhancement Shaman how fun the first few months of BFA was for them.
October 27th might be a little shorter than expected, but they’ve have plenty of time to make this expansion decent… 8.3 was a short patch as is, I got AOTC months ago, m+, alts and just love of the game has what’s kept me subbed.
BfA’s launch was actually one of the smoothest launches of any WoW expansion.
“ReD fLaGs” to you are not the same as a developer developing a game.
Just because you didn’t like Azerite armor, doesn’t mean it wasn’t ready and willing to be played.
BfA had some bugs like every other expansion. But that’s why we pay $15 a month, so that they can actually fix those things.
It’s gonna be broken no matter with their current philosphies and what we can see. Might as well get it out sooner so they can fix it / get the next expansion sooner rolling.
Wasn’t it also the first time they did a world wide release?
Was bound to have some issues. But doesn’t mean it wasn’t one of the smoothest.
Nothing at all compared to WoD and the entire Garrison issues that lasted the first full week.
Or the stupid helicopter alliance side for the start of MoP. Was stuck on that damn thing for ages.
Or just the over all lag fest that was Cata and i’ll never forget 23049203948209384 people trying to pick up one sea shell on the floor of Vashjir.
That’s not what anyone is talking about. That being said, BFA actually did have some problems. One big one being the Chamber of the Heart practically becoming a prison preventing people from playing.
Beta For Azeroth also became a meme due to how many bugs were still present at launch.
Azerite Armor was an admitted failure. You can release a two minute questing experience and call that finished. That doesn’t matter if it’s not good or fun to play through. People want the expansion to be fun and finished.
We pay them to fix those bugs in the testing periods. Not the real game.