Thoughts on release date?

BfA’s bonuses were kind of lackluster.

Legions were better, a whole class early.

SL’s has basically nothing, you can change your dk to an allied race sooner

Ion actually promised if the abilities weren’t balanced they’d open up the abilities to all. So what you are saying here is just blatantly false. The problem people have is that they’re not listening to what people have been saying from the very moment this system was announced and they have yet to actually just listen and follow through on their promise.

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BfA and Legion had clean launches. Knock wood, I think they might have that squared away. Shadowlands ought to have a smooth launch if that trend holds.

Just because you think it’s an issue doesn’t mean it is.

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I mean Legion did make them more money than BFA if you want to compare that way.

But getting Legion Allied races was big for a lot of people.

Getting access to shadowland could let me level up my dk of an allied race sooner.

I’m pretty sure it’s marketing 101 that adding bonus makes people buy them more. You don’t have to think much about it.

Look at that pull the rip cord thread. It has 3k + replies. So it’s quite an issue.

No matter how the game is released or no matter when they release it, people will complain. They complain as soon as Blizzard does something. they added a CoD gave to the bnet launcher and people complained.

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But he said we’re going to try it this way first, games not even out yet and not enough people have them in their hands to make a full assessment, I think we’re going to have them like this for at least one patch.

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Your problem is that you think what you hear and say is what everyone thinks.
There are tons of people who think covenants are awesome and love the idea.
You choose to play ignorant to that for your own narrative.

Can’t help you with that.
But you can choose to be ignorant all you want. Doesn’t mean that Shadowlands is rushed or whatever you’re implying.

This pattern always ends in disaster.

my thoughts are mythic runs will be getting cheaper

2.5k of those are 10 people.


I laugh at it. They may make a change but it’s NOT going to be before launch.

Idk, I remember when they announced the release date for BfA, everyone was saying the same stuff. “The current state of Beta is a mess, there’s no way they can be ready in time!!111one1eleven” and then the game launched and it was fine (as far as bugs and stuff). It was actually a pretty smooth launch.

People still play, they still make money, you don’t kneejerk away from your vision just because some people might not like it.

It’s what a large portion of the people who I have talked to in testing have said as well. You don’t even need to have these abilities in your hands to understand what impact they have.

Thanks captain obvious.

Couldn’t I just say the exact same thing to you?

I talk to people who actively test Beta on a daily basis and they’re worried. Not only because of Covenants but because of how unfinished large areas of the expansion are.

I’m not saying they can’t pull it off. Which seems to be something you completely missed, but people have a right to be worried.

Most of the people in beta are super high end raiders it seems (i see more n’zoth mounts than i can shake a stick at), so yea, 1%er beta testers are going to be overly negative about something that directly affects the 1%

I have two friends in the beta that are having a blast and love it.
See how we have different experiences?

I don’t just watch bald dudes play games on the internet and circle jerk them.

What I really care about though from your statement is “How unfinished large areas of the expansion are.”
Which areas are these?
Everything i’ve seen looks pretty good. And we still have two months of testing. So which are these problem areas?

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You people are so defensive it’s not even funny.
Trying to say that 10 people multiboxed 2000 accounts xd
Trying to reduce it to a 1% issue.
It’s like reality has no impact on you.

People have liked BFA and can like Shadowlands, but that doesn’t mean it can’t have serious issues and that those issues right now will be a lot divisive. Divising your community on stuff like this for a video game like wow I don’t feel is a way to make the game grow. But we will see, it’s a bet alright. And I will be very curious to see how it goes.


Well, the maw is screwed, it’s lost purpose since there’s no keys anymore to enter torghast and you still can’t mount.

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