Thoughts on Horde getting "High Elf" eyes?

Haha while I was waiting for you to reply, I thought about the ‘mastering the void’ possibility too! It fits well, kind of like how Worgens have their alternate form.

This whole thing is a crap shoot either way though. I get it from a Horde POV-This is my main since BC so I love the individuality of it having been the first “pretty” race for Horde.
BUUUUUT if it’s logical for Alliance to have the skin tones/model I can’t really pitch a big stink y’know?

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I think personal customization and pleasure of how my personal avatar preferences look, trumps lore ect ect
IMO at this point let ppl customize their characters how they wish
the flood gates have been opened

I’m happy about it, it proves that High elves have returned and joined the Blood elves.

And I’m relieved that I don’t have to play a corrupted void elf, and can maintain the theme as a light worshiping high elf.


i might be one of the few who thinks it’s kinda lame

i don’t care for wow lore never did never will, i rolled horde in wotlk to play a blood elf since blizz made them horde only and now seeing them on the alliance but called something “different” and a few cosmetic differences is pretty lame but i’ll get over it

And so are High Elf fans.

Guess you lost in the end :kissing_heart:

I mean, we get to be the actual High elves, the Alliance gets to be light-skinned void elves.


My thoughts? Cool. I think my problem is with people who view this as a problem because it seriously isn’t a huge deal.

they were half right, since high elf will not be allied race at all, they find the compromise to giving void elf BE skin tone acceptable

there still people saying this isn’t enough, it should be a separate allied race, so, i think those people lost

thats what they wanted tho. its always been about light skin not lore. they dont care if it says void elf under their name

if it was about lore they never would have even asked for player representation for the lore that a FEW high elves never left

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It matters to me, especially while I’m playing the game. Having to see my character glow with the void every time I enter combat, or hear that eerie void voice, or see her bleeding purple would be a constant reminder that what I’m playing is actually a void-infused elf, and not an actual High elf.

On the other hand, a blue eyed elf on the Horde can still be a High elf as we’ve always known them. We have access to all the options genuine High elves would have access to as well, between hair styles, colors, and even playable classes. A high elf can join the Horde and absolutely nothing about them is changed except their allegiance, a High elf who becomes a void elf undergoes a wild transformation that changes them entirely. They are no longer elves of the light, and Sun, but elves of the void.

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I got exactly what I have been asking for long before helfers became a thing here. Blue eyes for Blood Elves.
Helfers like you wanted High Elves…which were already on the Horde (Blood/High Elves). You did not get that at all.

I’m not going to get into any ‘win/lose’ childish argument with you though. That’s just a waste of my time.


Except you clearly didn’t, since you were one of the people upvoting the giant thread about Horde getting “nothing in return” for “blood elves being given to the Alliance”

This was always about denying us something, no matter how much you try to pretend.


This was my point when any helfers first started asking for Void Elves to get our Blood Elf skin tones.
They didn’t get High Elves, they still have Void Elves only now with Horde skin colors.
Those helfers who are happy shouldn’t be claiming they ever were interested in the lore.

It’s funny and rare to be wrong twice and in 2 different ways.

Because you know canonically you don’t have actual, High Elves as Blizzard classifies them, keep fighting against the lore and pretending you’re right, sweetheart :kissing_heart:.

Secondly, when you consider where these options would naturally come from, (the non-corrupted High Elves studying in Telogrus rift), we absolutely have the High Elves we’ve wanted, your blue eyes do not make you a High Elf, they make you a Blood Elf with blue eyes, the Alliance are the only ones who can canonically claim ownership of what blizzard recognizes as “High Elves”.

The group of High Elves we’ve seen in WoW has been Alliance, sorry lore is too difficult for you to get that :man_shrugging:

Now the quest for customization begins.


I guarantee you every one of those Helfers would much rather High Elves as their own, separate thing. This just feels like the closest thing, so a lot of us are just happy for it.

It’s like saying those people that wanted Wildhammer Dwarves shouldn’t be happy with what’s coming in Shadowlands, because they’re not the real deal. It just seems like that’s the way Blizzard’s going to handle stuff like that.


Alliance looks like it’s getting the belf skins, so they can have their high elves.

So if Horde has them too? Fine. If anything I think that’s fair, and it gives RPers some interesting angles for neutral characters.

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I wouldn’t mind at all if the helfers who are claiming to be happy with this after they trashed Void Elves insisted they never wanted the ‘look’ or ‘model’ but were only truly interested in the ‘Lore’ to at least admit that they were about the model all along.


I mean, we could naturally get High elves from all the Sunwell-worshipping High elves residing with the Blood elves in Quel’danas. You know since their very leader is quite literally preaching unification between the two groups, and calling for them to rally together to protect the Sunwell (something the void elves threaten with their very existence.) Danuser already stressed the fact that these options were designed to help players reflect different origins, and choices belonging to members of a certain race. If Sand troll options are to help players identify their troll as a sand troll, and if Wildhammer tattoos are to help players identify their dwarf as a wildhammer dwarf, then high elf options for blood elves are to help players identify as high elves.

But in reality we’re getting untainted, pure High elves and you guys are getting the dark, void-corrupted version of High elves, which I’m okay with.


Totes called it.

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You called it but it wasn’t a ‘win-win’, imo.

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