Thoughts on Garrosh in SL now that he's perma dead?

A completely different Hellscream, who was born way later than when Garrosh would and from a different mother.
Golka, Garrosh’s mother, died sometime before the events of WoD.

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Garrosh disenchanted himself :frowning:

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There’s other AUs however, namely the AU characters we saw in the cataclysm time dungeon. Tyrande, Sylvannas, Baine, ect. And in one AU, Jaina went through with the flooding of Orgrimmar and became a tyrant with power.


Where did I ever say there weren’t other AUs? The discussion was about the WoD’s AU. If you read what you were replying to you’d see I clearly explain why I wasn’t talking about other AUs. It’s simply irrelevant.

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Nearly everything you described could have been said about burning crusade, when they took us to space to enjoy a science fiction adventure. Legion also “revealed” a lot of nonsense, even WOTLK did with titan lore.

Yeah, maybe but the dark portal to other world is very different than taking a portal to the afterlife and all that is means. Also, taking a portal is very different than using a spaceship to go to another planes like it’s the Millenium Falcon.

Even in those times, lore was grounded.

Agree, Legion did a lot of nonsese in 7.3 pushing us to kill a damn titan and converting Sargeras into a mean dark cloud.

And with all the cosmology chart nonsense and the decision to make us travel to outer space and other planets in future expansion this will not age well. If Lightforged Draenei were the Protoss of Warcraft I dont know what we can expect from the future.

Thrall cheated, just like Sylvanas did. Thrall used the elements crash lightning hahaha. The Banshee used that ghost juice magic on Saurfang. No honor in how either of them won imo.

You are saying the space goats who do major retcons to two existing species, had a millenium falcon spaceship we use to attack a space station (tempest keep) followed by the discovery that all life was originally rocks, but a giant eyeball turned the rocks into goo was “grounded”? Did you forget the time we went into the future to fight the future version of a dragon so we could go into the past to steal a dragon mcguffin so that an orc could be given the power of a dragon to beat a dragon?

Thralls cheat isn’t using magic, its using magic AND the doomhammer. There’s no rule against magic, you just gotta pick your weapon and stick to it. He could have just stuck with magic the whole time.

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About time

now only if the same could happen to sylvanas and nathanos (pretty sure we will still see him and he will be like: smirks “took u long enough”)

Virgin Thrall VS Chad Garrosh


I suspect the jailer is torturing nathanos for fun or something. Given he died recently, he would have been sent to the maw and given sylvanas hasn’t seen him that means he’s probably locked up in torghast so the jailer can use him as leverage or something. Or maybe not? As a forsaken, he died before and would have been judged by the arbiter back then, when undead die do they get a fresh judgement or head to where the arbiter originally sent them? “Escape the maw with this one weird trick of having already died, Jailers hate it!”


Implying anyone cares about this game’s lore, or that anyone has cared about this franchise’s lore since 2004.

Yeah, all that was a lot more grounded that having a stroll over the backyard of the literal Devil.

I was kinda Ok with the Protoss/Lightforged and with the notion that Draenei landed on Draenor on a spaceship that was in reality a big rock with a naaru.

I was ok with that because it was in the corner of mi eye. We were in Outland fighting Lady Vashj because she was taking slaves and all that. Or fighting Illidan because he took the Black Temple from Akama. Or fighting Kiljaeden because some idiots Blood Elves were trying to summon him to do his demon things. I can swallow all of that.

I just cant swallow all the retcon that has been in place since Legion, the planetary scale of Sargeras “the Cloud” Mad Titan and the fact that now we need to kill one of the most primal forces in all realities.

WTF is all this!!?? Cant we have normal expansions with normal maps about people fighting each other? I came here to do medieval things, not to play Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. We dont need to kill the jailer, then the boss of the Holy, then the biggest Void Lord and who know what next.

How can you worry about some lesser or smaller problems in Azeroth when you already deleted from existence the literal jailer of the damned?

Look at Dragon Ball that made the same mistakes. By the end of DBZ all characters were so powerful it was ridiculous that the next things was DBGT and they needed to reduce Goku’s power by making him a child again so they could put smaller antagonist. And then they went back to fighting gods of the gods of the ultimate gods.

I just prefer to kill boars and get pelts for some tauren that wants to make a crib for his baby. Or later pursue the guys that burned down Camp Taurajo. Or follow up a military campaign to take a city or whatever. Or walk all over the biggest map on Azeroth to find Mankrik’s wife.

This things about killing the jailer seems absolutely moronic and inflate the perception of power of Azeroth’s heroes to super human levels where not even gods are a challenge.

I really wish people would stop believing this. I don’t even know has its spread like it has. There were no rules, that we saw, going into those mak’gora. They were basically just duels to the death.

Whether you believe there’s honor in their wins is on you but nobody cheated.

i care, y are u so mad?

I’m not interested in getting the fantasy experience i can get everywhere else. Frankly, orcs and humans battling is the norm for fantasy, warcraft is interesting because it has space goats hunting cosmic vampires who are spies for both a demon army and an entirely seperate hell and are playing the two against each other.

I don’t care about the trivial squabbles of azeroth and i never want to return to them. Yes, if they had NEVER gone this route maybe it would work to stay there but that ship sailed a long time ago. BFA was already a huge joke with most players (rightfully) being confused why they were taking orders from anduin and sylvanas rather than giving them, as they had saved the world countless times and were theoretically more powerful than either both politically (class halls) and in terms of power (we’ve beaten every old god).
If you prefer to kill boars, that’s something the market has lots of, but if you prefer to look like a teenager’s deviantart OC and fight a kingdom hearts villain this is all we have, we have no other big franchise to look for.

You beat c’thun, hakkar, agamaggan in classic, in WC3 Grom kills Cenarius and Medivh’s Mom was said to kill sargeras before it was retconned into an avatar. We have been literal godslayers from the start. What’s ridiculous was the pretense that we were not. The ridiculousness of having some random sergeant in every new xpac we go to tell us what to do after having killed Onyxia, Ragnaros, The Lich King, Milhouse Manastorm (several times) and the avatars of death for thirty different cultures.

Sure, there’s a color for every person.

But that is exactly what I’m saying: people in general is not buying all this crap. We are fighting gods and primal forces of the existence in all the universe with sticks and stones. We have massive spaceship shooting laser beams and when the troops land the are waving pieces of sharp metal.

I mean, Dimensius was a void lord that destroyed the planet of the ethereals. Are we going to take that boy down with… what? Sharp sticks, lumbering axes and some fireballs?

Besides the point that the storytelling has been poor, this is not adding up. and sooner than later Blizzard is gonna see they bring themselves to a place that nothing makes sense at all.

Our sharp sticks are magical and held by beings far more powerful than dimensius. Dimensius was half our level, he’s a joke. We could destroy planets if we wanted to, that’s literally what we do in the argus raid, he’s a planet.