Thoughts on Garrosh in SL now that he's perma dead?

He was unapologetic. He was true to his character. And finally, he went out like a true orc, weapon in-hand, fighting against a hated enemy.

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I was hoping he’d be a bit more prevalent than he was but that was a true warrior’s way to go out.

I agree with an earlier commenter that I wish the quality of the cinematic was better though.

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I think the idea people perma die in shadowlands is frankly, stupid. People get brought back from all sorts of ridiculous stuff in warcraft and plenty of characters like the liches of maldraxxus skirt these rules anyway.


That was better in every reguard then this small budget indie company cobbled together!

He died like he lived.

Like an overly exaggerated muppet in animation and practice.

I heard there was a cut quest where you had to help Vengeful Garrosh Spirit find a proper weapon.

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Can’t be brought back unless you do an item restoration through a GM or the item restoration system. It’s funny he was only dust after disenchanting himself. Figured he would’ve at least been a blue shard.

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His poofing felt a little silly and anti-climactic. I didn’t want some new ongoing story arc to become about him or anything, but his tease in the Revandreth cinematic at least warranted a little more than what he got.

But oh well, now we can get to AU paladin Garrosh making an appearance :rofl:

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They wanted to finish him off before AU Garrosh comes back with Yrel


Ugh the fascist light followers are probably on Azeroth right now and Turlayon is probably licking Yrel’s hooves.

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All this Shadowlands lore is so ridiculous. Basically people is dead but not really because they can die again. Wat!?

There’s a Undershadowlands? So people that died in shadowlands go there? Can they die there too?

In my opinion Warcraft did their worst mistake: they look behind the curtain. They discovered what the Wizard of Oz really is. The illusion is broken.

How can you go back to plains, mountains and caves seeking adventures when you have already been to the land of the dead fighting what it’s like the Lucifer of the Wow’s universe? What can be more dangerous than that? How can you take death seriously now that you have been to the afterlife and walked in the bowels of hell itself?

This is ridiculous.

We would have been fine. We liked the lore of Wrath that was about some guy with a fancy sword and undead ice armies. Or the lore about some island surrounded by mist and it’s funny people. Or the lore of Orc Clans building tanks, weapons, batallions and simple war banners.

What could surprise you from now on? We have been traveling into outer space in a spaceship and we drank tea with dead people.


Garrosh did do something wrong. He didn’t kill Thrall when he had the chance.

When you die in shadowlands, you become anima that forms the shadowlands. The land you walk on in each zone, the structures, ect…all made from anima of dead souls.

There is no such thing as “AU Garrosh”, that is an entirely different Hellscream.

He’ll be back! lok’tar ogar!

Garrosh isn’t gone.
Soon all shall suffer the wrath of Exarch Hellscream.
It’s like regular Garrosh, but when thrall cheats in a mok’gora he just Bubbles and LOLs.

But in the same way that Overlord Geyarah is AU Thrall, AU Garrosh might be a very different, but similar in many respects, character. For example… I think Garrosh’s mom is dead in the AU universe, so we’ll find out about it all together I guess.


The whole point of “AU” characters is that there are an endless number of them… so of course there’s an AU Garrosh.

And they can be different from our versions of themselves. Honestly I feel like embracing the silliness of their AU creations is the only good thing they could do. The cat’s out of the bag, so just go haam with it. From now on the story should just be like a “What If…?” every new expansion.


Expansion 10.0: “The Stormwind Crusade. In this AU the humans of Stormwind won the First War against the orcs and took their fight to Draenor sooner than our history did, and there they met with the remnants of the unbroken Draenei, the first victims of the warmongering green orc hordes. They allied with the Draenei, their brothers in the light, and vowed to scour the cosmos of all foul orcs, and so after they cleansed their universe’s Draenor, they began universe hopping to destroy them all, and now they’ve come to ours.”

It’s silly, but at this point really silly is the only thing that isn’t outright stupid.

When talking about “AU” that usually means WoD’s timeline. Since the poster I replied to mention “Yrel” leads me to believe he was also talking about WoD’s timeline, and in the timeline Garrosh was never born.

Isn’t there mention of Grom’s son joining Yrel? Who was that supposed to be?

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