Thoughts on first week for Season 3's M+?

The Everbloom

  • The second boss, Ancient Protectors - Noxious Discharge’s puddles are the same color as the floor. Change it to a contrasting color, it’s very difficult to see.

Black Rook Hold

  • The bat stairwell - The fixate ability for the bats is ROUGH, whoever it lands on will die. Get rid of it, the area was designed before cleave was limited so the design of infinitely spawning bats with the potential to one shot just isn’t great.

Throne of the Tides

  • The final boss, Ozumat - This encounter sucks. This is just the tip of the iceberg, a dungeon envoking dread is just failure of design.

Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise.

  • I hate sand - The clear sand area sucks. Unless you cheese pull the required dragons, you’re going to spend over half the key’s timer here.

Every other dungeon’s fine imo.

I’m 15+ across, with 1:52 overtime on Rise, ready to KSM next reset.

But i’m not going higher than 11+ on Tides, waiting and praying for those nerfs.


Throne has always been an unpleasant dungeon.

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The last encounter is new.

So technically it got worse.


Worst dungeon is RISE with that stupid gauntlet.

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Apparently, there’s a stealth glitch. Everyone stays put. Then you send an invisible person (Druid, Rogue, Mage, etc.) to reach the end without issue.

Not intended so it’ll most likely get patched.


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You can use defensives to avoid getting caught.

Rogues can cloak and sprint when they get halfway.

Hunters can use turtle to avoid getting hit and can make it through.

paladins can bubble.

Use ya buttons people



I’m probably mixing these instances up but oh well, I hate the boss where you step into the light and then go into the dark that boss sucks asf.

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That’s the second encounter in Galakrond’s Fall.

I think they removed the tank cleave off that boss so its not the worst.


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The gauntlet thing is the stupidest thing ever and they should remove it. It’s a non factor when it comes to completing the dungeon but if you mess it up a lot of groups would miss the timer. A really stupid thing to add.

Also, the dungeons getting mixed up in the group finder when you list one of the Dawn dungeons is insane after what happened with Tazavesh. People get paid actual real money to make garbage broken like this? Incredible really.


Better dungeon pool than season 2. I like the changes to throne of the tides. I still think there needs to be a seasonal affix.

I haven’t gotten to do all the new dungeons yet this week.

Judging by the forums the easy keys are good and the hard keys are bad.

Ozumat being the hardest part of ToT by far by the method of how the floor-goop continues to spread with all the mobs dropping goop and the players dropping goop and the tank can’t leave melee range so it requires most of the clearing power to keep the boss itself clear while the other puddles just continue to grow. One tick on where goop goes is dangerous enough to kill and there is no clear indication of where the goop ends on the floor. Still don’t know the optimal way of handling that boss but the trash before it is less problematic as long as people do single target before swell, then AoE after swell so it doesn’t wipe the entire party.

The bat hallway is a mixed bag because if the bats aren’t constantly a threat but they can quickly can be by the time you get to the 2nd or 3rd felguard and if you wipe you have to deal with a full stairway of bats before getting to where people died at, seems like no big deal when you have great AOE damage but in higher keys it seems particularly unforgiving if the person fixated by bats was in melee range but that’s the pain of 17+ keys first week in still mostly S2 gear.

My thoughts:

Get rid of key depletion.

You need to interrupt the dreadlord. That’s what’s enraging the bats. The issue is the cast it too often that you need 2 melee interrupts to stop only 1

Mechanics, mechanics, mechanics. Do the mechanics right and you’ll kill the boss rasy enough. Problem is people run the line like a headless chooks and not clearing the black puddles. But saying that it’s week 1. Eventually people will get it (hopefully)

Was wondering about that. I thought it was just bugging for me

The only interrupt is Fel Frenzy.

Sic Bats! cannot be interrupted, nor can the source be CC’d.

There is no Dreadlord, the source is Felspite Dominator.

You can CC the bats, sure. But 2 seconds later the target WILL die.


Depressing when i run keys with dh’s and see the dps charts, but when im not all is goodz

Ive done a handful of +2 to +5 on a blood DK and AMS my way out of everything, I have no input im just here for attention, lol

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yes and if you missed those interrupt it also buff the bats. If the bats are killing you trust me you’re missing the interrupts.

I seriously don’t understand why it’s okay for Atal 17 to be easier than Tides 11.

Nerfs to Tides better be up next week, Tyrannical just sounds like a nightmare.
