Thoughts on Community Council "Blacklisting Battlegrounds" thread

it used to be a feature. i miss it sometimes.

i rarely actually indulge in random bgs tho.

They took that ability away in BFA around the time they split IOC and WG into Epics and removed Strand.

Most people will blacklist either seething, temple or dwg

In late night queues, i’d estimate there are maybe 40-50 people at most queueing regular non epic bgs at the same time. If all those people have the same bg blacklists its fine, its if they don’t then it gets tricky to pair the dwindling player pool

Casual pvp right now has a dedicated epic bg crowd (i queued over 100 isle of conquest matches recently to get my khan and saw a lot of names i’d never seen before in regular bgs, so i’m fairly sure those players don’t queue regular bgs), a dedicated no epic bg crowd (these folks i pretty much all recognize by now because i queue almost every night), and a handful that queue both

I’m personally down to never ever step into seething (almost done my last achievement to get 25,000 azerite) and temple ever again, but the player pool i’ll end up queueing with at the times i play at would drop drastically because a lot of people like temple. Bg healers are also very few and far in between (i’m one myself, so my game always has a healer in it, but its very frequent to be solo healing 15 man maps because there are no other healers in queue) and blacklisting would make that worse for everyone

Blacklisting helps occasional pvpers that queue at expected times for sure, but i really don’t believe wow casual pvp has the population to enable blacklists after a certain time of night

Maybe have it where blacklisting is active when X amount of players are queued, and normal when not enough

While the better idea…its not happening.

IOC got bad again as I see it. Maybe its been my few months away…but this place got stupid. again.

Lose hangar? you are done. Unless the whole team is there for glaive defence its what doesn’t burst a glaive time again.

They again and again ignore with great power comes…IOC going to crap.

As glaives while, yes, great damage…die in microseconds with new better gear. Even if they fixed it for season 4 (doubtful)…its gonna break in 10.0. then 10.1. 10.1.5. 10.2. 10.2.5.

As IOC has broken damn near every patch level in sl lol.

edit: like I found out this weekend they nerfed shaman chain heal…it no longer works. Aout the only the only thing that kept these alive. as, yeah, your priests are usually somewhere else like keeping peeps alive on mid/ws fights.

Ioc sucks

Its simultaneously the bg with the most turn around potential and the easiest throwing potential and it’s so aggravating when you’re in a group of afkers who don’t care about winning

Had 2 people afk on the cannon one game after we got hangar and horde broke our gate before we did, and in that specific game we would have had the head start on boss if those two cannons had been not afk

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Love dominating the hangar fight and then watching half the team try to run bombs (or just afk in their keep) while we proceed to lose. Very fun.


I’ve seen bombs work. Once.

I was on horde. hangar was being flipped so much no one was getting a solid piece of it.

We had glaives but they were decent at shutting us down.

Basically it was looking to be an IOC turtle/points runoff.

then out the blue…horde gate is down!!!


someone goes “know you ain’t gonna believe me…they used alot of bombs”. they asked for defence help and many were going oh no they will bomb the door. Myself included…I was trying to keep glaives up.

It worked that one time lol.

Even with Alliance having a somewhat better AV win rate at the time, people still blacklisted it. /shrug

Over time, most people will settle on blacklisting the same map. Doesn’t matter that I’m one of the like five people who likes Seething Shore. If my queue goes up by 20min because half the game has it blocked, I’m blacklisting it too.

It might not happen as fast as the AV death spiral, but the math leads down the same road.

Wintergrasp is still worse though

  • IOC: lost the first teamfight? just afk at the safety of the base
  • Wintergrasp: lost the first teamfight? get farmed for 30 minutes

and this is why ioc sucks

You’re welcome to merc sync with us as we do our daily epics.

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all good! finished my khan last week

super happy to finally be battlemaster khan

Now you’re Battlemaster Battlemaster Khan!

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hey @Alecthegreat, so is this “Wisedruid” one of your people/one of your premade buddies? Back when Southshore vs Tarren Mill was up here recently, I noticed the dude was in like 90% of my matches :face_with_monocle:

…like, literally in almost every game.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe his playtimes line up with mine, I dunno - but I do keep an eye on the BG charts/names and he stood out to me since I’ve heard him mentioned a couple times on your stream :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is why it’s so great with dedicated servers ran by players for obviously different games like Call of duty and Battlefield.

But the same idea was there where players either at the end of each match voted for the next one collectively or the rotation had certain maps over others.

In fact there were some achievements that were almost impossible to do because no one wanted to play those maps.

And ultimately as a map designer who made lots of custom maps for Battlefield and unreal tournament, it was heartbreaking for people to routinely blacklist more than half of the maps I made minus the one or two

A better solution would just go in there and try to salvage or fix the problem with the map.

But I’ll be honest I cannot stand the endless series of wintergrasp or seething shore. Once in awhile is great but it seems like I get thrown into those way too often

As an experiment they should list 20 random battlegrounds as dedicated on rotation. They show up permanently and you can see who’s on them like the way you can with the battlefield server.

Right away you’d see people join the servers that people want to play the most.

:mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain: :ocean: :dragon:

I hope to see a blacklisting option. If it becomes available then I will not hesitate to add Seething Shore. That map makes me want to rip my tower off its mount and relocate it to the nearest dumpster.

This is why I stay subbed. and despite overt and vocal feelings about no lfd being stupid…I stay. I want to see this in wrath-c.

Never saw the place and I would like too. and…wrath supported pvp leveling better.

at least I can grind levels in a way I enjoy. I had a blast in 15th anniversary KAV. so many chars leveled.

Didn’t really need or want a shaman. Never grew to like it much either. But wth…lets level one in KAV from 60 to level cap anyway lol. PVP leveling…its all good.

Many wth levelings were done in 15th KAV really.

Eh, sometimes you just don’t enjoy the content on offer - and that’s Okay. No amount of “salvaging” is going to make me enjoy Wintergrasp (for example)

For me, player-versus-vehicles just isn’t as fun as player-vs-player, but that’s just a personal preference thing for me. No amount of “salvaging” or “overhauling” from the devs will change that for me

Try regular randoms then. No vehicles. Especially if you get a FC map, you’ll get that pure pvp you’re looking for.

Yeah this may have been me today due to losing again so many times in a row……