Thoughts on Community Council "Blacklisting Battlegrounds" thread

do i have you beat in tilt?

Posted “6 hours ago” at 3 AM? Well, there’s your problem lady :stuck_out_tongue:

Competent? You’re asking for a lot there.

We used to have the ability to blacklist pvp maps. Personally, I /afk out the moment I get Seething Shore. You can’t organize rando’s in it, the whole idea of parachuting into the map irritates me for some reason, and I spend more time running to nodes than I do engaging in any sort of enjoyable fight.

Let me at least block one map.

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Just took a peek in the CC forum and this ^ post stood out to me

Yeah, what gives? If the argument for removing Strands was “one side is harder to win than the other side” then… what was the logic behind adding Wintergrasp to the retail rotation when it’s the same crap in there (offense “side” being 10x harder than defense “side”)?? Lol? :woozy_face:

I think a whitelist would work better: listing the BGs in order of preference.


Out of the 13 battlegrounds, including the epic ones, there’s only seven I like. We badly need a blacklist back.
Has the Community Council had any luck with Blizzard on this ?


Jeebus, congrats.

I still don’t even have a single “Master of…” achievement lol. Most of them are only 1-3 achievements off. Like I think Warsong Gulch I just need the win 100 one, but I rarely bg on toons at max level so. X_X

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hey @Maizou, speaking of achievements, how about a new achievement for 1,000,000 HKs? Or something for Honor Level 1000?

Honestly these devs seem so slow/dragging their on adding new achievements, my goodness…

You would know all about the need for new achievements with your high mount/pet collection count, but casual BG’ers haven’t gotten anything new either after multiple years of no new achievements even though some of us are already creeping up on 1 million HKs and such :joy:

It’s unfortunate that these devs are “taking their sweet sweet time” on new mount achievements, 1 million HKs achievement, etc but I guess it is what it is :man_facepalming: :watch:

Blacklisting wouldn’t fix bad maps. The reason why Wintergrasp triggers a leaver cascade is the simple fact that assault is way harder than defense. Instead rewards for unrated PVP content should be fairly streamlined and standardized so that the only thing losing gets you is slightly less honor than winning.

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i do miss the old blacklist feature.

some bgs just suck the soul out of me and ruin the mood of what couldve been a cozy lil pvp sesh.

if some bgs end up underplayed due to the blacklist… the problem isnt the blacklist, it’s those particular bgs…

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I really don’t understand the people who say blacklist shouldn’t return cause then certain bgs would never pop.

It’s almost like you’re admitting the battlegrounds are widely hated and instead of advocating for the choice to not do them, you’d rather force people into either doing something they hate, or be penalized for it.

If that many people would blacklist a bg, then there’s a problem with the bg. This is the explanation they game for removing strand even though the blacklist solved that fine.

I mean each and every BG has an equal chance of being dropped for the above reasons. So over the course of a million bgs, you’d expect that each were quit evenly based on the above reasons. So it would stand to reason that if some bg was being dropped way more often than the others, there is another reason for it.

I’m not saying I disagree with the notion - that we should be able to blacklist certain maps (because I absolutely do). Just saying that your reasoning is flawed.

I’ll admit, there are maps I hate…but I don’t leave. I play them anyway. And yes, it’s a less-than-optimal experience doing so.

Those two things don’t go together.

Me either

Let players that don’t like battleground X avoid it, and let players that enjoy battleground X continue playing it. It’s so simple :man_shrugging:

The problem is that the maps people don’t like have clear problems with them, rather than a matter of preference.

I outlined one of them- Wintergrasp. Assault is dramatically more difficult than defense. Because of that many people quit on assault which leads to a population imbalance at the start of the game which just makes it even harder for assault. Letting people blacklist BG’s doesn’t mean they’ll stop getting Wintergrasp. Especially if they decide they dislike it, but not as much as, say, IoC. Or Ashran.

The better solution isn’t to let people blacklist Wintergrasp- people will still auto-quit the minute they’re not defense- but instead to give people no reason to quit. Since we’re talking about unrated PVP here the best solution is to standardize rewards so that everyone more or less gets the same rewards, with some considerations made to reward personal contributions (so that people don’t feel encouraged to bot around) and a small bonus for winning maps.

Although the real solution is to either fix or remove troublesome BG’s. Big examples that come to mind are that NPC’s in AV should get buffs with each new content patch, and IoC should remove the gunships, and have the hangar also spawn glaive throwers and catapults, but as a counter point have all vehicle HP get buffed with each content patch.

We use to have it aegis ago.