Thoughts On A Gender Neutral Race?

Whatever. Does it look good in gear? Does it look cool killing stuff? If yes to both, I’ll make one.


I couldn’t care less, to be perfectly honest. It’s a video game. I don’t obsess over these things when I’m trying to escape reality.


So, you basically want to play a naked Ken doll?

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How about a slime race? Sure, they couldn’t wear anything, but it would fit the mold - well, any mold for that matter…

“y are u so fixated on genitals in a vIdEo gAmE”

~ male who plays nothing but female elf characters in full slutmog gear

Something like a race of constructs could work, if done right.

No just more neutral

I dont mind it. It could be cool. I kindof always believed there would be a cool space or void race like that in wow.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


This is the new trend. Focusing on gender in pretty much everything. Pretty degenerate but that’s society for ya.

This isn’t Sunday. Reported and flagged.

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The Ethereals, do as do the Brokers . After all just due to the voice actor/actress being a female does not mean the character is.

I’d prefer it if all races were female only and the only kind of armor available was boobplate.

These both mean the same thing, this is redundant.

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A robot? Absolutely :+1:

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Oooh yay, another gender troll thread.

Here’s my counter-suggestion:

In a few other popular mmos like FFXIV and Tera, you have races that are locked to one gender / sex. For FFXIV, you have the Viera and Hrothgar and in Tera you have the Elin and Popori (female and male only respectively). Can we do something like that in WoW?

What if I identify as an Amazonian woman and want representation as a strictly female only race? They had Amazons in D2, so Blizz already has the precedent.


How about, instead, we leave representation as a player character choice. Your character can be whatever you want it to be in RP, so you have your representation right there. Your character is a main part of your RP experience and in the world around you. If you want your character to represent you as a trans, furry, pastafarian, then great - that is what your character is!

Forcing people to accept something is the fastest way to make them reject it.

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  1. the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

Sethrak. Sort of. There are males and females. But they’re androgynous.


ah yes because this is how we should spend development resources