Thoughts On A Gender Neutral Race?

I think that gender neutral races could work with things that aren’t technically biological; elementals, or spirits, or ethereal are already all gender neutral and could potentially become playable.

Since there are plenty of creatures that are gender neutral I don’t see why not, it is a bit hilarious that people think we’re talking about identity politics when the OP is talking about elementals or ethereals that don’t really have an obvious gender present.

Doesn’t the one behind the Trial of Style have a female voice?

I don’t care to be honest.

Although they could use the female Tauren voice…

Even if she didn’t there are still NPCs with very clear female voices.

That we should keep American politics out of our fantasy escapism game.


Like an Abathur? That’d be fun. Or an insectoid race maybe.


This! So many times this. The alphabet people have plenty of places that cater to their … differences. They should be happy they have them and quit pushing them into everything. Same with the rest of the diversity ffffassstuff.


ehh, nah lol

Anyone said blood elves already exist?

They need to make a complete customizable gender option with 64 binary options of he/she then there would be about 18 septillion genders we could be.

Sure, but only if it’s actually a creature that reproduces asexually and thus has valid reason for being gender neutral.


Or, I know we could have a slider… towards one end it increases your bulge and shoulders, and the other it increases your hips/breasts.

That’s what I was thinking for an Ethereal race. Very little sexual dimorphism and you just pick voices like in FFXIV.

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How would they look gender neutral?

I would have no problem with a neutral ethereal race. They would just have to make it look more neutral, the current one looks pretty masculine right now.

Could be possible if done right,as someone whose played D&D since 3.5e changelings ARE a thing. While primarily born as women they can shift to the sex they wanna be whenever they wannabe. Good stats to boot.

If people don’t support different voices and same model (for some reason), then we can just make the model a little skinnier for women (don’t slap on boobs please)

it would be a dumb idea.

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From a visual stand point, Vulpera are pretty close to gender neutral. Voices might need some adjustment.