Dragon spittle, you can buy it on the AH
You can also buy the PVP feasts that give you 10% stam for quick spot drinking. They give 5% per tick, so if you can only drink for a few seconds it’s the better option than regular water
Dragon spittle, you can buy it on the AH
You can also buy the PVP feasts that give you 10% stam for quick spot drinking. They give 5% per tick, so if you can only drink for a few seconds it’s the better option than regular water
The rotating node thing in AB / gorge needs to go.
These are by far and away the worst, least interactive maps in the blitz pool.
I kind of get this but this mostly only happens because people don’t pay attention to what points are deactivating. This will change the more people play it though. You can’t rotate without PvP happening if people are watching nodes deactivating because you will lose. One team will always be capping more bases than you.
I get what you are saying, but all this does is result in the 1 healer getting trained by 7 dps and making healers non factors. Healing needs to ACTUALLY be addressed instead of punishing healers. Which is what this does.
I mean ya, and this will make healers not want to queue. They will just spend the whole game getting trained by 7 dps like I said above.
Ya this once again doesn’t address the actual issue to me.
Ya AB can stay. Issue with DWG is the terrain. I would honestly like to see them go back to the old map.
One reason you also see a difference is because Blitz scales everyone, regular BGs doesn’t do this. Eliminating a lot of the gear difference or enough to make a difference.
I HATE BfG. Basically no changes to it other than faster resources. Making it even harder to make any kind of comeback. Game can be over real fast. Which if you are just outmatched is good I guess but the win conditions are SUPER small. That map is so boring to me.
A lot of the stuff you see in BGB is people not knowing the how the maps work yet.
I already spend the entire BG “creating space” for my team by tanking 4-6 people the entire game. This would change nothing.
Healing needs to be addressed, and classes can’t have things like zerker rage/lichborne(aka no CC breaks outside pvp trinket), mobility needs to be toned down by like 90%, microCC needs to be toned down by like 90%, healing needs to be toned down by 90%…etc.
Everyone has too much of everything, and only going to be worse in TWW.
It would change a lot. Healers can’t be on multiple places on the map at once. Healers aren’t going to queue if they just have 7 dps on them the whole game. You may already run into that as you say, but there still is another healer.
ya these are all issues.
Maybe a safe bet but no pvp tuning has been done on beta at all really yet. We don’t really know.
AB is fine, but gorge needs to be changed into another version of EOTS with two nodes that switch back and forth while the market spawns a flag you carry to the active nodes.
I honestly don’t know why a healer would queue in the current state. It’s literally the “you get to have no fun” role until your DPS learn how to press defensives/survive/kill the enemy at 2k+ rating.
LOL, wut?
Yea, we can all dance and sing that song Kumbaya My Lord.
It’s funny because people complain DPS flame healers all the time. Healers do the same to DPS. It’s a weird toxic relationship where nobody wants to take responsibility for anything.
Ya those changed turn PvP into PvE against actual players instead of NPCs. CC is an issue (micro CCs) and toning healing down by 90% = deleting healers.
Not good to flame anyone…I played both DPS and now healer in blitz and the healer role is god awful until 2k, but they hard carry 2k+. If your healers are bad, you lose the game at 2k+.
At low rating, your dps is all that matters, I basically have 0% contribution to winning or losing on healer, but hard carried any match I was able to win on DPS.
Hard CC should be unnerfed back to 8s duration, but micro CC needs to be toned down by a TON from a lot of specs. Too much random CC for a 0.001s interrupt from class trees.
Had a DK AMS - > micro CC me through 4 serenity casts (20s of cannot be interrupted) - > AMS while I’m trying to help kill him. Did not get a single holy fire off outside of the instant ones. Was insane.
I have played both in Blitz and had fun for the most part. Rating right now means nothing. When you hit 2k+ you are only really playing with people like me who just spam Blitz all day so you have people that know the maps and how everything works almost to the T. The brawl isn’t any kind of gage really atm because even MMR fluctuates a lot. It’s just there for testing.
That’s because less people understand maps and even try to play them like the normal maps. Or because it’s not actually rated are just there zugging and having fun. The brawl just isn’t a good gage for what you are talking about.
Ok this I agree with.
Also, “extra trinkets” aka zerker rage / lichborne need to go. If Monks was too strong, then everyone’s is, no exceptions.
Also, please add a /gg or /suicide button so I can die faster and can’t be griefed by COI + DG.
Yeah I can see that being the case. Blitz is more “balanced” because there are no consumables nor unreasonable gear differences.
Yeah I can see that being the case. Blitz is more “balanced” because there are no consumables nor unreasonable gear differences.
Are you sure it scales? The second I got to 2k I started fighting nothing but full conquest players who have 400k more HP than me.
I don’t think it scales at all, you just get matched with equally geared players…unless you win too much and the game gets mad.
Are you sure it scales?
Yes, but to a point. It’s like right below honor gear.
So playing more at 2k+
Speeding up the game modes, while also having obscenely high TTK, obscenely high mobility, and obscenely high healing has resulted in nearly every BG feeling like complete trash to play.
We need massive mobility reductions, healing reductions, self-healing removed from everything, less instant and AOE CC, stronger hard casted SINGLE TARGET CC, and burst damage increases.
All knockbacks / force displacement abilities need to be disabled in BGs.
I get more kills with knockbacks than actually using my CDS/interrupts/CC properly, it’s pathetic.
CTF BGs need to be removed entirely. 100% of the time 1 team gets 0 conquest while the other gets full. Other BGs it’s very rare you 1500-0 the enemy team.
There should also be no speeding up of any BG, the BGs already fast enough.