Those who WON'T be maining Evoker: Thoughts on the Soar change?

I’m just going to weigh in even though I plan to main evoker. I don’t know what’s changed, and I think it doesn’t matter until we know the final result. If “soar” is nerfed or whatever, I don’t really care, until I know how it’s not working ideally. If it doesn’t make sense then of course I’d like it to make sense, but ultimately blizzard does what they want, and I’ve learned after many a year playing WoW it’s easier to accept than reform.

yeah well tell that to helfers and dark rangerers lol

I mean, doesn’t really matter imo, it’s more fluff than anything, they will still be fast as hell in the old world and it won’t be their primary mode of transportation in the dragon isles.

I was being a little tongue in cheek. I haven’t even preordered. Honestly I don’t think things should be so easy they effectively aren’t even a task, and when people are up in arms about a 5 minute convenience cooldown and a mount, I have trouble taking most of them seriously. I see both issues as crying about the wrong problem.

When it comes to soar, it is still superior for getting around most of Azeroth and could easily be fixed by making it even slower in the wider world, but full speed in Dragon Isles. People would whine about this too because something was there in ALPHA and got nerfed. Oh man, imagine if tauren knew what they lost…

For the slime cat, I’m honestly amused by the level of entitlement of some of these people. Seriously boo hoo. Modern normal is about the same level as the original LFR. If you want the raid cat, go do an actual raid! The raid mount has previously been an AOTC thing anyway and now you get it from normal. That is a gift but the community is all about just looking that right in the mouth. I don’t believe the problem is LFR or not LFR anyway. The problem is how difficult it is to put a raid group together. As usual my opinion wasn’t terribly popular with the people who want minimal effort for maximum reward. The problem is not LFR

In both cases people are whining about not getting their way instead of understanding why the change is there and demanding improvements based on that vision. All this is telling Blizzard is why it was smart of them not to share early development with the community.




While I don’t care, it’s also not irrelevant for them to be able to do everything faster. That’s still an advantage.

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I couldnt care less either way. CD or no. Isnt going to affect my game if someone else has it.


But I don’t want to normal fly, I want to dragon fly. Completely changing what was offered and accepting that isn’t a compromise, it’s a let down of what is supposed to be a fun ability in a video game. But that has been Blizz of late so wouldn’t be surprised if instead of going the extra mile they only go one.


It allows them to fly like a supersonic jet if they are able to get high enough on terrain to do it.

It’s also a 5min cd

i’m okay with a mass unsub. the game is too bloated with players who have no business in this genre. it needs to go back to its dedicated base who likes immersion and can survive a little adversity.

Because flying really fast is really fun. I want to be able to do it too

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I agree! Maybe the solution is to let you have fun, too, rather than making it less fun for others!


Define irrelevant content

i’m strongly considering maining one… but i still never got an invite to test.


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I could not care less. It’s just this week’s GD outrage topic along with this stupid jelly cat.

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This is a great question! My answer on whether or not I care about Dracthyr Soar is NO. Why would I really? I have the same choice to play a Dracthyr as anyone else does and could be soaring with them if I wanted, but from what I have seen of the Dracthyr and Evoker, it doesn’t seem like something I would like. I’m a little miffed that Dracthyr only have 1 class, Evoker, but the race/class is a package deal and not too appealing for myself.

Even if the soar had no CD and could go really fast it still wouldn’t really bother me because I’m never in that much of a hurry to get places and I like playing the other races and other classes better so someone having Soar in whatever capacity doesn’t make a difference to me.

Also, I do realize most people care about getting places fast and whether or not they are FoTM or getting special treatment, I just play what I think is cool and do what I think is fun. I’m no competitive raider or pvper, just a casual filling time, having fun. To each their own.


I won’t be maining evoker and I don’t care about the soar change.

there’s a reason I pay very, very little attention to new expansion stuff this early pre-launch. it’s all subject to change, and quite often does.


What if Dracthyr could be classes outside of Evoker? Would the race be a bit more appealing then?

Can’t shamans outpace most classes now too? Ghost wolf, movement speed increase, gust of wind and wind rush totem with totemic projection.

One of my main issues with the new race is the fact they can only be 1 class. This is too restrictive imo. Even with Evoker being better than other classes in some areas it won’t change my opinion on liking Hunters, Warriors, and Paladins. Not just for their abilities, but what it feels like to charge into battle as a Warrior, have a pet as a Hunter, or throw Avenger’s Shield as a Paladin. Secondarily to that, I agree the visage form should be a choice of existing races in the game because I’m not a fan of the blood elf male aesthetic and would prefer having other options to pick from if I were to choose a Dracthyr. There are dragons that have taken the visage of many other races and you wouldn’t feel so locked into BE male or Human female for the respective visage forms.

As far as Soar is concerned it still wouldn’t change whether or not I care if people are zooming through the air really fast even if I’m on the ground.

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