Those who love classic/tbc/wrath (like me), I seriously don't see how cata is enjoyable at all

Cata is just an inferior retail to me. Just don’t see any reason to play Cata over retail at this point.

Classic is so much about the journey and the world. Cata drops and it’s immediately evident how linear and straightforward the questing is. Not to mention how easy it is to level. 0 danger in the world.

Then, max level content mechanics/raids/etc. are not even close to the very chill/easy content of classic. Just a completely different design here. Btw I am not against hard content, I just get that itch in retail where the hard content is better and it has M+

like did people actually want this expansion, or did they just not want to give up on their classic chars? I vividly remember when classic was announced people were memeing about “can’t wait for cata classic :^)” or “can’t wait for WoD classic”


Cataclysm mogg’d Retail’s sub count in the past and will do so again

This is just the Principal Skinner meme in text form; SoD/Vanilla will be for the people that think leveling is hard for whatever reason and Retail will be for the people that… PvE? I don’t know one person that play it, the graphics alone turns me off too much.

Cata/MoP are a PvPer’s dream, that is why it’ll succeed.


Hey bro cata is here. No one cares about your feelings. Either play or don’t take it easy


ehh retails pop is way larger


Retail does not have 8+ million subs

where are you getting these numbers? specific to each version of the game


If players are subbed to Classic, they are subbed to Retail… You’re comment actually hurts my brain


You just straight up missed the point so no wonder your brain hurts, better luck next time

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The official sub counts published by Blizzard a bit after Cataclysm dropped. I’m talking about when it was originally released.

They don’t publish them anymore but I’d get a good laugh if someone tried convincing me they have 8 million currently.

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oh i see what you’re saying

I like it, but also need mop classic next.

I wanted Cata and every time I’ve logged on during the pre-patch and last night the game was packed. So if you and a few people don’t want it I couldn’t care less, because we got it.


oh so he is someone who wants a challenge

ok he doesn’t know what he wants


someone needs to get laid


i mean we can have all servers so i can have tbc again pls blizz


Waiting room for MoP… but actually Cata was pretty good too.
So yes, people did actually want this expansion.

It’s a shame there aren’t enough people who actually want to play a perpetual Wrath or TBC server for them to allocate resources to it, but that’s the way it is. You either continue on in Cata, or you go play classic era, or you play retail, or you play those pservers. Orrrr move on.


I think there’s a solid argument that class design and balance is probably the best of any iteration in WoW in Cata. There are so many specs from MM Hunt to Unholy DK to Sub Rogue to Balance Druids to Fire Mage that just feel so, so good. Of course, there are outliers, but overall I think people really enjoy the class design

That said, I agree some of the whimsy and “classic” feel vanishes with Cata.


okay, you can send me your stuff if you’re quitting.


there are some things I love…like the hunter focus system and other minor QoL improvements. And I agree that the new zone make-up 1-60 is refreshing (I know I gonna miss the old world tho) but the new talent trees, the overal dumbing down of difficulty is really bad for the game…for me at least.

I was waiting for Classic to get to WotLK cuz thats what I really loved about WoW. I dont understand why a single ERA server isnt possible


Pvp is one reason you didnt mention. Cata pvp is superior to Wotlk/TBC/Vanilla and wayyyyyyyyyy superior to Retail.