Those who love classic/tbc/wrath (like me), I seriously don't see how cata is enjoyable at all

hmm idk chief, any version of the game where pve gear is really good and essentially required is not going to be popular amongst the pvp playerbase. Wrath had this same problem. PvPer’s absolutely hate when PvE is required to be competitive, this is a fact.

Don’t think people are too interested in fighting unkillable legendary dagger/shadow vial of shadow RLS. Everything on retail has a glad/r1 viable comp despite there being 30+ specs, and DF pvp has been pretty good especially if they tune the outliers.


Anyone that thinks classic is holding the game together and it’s not there as some change of palate thing for people to cling until more content gets released in retail. Can just go to the server lists and count.


I liked Vanilla/BC/Wrath better from a systems perspective just because I think the dungeon finder kind of wrecked the game in many ways, but Cata is far superior from a leveling and class design point of view.

The level of storytelling and narrative that started in Cata—particularly when it comes to questing and zone design—is leaps and bounds better than what we saw in earlier iterations of the game.

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They just kinda seem the same for the most part… a few things expanded… a few things contracted… but here is how it has gone so far…

Oh look that guy has a !, talk to him… go do the things… come back and now its a ?. Awesome. Questing. Oh that thing they put in WOTLK, I can hit ‘i’ and go to a 5 man every few minutes while questing. Fine.

Run to town and learn new abilities. Level put a point in the tree. Stuff on the AH is insanely expensive but falling every day as more and more of it gets put up there. Running 5 mans to gear up early. Here in a week or so… yeah… raids… BGs are there…

Soooo… whats exactly different here besides normal expansion shifts? Not a whole lot. Its just the next step in WoW.

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what? where are you getting this info? site your sources because a quick Google search says otherwise

It is pretty wild how linear/on rails the questing is. I prefer the unofficial “trilogy” but I’ll still play a bit until P4 comes out. Played the og cata and it’s kinda how I remember it.

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Please be specific as you all are yelling that cata ruined the game or its somehow a worst version of retail but…

Retail and catacylsm play absolutely nothing alike.

Retail - Mythic+, two iterations of talent systems ahead, 3 classes we dont have access to, multiple class reworks, mythic raids, multiple crafting iterations ahead, tons of races ahead, an entire model overhaul, different animations… i mean are they both wow… yes but so is vanilla vs retail…

Cataclysm - same systems as wotlk for dungeons / raids, same leveling experience, same models, etc. its far closer to vanilla in design and play then it is to modern retail. its not even close…

is your complaint that - oh my god they made endgame actually… challenging?

as for the comment on linear leveling… uhm… apparently tbc and wotlk flew by you? its exactly the same leveling experience except in a different zone and story… blizzard didnt exactly change the formula here…


I find it ironic how many complaints there are about the questing being more simplified and linear when Questie and leveling guides are used by a large majority of the player base. This attachment to an altruistic way of how the game “should” be played vs the reality of player behavior is how the phrase “you think you do, but you don’t” came to fruition. It’s like the idea of a PVP server these days. There is some weird feel of machoism to roll on a PVP server when all it does is create unnecessary frustrations periodically in your open world experience.


I still play without addons and other “helping hands”, so we still are some that do and like it that way.
And while I do not like Cata (partially for exactly this reason), I think that those who do, should have it, only give us nerds 2 Era servers per region.

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WOTLK was just an inferior retail to me. Just didn’t see any reason to play WOTLK at all.



I mean I recently re-rollled on a PvP server for the first time in…a while and it has been fun. I typically don’t engage in Wpvp to much but it does make the world feel more exciting when you could be attacked at any moment. So far, though, on Grob most of the players are keeping to themselves (probably partly because of all the guards all over Hyjal) and it has been suprisingly civil.

Tbh I’m waiting or hoping for Legion classic.

:point_up: that one there won’t mind skipping lol.

RLS has counters. Its not the end-all be-all thats often peddled around here. For example both Thug and PHD absolutely dumpster X/LS comps in 4.3

My issue with retail isnt about class balance or comp viability. Its the feel and numbers tuning that kills it for me.

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Wrath and Cata are very similar outside, wrath andies just don’t like to admit it.


Nobody can care about yours that cata is here. Two way street bruh.


If you’ve actually played retail in the past 5 years or so, you wouldn’t think Cata is like retail.

Cata is just WotLK in a different setting with improvements made likely in most part due to the feedback they had about WotLK classes.


I hear you! But I also kinda like Cata? :man_shrugging:t2:

I loved my TBC experience… it for me was even better than Vanilla was. Wrath was super blah… I was super excited until Super easy Naxx, super long Ulduar, super quick TotGC and super toxic ICC… Actually… ICC wasn’t super toxic. It was just overly rushed and that made guilds more stressed about getting kills in before they auto-nerfed everything to death… Literally… Cause they all dead lol

go play era or sod then op? stop whining

The same things you bash Cata for are applicable to Wrath, so it’s curious that you dislike the former yet praise the latter

Methinks you may not actually know what you’re talking about and just want to complain for its own sake. But, that can’t be right :thinking:

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