I largely fit my characters into the lore…because I prefer it. If other people want to ignore all provided framework entirely, close the coloring book all together and RP as warrior cat clans from outer space it literally affects me negative amounts.
But I’ve also been playing an outlier cranky, hard-drinking, knee-shooting, Light-resenting Draenei who learned Common from Goblins and took the trauma of the fall of Draenor extremely badly instead of being unflaggingly virtuous and faithful since years before Blizzard bothered to write some shades of gray into the race with WoD. It uses the setup and plot that Blizzard set out, and then continues on with jazz riffs of my own making from there.
I don’t need Blizzard to put a Draenei character in the game that matches up with the one that I made to justify it. If I decided that I wanted to roll up a Lightforged Warlock I don’t especially need Blizzard to take me by my golden little hand and say, “And this is how this came to be!” I could figure out what works for myself. I might decide that the abilities that she used would actually be her casting LIGHT spells using a ZEALOT version of the Light and her demons would be LIGHTFORGED against their will and pressed into service and you know what? That’s actually a really good hook, write that down.
Now, could Blizzard, at any time, get a wild hair up their rear and decide that they were going to come out with something that completely went against how I see the world and my characters? Sure, they have before even (and I will stay mad about the timeskip until I die). But then I make it work, because ultimately it’s their deal, the whole too-many-cooks ramshackle mess of it. I can choose to go with it, or not, but they’re the ones calling the shots of how things go in their own IP. In the end, it only affects me as much as I want to let it affect me.