Those who just want the Lore to be respected

I largely fit my characters into the lore…because I prefer it. If other people want to ignore all provided framework entirely, close the coloring book all together and RP as warrior cat clans from outer space it literally affects me negative amounts.

But I’ve also been playing an outlier cranky, hard-drinking, knee-shooting, Light-resenting Draenei who learned Common from Goblins and took the trauma of the fall of Draenor extremely badly instead of being unflaggingly virtuous and faithful since years before Blizzard bothered to write some shades of gray into the race with WoD. It uses the setup and plot that Blizzard set out, and then continues on with jazz riffs of my own making from there.

I don’t need Blizzard to put a Draenei character in the game that matches up with the one that I made to justify it. If I decided that I wanted to roll up a Lightforged Warlock I don’t especially need Blizzard to take me by my golden little hand and say, “And this is how this came to be!” I could figure out what works for myself. I might decide that the abilities that she used would actually be her casting LIGHT spells using a ZEALOT version of the Light and her demons would be LIGHTFORGED against their will and pressed into service and you know what? That’s actually a really good hook, write that down.


Now, could Blizzard, at any time, get a wild hair up their rear and decide that they were going to come out with something that completely went against how I see the world and my characters? Sure, they have before even (and I will stay mad about the timeskip until I die). But then I make it work, because ultimately it’s their deal, the whole too-many-cooks ramshackle mess of it. I can choose to go with it, or not, but they’re the ones calling the shots of how things go in their own IP. In the end, it only affects me as much as I want to let it affect me.

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Imagine how disappointed you would be if you learned that human rogues could wield them before human hunters could.


You’re the only one talking yourself in circles here.

I gave you more than just that blurb. Here it is again:

“Why couldn’t we play Hunters before Cata?”

Asked and answered. Making your second question moot. The lore of it is now irrelevant because of the first answer.

If you choose to keep talking yourself in circles now, that’s on you.

So here’s the problem with that. This isn’t D&D where they give you some basic rules, and you (mostly) make up everything else.

This is a “DM led” scenario. The world is already fleshed out, the lore already laid down.

In this case though, the DM keeps changing the rules. Constantly. Maddeningly. Because the DM didn’t think far enough ahead, the players kept asking for stuff even they didn’t think about ahead of time, and stuff didn’t work.

We get it.

However, being a GOOD DM is being able to roll with those punches and explain them effectively. Blizzard is not being a good DM on these things. They are just going “F IT, WE’LL DO IT LIVE!” and they are failing miserably at the explanation part.

Your own RP is your own head canon. That’s not the lore of the game, nor does it have to be, nor does Blizz have to cater to you or I. They do, however, have to be good at explaining it.

You need to stop treating WoW like a D&D session. It’s not that. What you are privately RPing has nothing to do with the game.

And Warriors. Remember the days of pulling with a gun?


You know, i’d hate to break it to you, but Emet already suggested that the LF warlock npc have this (or a similar plot) as their revised story.

In many ways, i suspect the two of you are largely arguing past each other, as he’s likely gonna stay mad about the terrible LF backstory until he dies, the same way you hate the timeskip.

As it still on the PTR, there’s a silver of a chance that instead of having to revise headcanons about well, the maghar and LF factions respectively, that the reason for those factions having warlocks can enhance the preexisting stories around them.

For example, another suggestion for introducing mag’har warlock (NPC’s) was that due to being nearly wiped out by Yrel and co, that some of them developed a resentment to the light, and looked to an opposing force, such as fel/shadow to combat it.

I cant believe humans disliked elves so much in Vanilla that they refused to learn archery.

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I actually love this. If Blizzard at least had this much respect for storytelling, I’d be ok with this explanation.


Current reasons against the new class/race combo tends to stem largely from how hamfisted the integration is.

Blizzard can absolutely finesse their way through this.

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I mean, current Warlock lore has always been that warlocks were literally exiles or outcasts who had to practice in secret. Hence why the Warlock trainer in Stormwind is in a basement.

Extending that to other races isnt like a far-fetched idea.


This is my big problem with it, yeah. I’d just like to see some proper storytelling that makes sense. Explain it well, and I’ll jump on board.

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I mean that and the idea that the OP is concerned about the actual lore of the game is amazingly funny to me.

There are certain races that have lore reason why they aren’t Warlocks though. They need better explanations than just “they have to hide away to practice in secret”. That works for some of the races, but not all of them.

I want Blizzard to do some proper storytelling to explain these new combo that were previously impossible for some races. Void and Light in a single being is supposed to be impossible. Explain that, Blizz.

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The difference is, that while I was pretty vocal in threads about the timeskip at the time in the hopes that they’d change their minds, somehow, I didn’t start like five different posts on the front page of the forum escalating up to a tantrum pitch about it like I had a fundamental right to the situation being any different.

I voiced that I thought that it was dumb and unnecessary (and have subsequently been proven right as far as I’m concerned, there was never any major story beat that happened that had to have three years pass to come about) but I never said that them doing it went against Blizzard’s established lore, or that it couldn’t possibly happen. I never said that the game was irrevocably ruined by a lore decision that I could’ve very well chosen to ignore entirely but just irritated me because I do generally follow the game’s lore for my characters.

I was just annoyed that they chose to have it happen, and then worked out the details with my friends between our mosh pit of characters as to how those skipped three years were going to go while being the gloomiest thundercloud of huffery about it.

I don’t think that they’re misunderstanding their own lore like some of the fit-throwers seem to be convinced of. I do think that more interesting options would take more time and be more expensive, is the reason why there’s the one-size-fits-all Darkmoon scenario, which is honestly more thought than I thought they’d put into it already.

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Does the “they were usually exiles or outcasts” part not work here?

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Before cataclysm, was there any lore justification for worgen furries to exist in game?

Depends, Old Pyrewood in Cataclysm were Humans by day, worgen at night until they rewrote the Worgen Curse in Cata.

I think we killed a bunch in classic, shadowfang keep and all.

correct me if i’m wrong.

If you read the post you quoted that out of, you’d know that doesn’t work. That’s fine for Humans and Trolls (as an example), but it really doesn’t explain Tauren or Draenei. Those two literally CAN’T be Warlocks because they turn completely evil.

I want Blizz to explain why that’s ok now. “hiding away in secret” or “exiles and outcasts” doesn’t cover it in those cases.

Worgens as PCs or just Worgens in general? Silverpine was full of Worgen before Cata.

And ^ this as well.


I am pretty sure they has been Grimtotem Warlocks that are not fully corrupted by fel.

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No, they honestly don’t. Cultural taboos do not make a compelling reason.


Literally being a warlock is a cultural taboo in every race minus Blood elves.

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