And yet Warlocks exist.
There is only power, and those to weak to seek it.
I think they were agreeing with you
I think we killed a bunch in classic, shadowfang keep and all.
correct me if i’m wrong.
I think you mean they killed a bunch of us in vanilla
has flashbacks about Sons of Arugal
has flashbacks about Sons of Arugal
Reminder: Worgen DKs are former Sons of Arugal
Wait: isn’t the point of the gilneans accepting the curse that they would be immune to undeath? and isn’t that pointed out blatantly in the quest text? how are worgen DKs even possible?
The problem is that time is the greatest solvent when it comes to ‘established lore’.
The Legion is no more, so the Draenei have nothing to fear from the remnants of a broken army. They even practiced with Fel before Kil’Jaden and Archimonde turned. So the more pragmatic Draenei will see a source of power, untapped, and simply pick-up whatever is left.
As for Light-Forged, extremists will always use the weapons of their enemies against them. They’re no different.
As for the Night Elves, they created the Worgen curse through their druidism, so it’s not exactly a stretch to think some would dabble with the Fel and maybe turn into Satyrs as a result.
how are worgen DKs even possible?
Because it got retconned in Cata.
But wasn’t that reason stated in cata questing?
iirc it was the they were immune to the curse whilst still alive, but if you killed them with say, a big stick, and then made them undead, it was a-ok.
But wasn’t that reason stated in cata questing?
Bro, I hate to tell you this but WoW lore when it comes to race/class combos has always been player agency first to lore.
Worgen DKs.
Forsaken priests.
Void elf priests.
Tauren Paladins.
Exactly, I’m just pointing out another time that had even less support than the current PTR and didn’t get anywhere near the backlash.
I’m of the opinion that your character’s race is just a cosmetic, so lore doesn’t matter.
player agency first to lore.
I’m pretty sure it was “”“game balance”“” before both of these initially.
As Belf Warriors weren’t a thing initially.
Belf Warriors weren’t a thing initially.
Still really funny they could be Paladins but not Warriors.
Its true. Most people who complained about lore -have- been civil. Which is interesting but understandable. RP’ers are generally more chill lol
Also not sure why OP is flagged.
Cultural taboos do not make a compelling reason.
Tauren and Draenei don’t have “cultural taboos” against being Warlocks. You’ve said that before and I’ve debunked you.
They literally turn completely evil. That’s far from a “cultural taboo”.
I am pretty sure they has been Grimtotem Warlocks
I don’t think the Grimtotems have any Warlocks. I think the Feltotems and Bloodtotems are the ones you mean. They are all evil. Grimtotems DO explain why we have Tauren Rogues though. Blizzard gave us THAT at least.
Bloodtotems MIGHT explain Tauren Warlocks but Blizzard has yet to make that connection, which would be FINE, if they would actually do that.
Old Pyrewood in Cataclysm were Humans by day, worgen at night
Just wanted to update this. Pretty sure Pyrewood was like this before Cata.
the Draenei have nothing to fear from the remnants of a broken army. They even practiced with Fel before Kil’Jaden and Archimonde turned. So the more pragmatic Draenei will see a source of power, untapped, and simply pick-up whatever is left.
See, this is why you have a problem with lore issues.
The Draenei didn’t dabble in anything. The Eredar did. And those that did, joined the Legion with the rest of them. The Draenei are the ones that didn’t do that and fled to escape the Legion.
Your explanation falls flat because you didn’t understand that subtle nuance.
Forsaken priests.
Tauren Paladins.
These two got explained.
I’m just pointing out another time that had even less support
LF and Worgen DKs still don’t make sense to me. I’m not sure how you can die, be resurrected as a DK, and still retain your connection to the Light (though I suppose we have some weird undead Paladins). Same with your Worgen curse.
Still those pale in comparison to the absolute mental gymnastics it takes to claim that any race can be a Warlock when we have story lines saying otherwise. The entire Draenei story is practically built on the rest of their race (the Eredar) turning fully evil because they accepted that power. And then being Lightforged on top of that?
Again, my issue here is Blizzard playing REAL fast and loose with this and giving terrible or no explanations.
Check out the 10.1.5 PTR build. Make sure you bring a lvl 70 Warlock over. The quest starts in the Mage Quarter in SW (and I’m guessing in the cave in Org as well).
Panda in a gas mask just making noises with no dialog. Compelling stuff, Blizz.
I feel like the only sensible answer to those saying that gameplay > lore is to roll a warlock, give them a sword and watch the raid leaders go REEEEEEE when you try to explain that you’re actually a demon hunter because gameplay.
Hello, I see you posted a thread about nonsense. Haha, I wish I could take the people crying about lore seriously but they were also the same people happily shoving money at Blizzard for a sub, mounts, and pets during BFA and Shadowlands! The hypocrisy is too real, haha!
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
Emet is 100% correct and many of the responses here prove his point. My favorite are the crybullies who find a way to twist this into them being victims while simultaneously being derogatory.
The fact is the games lore should be important and it should matter. This company makes far and away enough money to implement these changes in a meaningful way. A way that could make everybody happy.
But they arent doing that. The reason they arent doing that is simple. Because this is a cash grab. Because an earning report and a fat bonus check is more important to the people at the top.
Its almost insane to me how readily the consumer slave mind is quick to defend and even applaud its master. You, who are so proud to accept mediocrity, be prepared for a lifetime of it… because at this rate its all youre ever going to get.
But they arent doing that.
Show me where this goes against the lore.