Those who just want the Lore to be respected

I think he is talking pre-BC. BC retconned a lot of things.

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I still cannot fathom how they made the Warlock quest and… Just forgot to include a single Mag’har Orc in it. It feels like the Mag’har was just thrown in at the last second so that they can finish up their checklist and are betting on players not caring about the omission or the backstory of the race.

I gave up after they destroyed void elves with high elf options imo. They stopped catching about any lore at that point in time.

I was against this retcon when it first came out in BC. I think we are a bit too far gone to undo it now. :joy:

How many more of these threads are you going to make?

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Until all ten people who care about this are united

They all want different stuff, though, because they all want the game to match up to their personal view of the lore, however it has developed within their head over time.

That’s the real hilarious part, is no two people who are “passionate about the sanctity of the lore” think that the lore should be interpreted the same way and there’s always some wild angle in there that they half-heard or misinterpreted from something they heard from other people over time, or some personal hook that they super want to happen that never did.

To be fair they have a point about warlock light forge. But other than changing the name to eredar… I prefer gameplay changes than lore restrictions. It’s nice if they can marry… But if they can’t I choose game play every day

That’s just more laziness by Blizzard.

All they had to do to fix it was release High Elves and then let the Void Elves be… Void. Instead they’re trying to jam two different races into one despite them being so different from each other on a fundamental and power level.

Buddy I’m talking pre burning crusade lore. Did you forget eradar existed before burning crusade and were just a demon race? Before being retconned to being natives who had some fall to the fel

I choose not to insult your post, but I also didnt read it, good day.

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You don’t have a choice, if you aren’t civil then you’ll just suspended from the forum. Don’t pretend like you’re doing the righteous thing and not having some forum “revolt”, because you can’t. lol

It’s not your game, you have no say in this. You have no choice but to accept what Blizzard does with their own game.

As Loremaster myself, I can honestly say that I stopped reading quests like 5 expansions ago. I also skip every cut scene.

I’m ashamed, but not super ashamed. I’m just super task-oriented. When I want to read a fantasy adventure, I pick up a book.

Nah he’s the lore expert man

Everything he says is 100% fact even if its not

Threads threatening to quit are the opposite of civil, no?


This is really only a good argument in regards to a new spec.

You have plenty of other options if you want a lock, a paladin etc.

A change in lore would make sense here though when explaining WHY Draenai are suddenly welcoming the same people that helped destroy them and whose teachings the LF vilify are suddenly welcome with open arms.

Even DK’s get tomatoes thrown at them.

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Fact: troggs are the spawn of a human + dwarf relation.

Buddy, you need to talk about the current lore set by Legion as that’s what the lore WoW uses for the Eredar.

Well you’re also an elf hunter so that’s lore accurate OP by the standards they use

So clearly troggs are born from humans and dwarves

Isn’t this a bad take, though? Because players apparently have been asking for the all-classes, all-races thing for a while and Blizzard is apparently doing this as a result. How does that work if players have ‘no say’ in the game?