Those who just want the Lore to be respected

I’m not going to disagree and tell you that Blizzard’s team of writers don’t cut corners, they leave a lot to be desired, absolutely.

Tell me you didn’t read the opening post without telling me.

Given enough time the current world becomes part of its history, thus enriching the lore.


That doesn’t mean ignoring the lore from before.

Anyone who wanted the lore respected should have left during WoD and never came back.

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WoD should have taken place in our Outland.

They only did AU Draenor cuz they wanted to bring back dead characters.

Ner’Zhul was done dirty.


Lothraxion can be turned to the light, but it doesn’t work the other way around.

We’re not felforging LFD, though.

Every LFD that shoots green fel energy would bring that into question.

All they had to do was give them Lightforged versions of demons and effects.

I don’t think you know how warlocks work, ngl.

I do.

You don’t.

A hilarious amount of lore experts get stuff wrong regularly around this stuff

So I don’t really take yall seriously, no offence


What a broad statement.

Where’s the receipts?

Sure, this thread

Feel free to read it


thats not the funny part the funny part is he’s been complaining that there is no high elves when blood elves and void are high elves. he wont admit the void elves are horrible addition and would rather have the elves that didn’t change their name. legit all the same elf but just be honest about it lol


Respect old lore.
Respect new lore.
Respect conflicting lore.
Respect no lore.

So many possibilities…

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just another excuse for players to be jerks and pretend like everything is fine
anyways sure am glad i left wow


You cant post without a sub tho…
So you’re still here on WoW :V

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on my way out the door so to speak


You are not making the argument you think you are making. Void Elf lore was created to explain them while warlocks on every race is a violation of lore. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the VE lore, but it is there.