Those who complain about the 500 mount

Blizzard created a Community Council, it’s time to used it instead of ignoring it.

Worldpvp did a post once we got the Yeti “placeholder” as called by Devs, however Devs didn’t take the time to check with the playerbase and just changed the reward from 1 Alpha build to another.

We don’t know the final result yet but since a lot of players always check wowhead and players doing testing, there’s speculation that all the other Otters mounts will be in game (lets be real WoW playerbase loves cute mounts, it’s impossible that Devs will set up this mount for a big achievement as the only available color).

Devs should check with the community council or other players on the topic , Devs had provided just recolors for the previous mount achievements, but now that they’re listening to the playerbase that could be change or at least brought that reward discussion to the table.