Those who complain about the 500 mount

I can understand the obvious frustration that comes from getting something you find undesirable after such a fantastic and time-consuming achievement:

But hear me out. Blizzard knew that it cause disillusion among newer players and players with lower mount counts. I’m sure if they truly wanted to they could’ve made it the best looking mount in the game. And this is of course conjecture, but I think they knew with the direction that WoW is headed and the need for newer players they purposely made the decision to make it not too special.

It’s not a great solution, admittedly.

But until they make the game more accessible and add more accessibility to older and sometimes unobtainable mounts and collections this will be the norm.

Gate keepers will continully just throw insults and dismissive comments but as long as Blizzard keeps appeasing the gate-keepers, their numbers will dwindle: I think they know this.


Some people will always find excuses and wild explanations for Blizzard’s laziness.


It’s not an excuse for laziness. Nor is it even a defense of Blizzard. Trust me.

First off, you’re aware that they’ve changed it right? It’s now an otter. Not the Minion of Grumpus recolor.

But also, I don’t think anyone is gatekeeping anything related to achievements man. There is no barrier. You can do 500 mounts purely solo.


This is partially true. It is far better than it used to be. But when I refer to gate-keepers, I mean people who are really bent out of shape whenever someone suggests a certain unique mount that has been deemed unobtainable or practically unobtainable should stay that way because they have it.

So because something is harder to get it should be crap?

Kind of a weird train of thought


Well that’s a really blunt way to put it, but sort of yes.

Imagine you are a new player. Now imagine you see someone on a mount that you absolutely adore and you ask your guildie “Hey, how do I get X mount??” and they respond with “Oh you need to collect 500 mounts first.”

You could see why Blizzard may want to avoid that.

So, hard work should not be rewarded at all, instead of maybe giving them an objective to gradually work towards

Yet again, pretty crap logic


The mount achieve reward isn’t much different from every other mount achieve reward. There’s a boatload of drake’s, a boatload of cloud serpents, and every one of those rewards is a recolor of an existing two or more. There’s no conspiracy. It is what it is.

Hey, MOUNT IS MOUNT (insert meme here).

I don’t really care what mount they choose, I just want my 500 mounts achievement, and more after that one. I also want a 500 toys achievement, and one for pets as well.

Do they even need to give us a mount? I don’t think so, I just want the achievement, anything on top of that will be appreciated, even some recolored mount from ye olde times.

True but the Albino and Emerald Drake stand out. They are no armored Albino or Emerald Drake flying around out there nor are there drakes similar in color.

Very true but again, there’s no armored version or a color that’s close to the Azure’s. For Heavenly there is black, gold and green so blue stands out.

Edit: Forgot about the red one.

The otter is just one of many.

I love the otter, and while I’m still 150 mounts away from getting it, I look forward to getting it. I just need better RNG. Some mounts I’ve been farming for years never drop. And I’m getting to the point where I wish they’d do mount drop bonus events or something.

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I went from 100 mounts halfway through 8.3 to 400 mounts when Shadowlands dropped. There isn’t an incredible barrier to entry like you are suggesting.


That’s entirely subjective. And the Emerald isn’t a mount count achieve.

We don’t know that yet. Datamined doesn’t mean they’ll all be in there. Things can change.

last time someone told me “trust me” i found them with another person a week after

my brothers ex

Yes it is. Awake the Drakes.

The article on Wowhead listed the otters that are available to collect and one of them is an unarmored version of the 500.

Is not a mount count achieve. It’s an achieve to get certain drakes. It is not a “collect this many number of any mounts” achieve. It is not part of that series of achieves v

Still not set it stone yet. Things may change.

Ehhh I think we’re splitting hairs since you have to collect drakes to get the Emerald Drake but fine, it’s not a “count” achievement.

I seriously doubt they’re going to replace the tuskkar rep mounts with something different. The NPCs are riding them.

I’m speaking solely of the series of achieves, not a solo one that has nothing to do with it.

Eh, things might change. We never know. Or maybe the colors or armor will.

I think asking for that change would be a good way to go.

Like I just said in another thread on this topic: I would be fine with the yeti and otter as collection achievements if they would make them 450 and 550 but I think 500, which is a milestone achievement like getting 9000 achievement points or 100,000 hks, should be something special.