Those of you who PvE to PvP

Are absolute bottom of the barrel losers feeding into blizzards awful behaviour and enabling them to keep destroying PvP.
Imagine sitting there for hours and hours on end slaying scripted dragons just for a chance to have better gear to PvP and arena with… just quit this god awful time sink of a game and move onto a game where PvP is skill based and skill based only…
don’t give me that this game is an MMO bullshiet

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So…everyone you mean?

Also, do you feel better now that you got that off your chest? Seems like you’ve been holding it in for a while :thinking:


what does this leave? Halo, Fortnite, Dota… ope thats it.

Some check this guys main and link us his pve gear


Well I mean that’s easy for you to say as a mage bro. 35% is 35% regardless of ilvl.


DOTA…I feel you monnnnnnn

It doesn’t help the state of PvP or the game in general by insulting everyone who’s still playing BFA. It’s not any players fault that they have to PVE to get the best gear. I’m sure many don’t even bother about doing PVE. At the end of the day the state of the game is out of our control. Blizzard never listen. If you don’t like doing certain aspects of the game or new systems or features it’s best to take a break or only do what you like. I hate assaults, corruption and not having pvp vendors but I still play the game. I’m only casual but I do arena to play with friends and chat at the same time in discord. It’s really your choice if you don’t want to farm gear from PVE but for others if they do PVE to gear up for Arena then good for them as they’re just trying to be as competitive as they can.

I suck at shooters but apex is fun.

In b4 u suck at wow too :pleading_face:

I just threw up in my mouth

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There’s more wrong with PvP than just PvE gear issues. Stop acting like it’s the only thing destroying it.

What if I am a PvE’er who PvP’s the PvE?

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One of the highest skillcap games i can think of honestly


Some of us play the content

any RTS is going to be 100x more difficult then a shooter. being a pro at starcraft is significantly harder then learning to spam building pieces into the sky to avoid being shot :crazy_face:



Idk anything about rts games but its all about the APM right? Fortnites APM is actually insane. Id be curious to know how it compares.

Throw Age of Empires 2 up there

Sounds like someone just got one shot by infinite stars.

Git guud bruh

Yugioh duel links.