Those asking for high elves:

This is a terrible idea. Super terrible and yikes. Besides the High Elves where added in BC ages ago, so what is with this question?

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Tired joke is tired.

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While the Gnomish Flying Machine is a unit in Warcraft 3, it is actually piloted by Dwarves.

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That’d have been fine by me, yes.

Gnomes started the tradition of the Alliance getting races that didn’t exist until WoW with context wholly created at the time of their introduction
 with Void Elves being the pathetic epitome of that.

Frankly I have never really cared for gnomes and they could have easily continued being a supporting cast to the Dwarfs.

High Elves were the natural choice. The entire series of events that drove them to the Horde was so absurd that Blizzard ultimately chose to go with “because they didn’t feel worthy of the Alliance” in the most recent Chronicles. Gotta make Chinese customers happy though.

But what’s done is done and history has moved on.

To answer your question, in a heartbeat. Looks like we’ll finally get our wish in 9.0 so whatever.


Its not a joke though, they are Highborne. Just because they joined a political faction and became Blood elves doesn’t mean they lose their birth heritage. You are a dwarf first and foremost, but due to infighting and political liasons, you became a dark iron dwarf. Two warring factions at that. I still wish Horde would’ve gotten you guys. We’d treat you right baby Dark Iron

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everyone is everyone it pertains to. No one more and no one less.

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If you’d read that forum CoC you’re linking then you’d also know that you broke a number of CoC rules by your posts here.

  • You are in violation of spam since you are making non-constructive posts in a thread.

  • Cross-linking threads is not okay, which you did in your first post here.

  • You are spamming in regards to making off-topic posts.

report and move on, then you won’t break forum rules.

Back on topic, we already have High Elves in the game, they’re on Horde side.

So then an Orcless, Undeadless Horde? Because let’s face it, no one associates either of them with love of nature.

Okay forum police. It’s not breaking CoC just go somewhere else, literally no ones forcing you to open this thread. If it offends you so much by a title alone you should take a forum break and vent somewhere else.

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Yeah so
if you’re not also The Forum Policeℱ how is it you think you have the authority or expertise to tell others what is or is not a CoC violation?

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Just tell me what the website and article name is, and I can go from there.

I don’t, I’m not just dumb. The CoC isn’t some open book or “subjective” it’s pretty clear on what’s not allowed and what could be toeing the line, it’s not your jurisdiction it’s not mine. It’s the Mods that decide whether this is breaking CoC or not, and fortunately they haven’t updated the CoC saying “NO HIGH ELVE THREADS”.

Now you’re going to argue “well it’s a duplicate” then my friend go tell that to every other thread, majority of them are duplicates or addon, or a side topic to a bigger issue/discussion that’s been discussed or currently being talked about. But they don’t want to detail the other thread.

Now that’s over with, I’ll go so I don’t further aid you and the orc to derail this thread more.

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It is clear that there is already an open active topic already about High Elves, and you want to say that this isn’t in voilation of the CoC with thread duplication?

oh crap i got videogamed

i been asking for medium elves, but fair warning
 a small medium elf is at large!

Mods have to make subjective decisions all the time
what threads cross over a line they were close to, and which ones don’t are an obvious example as are questions of whether or not someone is off-topic or being offensive (in some cases, some are simply obvious).

And Ugash, if you think I’m going to fall for this obvious trap

by snidely responding “oh, what else are you in addition to that?” “are you sure?”, “sure could have fooled me”, “don’t bet on it”, or something like that then you are mistaken.

Would’ve also been continent vs continent which would have had a pretty significant effect on the world.

I do agree, however, that blizzard never really succeeded in making the Forsaken a believable part of the horde. Thrall identifying with Sylvanas’s plight makes sense, but actually welcoming undead abominations with open arms is ridiculous, and it has shown throughout the story progressively.

I wonder if they could have gotten away with having factions less cut and dry, allowing players to choose their alignment within constraints. I get the feeling that it’d be too messy.

So, Big Elves? Who says Big Girls can’t be Pretty?

Alliance should have gotten High Elves instead of Space goats. JRR Tolkein would be rolling in his grave seeing what was inspired by his work turn sci fi.

Gnomes clearly = nerdy hobbits.

High Elves were a sure fire pick for alliance.