Thori'dal, legendary bow for Warriors (TBC)

Its nice but probably one of the least functional/attainable legendaries since it’s a drop from the last boss of the entire expansion. Very few people will even get one, and by the time most do it’ll likely be almost WOTLK time anyway.

Glaives are much more attainable and you’ll be able to flex those for a tier and a half at least. Not to mention they look a lot more iconic

At least it’s not Atiesh. Nothing is less used than that, and it boils down to, “pick your favourite officer”.

Atiesh great for horde.

They can get to kara much faster now in TBC.

I’d love to have Atiesh for TBC.

I’d want to give the bow to a hunter even if they were a trial. What a punch in the dick (or lady parts).

I’m not at all surprised that all that drama happened when that guild passed up their hunters for the bow cause they were still ‘new’. I’d be pissed if I was hunter and it went to a veteran warrior. Screw that noise.

Correct and for much the same reason as hance does, Flurry proc munching.

part of the reason, Other is not wanting your offhand eating both your windfury procs.

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Ah, right. 'cause of the internal cooldown. Good point.

The ICD matter is another reason on top of that. You want to get your weapons down to a speed where your ICD comes off CD flat on each swing instead of 0.1 seconds later and that’s alot harder to do with 2 uneven speed weapons.
There is a point though where your swings are so fast that it’s not worth the dps loss to shoot for it (ie double dragonmaw procs,DST proc etc)

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I’m pretty sure there’s no double Dragonmaw procs, right? The PPM is different for each weapon, but the buff they give is exactly the same. They don’t stack; they just refresh.

I understand your point, though.

If the proc is like mongoose you can have 2 active at the same time if it’s not then you’re correct. My only Hammersmith was a human ret so there was no need to craft dragonmaw so I wouldn’t actually know as it’s something I never used nor looked into.

Its not, its definitely the same proc. A lot of the BIS lists from 2008 have 2 listings for dragonstrike/maw, one for a single and one with a second DW, because there are diminshing returns with 2 since you’re only improving uptime.

Shame, Ohwell still not going to find a better 1H for a shaman in tier 4 or tier 5.
Good economy for macesmiths then, especially if I can meme it up in PVP with skill herald aswell.