"thnx for killing the forsaken" love forsaken fans

Okay point by point here

  1. They aren’t saying Forsaken protect the living. They are saying Forsaken “tirelessly strive to protect the living” as their penultimate description to new players, which is frankly absurd. The Forsaken being evil or good is not relevant to how absurd that description is.

  2. The original, better string that described Forsaken as born in darkness but with the free-will to do what they want provides much greater role-play opportunities for “good” Forsaken like Voss and is actually in keeping with the spirit of what the race stands for, not good or evil but free will and self-determination.

  3. This is not adding options. The original string was “adding options.” This is a signal of a dramatic change for the race at best and a bald-faced lie at worst. It’s bad writing. It’s a joke.

So, if you don’t mind I need to tirelessly strive to protect the living now.


Oh so you didnt help malfurion in valsharah, weird either way that quest and all those like it are canon

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Not defending Garithos, what Im say that they killed a bunch of soldiers (including the dwarves) that had just fought along side them who honestly had done nothing wrong to the Forsaken and probably knew them in life. The forsaken turned on them and ate them.

Thats just who the forsaken were

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Ok I see your points. We’re just reading the words differently. When I read that, I thought of how they are still there in Ghostlands to my knowledge protecting the Blood Elves or any other Horde outpost with Forsaken because the Forsaken want to protect the Horde.

I think the new string, along with the removal of references to Teldrassil are a sign of what’s the come for BFA. They’re making the Forsaken less “bad” and even the Horde in general. Isn’t that what Horde players have been complaining about for years?

Don’t we always get threads in general asking “Are we the baddies”?

I mean there is a difference between Thrall’s horde and Sylvanas’s horde.

Forsaken have lost their Bark. They are nothing now. Worgen and Scarlet Crusade aligned humans are now more Forsaken than the Forsaken.

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Yes, this is called “bad writing.” Good writers would have had the Forsaken, Sylvanas, and the Horde grow closer and more bonded over time with shared experiences. Good writing would have had Sylvanas grow into the role of Warchief while initially viewing it with suspicion. Good writing would have had the living Horde grow to appreciate the Forsaken for individuals, not just as convenient foot soldier fodder.

What we got was bad comic book writing instead.


That’s an oof from me, while the roflevil of the Forsaken has been sort of a glaring eyesore to me (one can be dark and morally questionable and not be LET’S KILL EVERYTHING FOR SHIZZLES AND GIGGLES like the Forsaken have been)

The Troll one also stinks something awful to me because we also have 3 tribes in the Horde: Shatterspear, Darkspear, and Revantusk and a fourth tribe that is Horde aligned and has members of the rest of the tribes in their city.

The Orc one is also just a blatant lie as the Orcs are one of the races most commonly thrown under the rug as testosterone junkies that seem to not think just BLOOD AND THUNDAR

RIP the Forsaken if this is final.


that already happened, it was the forsaken who saw the horde as expendable, its not good writing to ignore the faults of your favorite race just cause


Baine literally murdered Forsaken with no consequences whatsoever while Lor’themar called him “the best of the Horde.” Frankly I don’t want to hear it :shushing_face:


and the forsaken literally blighted horde soldiers and if we leave out bfa, sylvanas practically helped the legion by attacking one of the factions fighting the legion for her own gain.

remember when she tested the blight on tauren to perfect a plague that was then used to wipe out a horde army on the off chance it’d kill the lich king.

sorry but your bascially asking the rest of the horde to change there principles and morals, when its much easier to just change one race

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  1. War-time tactic, all generals sacrifice soldiers in battle

  2. Pathetic retcon

  3. Red-herring

You WILL be a happy, peace-loving, life-protecting zombie awaiting your queen and savior Calia Menethil and you’ll LIKE it darn it XD

  1. and its still bad
  2. not a retcon go play classic right now and do the quest about making the plague

Horde players have complained about being literal psychotic monsters for entire expansions at a time for no reason.

Acting like the worst people are actually pretty swell guys who just want to help is not the way to fix that. The way you fix that is not writing them like literal psychotic monsters for expansions at a time for no reason.


I will never understand what is going on with the writers in this game.

Like what is happening? Why are they doing this?


Again, no race in this game exists first and foremost to protect other races from threats - they all exist to pursue their own interests. Helping others is ultimately done to help oneself. Per your example, helping Malf is fine because it gives us the Tears of Elune to help drive back the Legion so that the Forsaken can continue doing Forsaken things in the future.

The only possible exception to this are the Draenei.

“We don’t let negativity into the dojo”

not really how the alliance works or the horde when thrall was leader but whatever you say

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Honestly, it sounds, pretty weird to me I dont like it. I think they should of used the word strive/go to great lengths instead of toil. Maybe its just be but I feel like toil has some pretty negative connotations.

To be fair, the Tauren stood up for the Forsaken and they were the ones, especially Hamuul Runetotem, who advocated for letting them into the Horde in the first place and even were trying to find ways to ‘cure’ them…they showed their gratitude by testing plague on one in the Apothecarium (Thersa Windsong I think her name was).