Thistle Tea Change Makes Rogue Energy Management Even Harder 11.0.5 (Updated 10-27-24)

They would need to increase base energy regen if they did that, and we all know that’s never going to happen.

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the moaning is primarily fromrogues who couldn’t manage their energy properly before and can’t now. please just make this a choice node so people will shut up about it.

Make it 10% auto proc or even 5%. That way we wont waste our energy. We can manual press it if need. 30% x300 for Sin is like 90 energy waste if auto proc.


just make mana tea a 10% increase to mastery and increases energy generation by 10%. Done

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Too easy of a solution. Need to make it a threshold. Only that works.

Jokes aside, just gonna say TT should be deleted once again.

Imagine if mages still had to create mana stones to use during combat. I bet they would have revolted by now.


That would require Blizzard giving us some form of energy regeneration, which is clearly verboten in our glorious class devs lexicon.

For Assassination the entire play was to pool energy when your cooldowns get close, slam them down and drink the tea for a mastery buff which enhances your bleeds and poisons.
So on bosses where you lust on pull (which is most of them fr) you were right on time with all your cd’s, an energy reset and extra mastery on top of that.
Rotationally after the initial burn, if you actually managed your energy you had the extra tea charge or two for your next Deathmark window.

All this is gone now. Triggering the tea in the opener delays your major cooldowns and if you overspend but feel like you can recover and save the tea for burst guess what, you can’t anymore.

Absolutely idiotic change and an idiotic take.

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Reading this synopsis has me tilted all over again.

Resource generation as a capstone should get every single one of you mad. No other class tree has a “lul heres more resource” talent for a capstone. The mastery portion of it is irrelevant.

This talent should never have been a thing.


I don’t know if I’m in the minority here but I don’t see it triggering. I’m almost never low enough to trigger the auto effect because I try to sit above 150 energy for the bonus bleed ticks. I definitely dip below as I’m maintaining my rotation but then I just auto stab stab stab waiting for energy to get back up to 150.

When I read this in the patch notes I thought it sounded dumb but in practice, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it actually happen.

THIS. just because its a dogmatic dated item rogues had to use for extra energy back in vanilla doesnt mean it shouldve been granfathered into the kit just because the devs dont want to actually create a healthy energy regen. lazy way to not actually design anything. just slap some mastery and dont let it get any CDR via using finishers. the ability wouldnt even be that bad if it just could get CDR via restless blades in outlaws case for using finishers.


Idk what to say, Thistle Tea is a bandaid which kinda grew into the spec now. Blizzard would have to rework Rogue resource balance from the ground up to finally get rid of it.
And they won’t, because they’re allergic to any work that doesn’t involve Retribution Paladins and ESPECIALLY if it’s for Rogues.


Meanwhile solution is pretty simple:

  1. Remove Thistle Tea
  2. Add Relentless strikes baseline passive.
  3. Make something actually useful and more interesting as a capstone.
  4. Profit.

Energy issues fixed.


Well, that’s where you lost them. You asked them to do something that was helpful for Rogues and required more than 4 seconds of thought to come up with any of the myriad of options though could replace it.

Our dev(s?) are off somewhere watching paint dry, instead of working on the class. The fact we got a single change across the board today, which was a nerf to Sin, should prove that.


I think the Rogue dev is just tragically dead either at home office or the actual office and nobody checked in on them. They are racking in mad overtime though.


The rogue dev could have been following the rogue tradition of being drunk and sheathing out of all meetings.

I say we kidnap the paladin’s dev and make them work for us!


I do not dislike the concept of Thistle Tea but three charges means it is weak sauce. Give us something beefy that is like an energy over time like Blade Rush provides.

That is more fun.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Not even joking, borderline makes me not want to play my rogue anymore. It’s THAT annoying to try and not accidentally pop and DPS SUFFERS bc of it

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Terrible change, hopefully it is reverted soon.

I could live with them leaving the last charge, so it only auto-spends additional charges but ideally it would revert back to how it was.