"This survey has reached its quota and responses are no longer being solicited."

I was sent the BC survey, like many people, but I was not able to fill it out at the time. Upon returning to the link, I’m given the message in the title.

Why on earth is there a cap on feedback ? How is more feedback a bad thing ? This was quite frustrating because it was a topic I definitely had input on.


Maybe the responses were very clearly towards one particular option and they dont think its necessary anymore. Thats my guess anyway.


Larger sample sizes are literally always a good thing. Doing so levels the playing field to better represent the population, reduces bias, and usually improves validity.

You can always subsample for analysis later on. I’m pretty let down that the survey was closed within 6 hours as well, if not earlier than that.

Definitely sucks even more considering I’m spammed with retail bs in the launcher rather than “Click here for a TBC survey” which I’d literally do in a heartbeat.


They already know what they’re doing with TBC.

The survey was just for show.


They may have sent a few surveys to certain archetypal players. Or maybe they are improving the survey based on a first iteration and then sending out to more players. Maybe they saw the discussions here. Lots of reasons not to ask everyone for their opinion.

That would be because someone gave out the survey link to the public.

If they send out 10,000 survey links they only expect 10,000 responses, otherwise it could be exploited.

Looks like it got exploited anyway by people not honoring the “fake nda”.

Any time they’ve done a survey in the past (for wod, legion, bfa, shadowlands, hearthstone, overwatch) it has all ended up being released.

I would presume they were only asking to see if there was any interest for instant level 58 boosts that they could sell. I expect them to sell level boosts in china TBC+ servers anyway after the wow token.

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As a researcher/data analyst myself, this is an…interesting decision. Researchers of course have a target sample size and in fact my research team and I applied for a research grant a couple of weeks ago with a target sample size. But I don’t see us turning away participants unless we end up with very good turnout.

In social science research (and specifically survey research like this survey) there is almost no problem with a larger sample size. But who knows, maybe they actually did get far more participants than they intended and just used that weird phrasing to say it.

Yes but you also want that sample size to give its own opinion not somebody elses. Notice how it was closed shortly after YouTube personalities covered it and asked people to vote in a certain way


It also didn’t go out to everyone meaning they were hoping for a sample of something and not just everyone’s opinion. When you sample it’s not just 1000 people, you never do a random sample because they doesn’t give you good results. They had a target and once it went past that scope they needed to close it for the integrity of the sample to be accurate.

Yeah, publicity stunt imo.


Blizzard doesn’t read it anyway.

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You read my mind :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

:thinking::thinking::thinking: Quick, everyone who sees this and answered the survey, what did you choose so I can loosely guesstimate which way they are leaning.

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Ah, they chose WHO they sent it to. It wasn’t “we want answers from everyone”. Instead it was “we carefully selected who we want answers from”.

Then some player made it public, and they got a ton of answers from other people.

That broke the survey. That made the survey invalid. They didn’t want a “self-selected group” such as “the players who want TBC the most” to answer them. That ruins the survey results, even if the orignal selection was “random players”.


10 Bingos.

In social sciences, and specifically in survey research, and even more specifically for something like surveying opinions on TBC, a random sample will give you the most objective and unbiased opinion of the playerbase. You’ll want a couple of parameters, maybe to survey only people who are currently playing the game or only people who are playing Classic. But once your parameters are set and you have your target population, getting a random sample from that population will almost always be best.

That’s why not everyone has seen the survey, even if they fit within whatever parameters Blizzard set.

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I think we both agree here, I’m just saying they didn’t close their eyes and send them out, they sent them to something within the parameters so its not necessarily random. I was eluding to them targeting specific demographics of the population and them sending within them random surveys and then needing to close it when it got too much attention because people then submitting the surveys could be outside of the scope of their parameters and change the balance of the survey.

No it didn’t. They simply ignore responses from those they didn’t ask to participate.

They simply ignore responses from those they didn’t ask to participate.

I voted to kick you off the island.

The only information Blizzard (Activision) cares about is whether you are willing to give them more money. That is their only concern, and they could care less about what any of us think about the game otherwise.