While I agree with OP, Shadowlands has some pretty badass mogs, Sanctum of Domination drops for example
That’s exactly what’s happening and I know it because I wrote it in the initial post. Sorry you all read what you want to so you have something to yell about.
DF was about as whimsical, soft, and toony of an expansion as we have ever had. I think people are in a bit of denial over that fact but any kind of tension was limited to a handful of raid related scenes. Everything else feels like we’re hopping along through the forest with woodland creatures singing to the rhythm of our skipping.
It’s Disneycraft currently and that direction isn’t changing yet.
My hero has returned!
Probably because people were complaining about Shadowlands’s darker tones?..
I must have missed the in-game survey.
At what point in SL’s cycle was DF being developed? I hesitate to believe that they changed course part of the way through SL and built the following expansion, DF, on feedback from that expansion. Regardless, it is in fact much more “soft” than any other expansion has been, including the one they brought us freakin’ PANDAS in.
So people liked Shadowlands’s tone and what it’s trying to go for? I thought they all hate how disconnected it feels from WoW. Esp with the topic of Atferlife being touched upon here…
Well fair enough.
I think maybe the reason why Blizzard has DF is because, they couldn’t realistically write in another faction war and try to make it natural… something they get worse with every time a faction war starts and ends every expansion up until BFA.
As much we all love Wrath, it was kind of silly to be faction warring while raiding artha’s ICC.
World of Japancraft
Yes please. I’ll take Hello Kitty stuff any time of the year.
And from this you conclude a rejection of darker themes?
The story was bad and full of retcons.
The zones and races had no real connection to Warcraft.
The theme of the afterlife is a demystification of the lore.
I, for one, loved the concept and many things about Shadowlands despite the writing issues with them disrespecting mommy and daddy’s legacies
Only if we could really move and pose like that.
From the point that I saw the launch cinematic, with muh happy, friendly, dwarf vs troll head nodding and smiling dragon race…I knew what we were getting with DF. Haven’t been let down.
Silly or not it adds tension to everything, gives a constantly running side story, and the factions provide variety to the storyline when they are utilized separately.
This whole “come together, stop fighting” nonsense is just a thematic desire for people. It will never change anything mechanically, it’s not going to “make it easier to fight the bad guys,” the big bads will keep rolling in and we’ll just have less variety in the story surrounding it all.
Personally I think the entire story of the Aspects is burnt out and “silly” so idk. The bronze dragonflight is literally just a vehicle for regular deus ex machina moments.
Imagine thinking every expansion isn’t a war to save the world… I think the correct question prior to DF would have been
This still is world of warCRAFT right?
I’m not saying WoW can’t be dark.
What i was saying was, the topic of atferlife is by nature, depressing and disconnecting to the experience. Because… death is a pretty huge component to it. Therefore it might turn people away from it, or bum them out.
…Isn’t that the point of atferlife? Having no real connection to the reallity of the world pretty much?..
Doesn’t make it good tbh.
I mean, the world is on a brink of being taken over by Arthas and the scourge, and the horde just wants to fight the alliance?.. Like i get they hate each other, but now isn’t the time, and it just makes the thing rather silly…
“But there will be less variety!!” Neither do having factions war at each other until they learn the lesson of coming together to defeat the big bad guy for the 63rd time in nearly every expansion.
…Because Warcraft shows time and time again, that not doing that isn’t good. Even in Warcraft 3.
I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m definitely not yelling. Your post alluded to two points: that this is WARcraft, and that most of the cosmetics we’re getting nowdays are “cutesy”. And that’s what I think people are responding to.
You’re entitled to feel the way you feel. So hopefully in the future they’ll put out something more to your liking. But I suspect the Trading Post may continue to disappoint you.