This ret discussion is so sad


I mean the argument they seem to be making is that the Warrior (class) will overtake the Ret (spec) in Ulduar and that this is somehow “unfair”. Essentially that the only way to make it fair is to keep the whole Warrior class in bottom place so the Pally class can have 3 A+ performing specs.

It is laughable.

I am waiting with popcorn for someone to argue that because most WoW players play Paladins Blizzard should buff them as it’s what the majority of the player base (who mostly play Pally) want lol.

One section of the wow classic community jumping up and down with pitchforks in hand demanding buffs while throwing trash on anyone that disagrees with them is quintessential wow forum behavior.

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Asking for class buffs in Classic reeks of retail players. I swear the “you think you do but you don’t” quote was clearly pointing at tourists/wrath babies with WoTLK in mind.


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