This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

Exactly , Old Blizzard did but that was before Activision took over. They would even respond to your posts and have conversations on any topic people posted.

I was in Grobbulus from the very beginning before it was a thing. But that shouldn’t make a difference. They have the technology to prevent this. Stop making excuses for these people. It’s pathetic.


I used to play Lost Ark and they would have a CM on the forums 24/7 around the clock responding to forum posters, but those CMs do get a ton of hate due to the public nature of them having to break the bad news sometimes to players.

I wonder why Blizzard doesn’t just hire one, I assume they have similar funds to Amazon Games if not more.

Because they have “Community Managers” That do it for free so Bobby can buy more Yahts.

That’s not how Layering work. Layering is completely unrelated to how much a server can hold.
In 2022, server technology can allow the entirety of the Classic population on the same server without queues.

Your personal feelings about server balance doesn’t change the fact Blizzard is 100% at fault here for not using the proper tech stack to handle high influx of players.


Maybe, but the real mistake was allowing the funneling players into mega servers. Need a cap.


“HIRE?” that would just be less money towards Bobby’s 7th yacht

That is an issue on its own and regardless of that issue, queues should never be a thing in 2022.


Hard to believe you know more than them regarding what works w their software.

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Haha I get a kick out of the Bobby Yacht jokes every time someone makes them, although I wonder if he really does have some type of Blizzard themed yacht. That would explain a lot of the questionable choices around here.

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Bzzt wrong.

It’s Blizzard’s fault for not having more powerful servers and having everything set up to work correctly.

Stop being a lesser individual. AKA victim blaming

Blizz has set the bar so low by their conduct and incompetence over the last decade that we have come to expect next to nothing from them. These guys can fix this. They should have been prepared but they weren’t.

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Just think: this is the same company that you want making balance changes in WotLK with various item squishes and whatever else comes after.


I figured that was the purpose of a Beta test right? Typically you want to use that data and refine the product before releasing it to the customers.


Aurumai has been trolling this issue for a few days now. Clearly, he/she/it is a child and has never played an MMO in the 90’s.

Considering I’m an online software engineer working in 3A, I know quite a lot about the technology used in online services and I can tell at a glance that they are just too cheap to implement proper scalability.


They know what works with their software. They knew funneling onto servers would be problematic and let it happen because “benjamin first.”

They let it happen anyway.

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Honestly running a private server is not much more different than what Blizzard has to do to to maintain classic. Anyone who knows anything about maintaining servers can tell you that blizzard just doesn’t want to spend more money on the classic project then they have to.

They most likely run classic on the same servers that they host retail and wont dedicate infrastructure to have classic on its own servers.

Mispeled is 100% correct. I’m tired of this and I am not just speaking for myself. My friends are pissed too.

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They should increase layering to lower queues during patch launches, then can slowly remove them after things normalize to not kill the “mmo feeling.”

But the “mmo feeling” doesn’t matter if people can’t play.