This patch is boring

As someone who just did Korthia for the first time 3 days ago, to unlock SL flying, yes, Korthia looks like it was better than ZC.

Korthia has phases, Rift and normal, the artifact items to find and related research to unlock stuff there.

It also has some platforming challenges, which flight negates, and it unlocks organically, apparently.

The major flaw, I’d say, is that it’s too small.

And I don’t think the enemies or events are half as obnoxious as the ZC ones.

The Zaqali are a super PITA to solo as a mage, the events are all very hard or time consuming to solo as well, while I’ve seen none of that in Korthia so far, other than covenant-locked events.

I don’t know for sure because I’m overleved now, but I feel I’d like it better than the caverns and their terrible enemies.

The major plus for ZC is sniffenseeking and then snail races, maybe.
Let that sink in.

And Zereth Mortis is much better than Korthia, judging from the small amount of time I spent in there.

After the WQs and weeklies, I won’t be touching ZC, but I’ll be finishing Korthia and ZM.

OMG not another one of these threads. Can’t you clowns quit in silence? Nobody cares that your kind of people quit this game. Next time, just yell into a toilet bowl that you are quitting, you get the same result.

Artifact items were only relevant to the Codex which was in itself was badly designed because it was a catch up mechanic that was not account wide. A lot of the ease now with AC did not exist day 1 of Korthia any only appeared in later patches. A lot of it was added in 9.1.5, including the Rift aspect of the weekly - because the Rift served very little purpose outside of a few rares.

Ill agree to disagree on this - a portion of the map was timegated from quests (the island to the south - the island paths with the hookgun). I would also say that Korthia really did not have a lot of platforming unless you were going after treasures which did provide a challenge, but were easily solved by Venthyr Door 9/10 times.

Korthia’s flaw is that for a supposed “city of secrets” - its neither a city or full of secrets. Its literally just a large forest area with a city-like island to the South. It really didnt add anything of substance to the Maw nor did it provide anything new regarding the suppose Archivists outside.

On top of this, Domination shards were terrible.

Ill agree to disagree on this one - I think the Cauldron area and the Desmotaeran area both had their issues with mobs and essentially being solely weekly hubs you avoid like the plague unless rare hunting.

I think this may have a lot to do with the fact of being a higher level and also the 9.1.5 changes also impacting Korthia.

Good. Vote with your wallet.

With all the recent Ls that Blizzard has been doing, they’ve made it clear that they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Like I said, I might be wrong since I’m overleved.

Venthyr door means nothing to me as a Kyrian.

And I’ve heard about those domination shards but still have no idea on what are those.

The gear+upgrades seemed fine, but I don’t know what was the ilvl range for the patch.

What I do know is that Zaralek is already dead though.

Honeypelt is cute. The only “thing” I appreciated this patch.

You can freely swap covenants so the traversing is much easier.

Old necessary proto tier for that raid tier. Very bad and very dislikes.

They are fine now, but the issue was that upgrading Codex was a lot grindier without the added quests in 9.1.5 and was not account wide (as it mostly served as catchup gear) or world gearing.

The thing is that AC is entirely optional, outside of the Domination Shards - Korthia was not really impactful on progression as AC was too slow and other methods were just outright better. Think like how ZM was but with a lot less of content and things to do.

Kinda sucked then.

Oh, I forgot that there was diminishing returns on the archivist tokens at launch - so you could not outright grind the rep either. There was a very specific cutoff when you reached a certain number of tokens gathered.

If they let us earn some wyrm crest fragments in ZC content I think there would be a lot more people active there.

Also would give a nice change to raiding or mythic+

Really sick of farming 11s on my alts at this point but its the only source once you’ve done heroic raid for the week


I am really surprised the elite WQs and World Boss do not drop them.

Blizzard recently made a poll asking what your favorite game mode is:

41% of respondents prefer a game mode that involves Classic. 13% specifically prefer hardcore. 11% specifically prefer Classic Era.

Whether you go on Twitch in the middle of the week or weekend, the top 2 streamers for the WoW category are specifically playing hardcore. More than one third of all WoW viewers are watching a streamer play hardcore.

A pretty significant number of players are interested in Classic over the new content and game play that is being released in Retail. My guess is that these players are more interested in the old game play than the old content. Hardcore has added something fresh to that game play.

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ive already uninstalled and semi going back to classic for jj. retail just eh. i think i always be meh unless they do some serious changes because i can only play like a few days per patch lol. classic will always be better than this crap even though they’re tryna make that crap too lol. at least dragonflight is better than shadowlands but not by much…and thats all i can say about it at the end of the day.

We gonna ignore that retail has 44%+? On top of this - online polls with only 11000 characters (multiple characters can vote) have a good amount of margin of error as well let alone serving to an active population size.

The problem is they keep trying to vertically expand the game when it needs more refactoring/horizontal expansion like Cataclysm did. The game world is huge and lots of it is going unused rather than players see the world dynamically changing like real life examples of systems do. The game needs polish, fluff, fun novelty, a focus on driving a better experience with new unique systems interactions.

Not necessarily constantly adding more and more abilities/talents to classes to where the classes become indistinguishable from each other and all semblance of asymmetrical meta design is lost. Too much homogenization is not good for the game’s long term health nor it’s “fun factor”.

The fact that so many people are willing to throw money at content they’ve already played before (classic servers/wotlk) tells you player retention and player experience isn’t directly tied to “new content” but moreso how does that content “feel”?

I’m not saying they should be lazy and reuse stuff in a halfarsed way like pumping out an unfinished expansions to meet some projected optimal sales window (because by the numbers that hasn’t been working at all)… essentially what we got with dragonflight is a pot roast that got pulled out of the oven halfway through.

Sure, it’s edible, but it’s not melt-in-your-mouth good like a proper pot roast that was given all the time it needs to cook would be. Nobody is going to come back for seconds if this the standard/quality of content isn’t raised again.

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The person I responded to wanted numbers. It shows that at least 10% of players prefer hardcore. You’re welcome to criticize the poll, but it is one of the only things people outside of Blizzard have to determine what players are doing. Those poll numbers and Twitch viewer numbers indicate Classic may not be the actual majority of players, but it is a significant number of players.

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Yeah, looking forward to official support, and hoping that they consider doing something for retail. :dracthyr_yay_animated: I think that easily-accessible and optional content that’s non-trivial is very cool.

There’s a lot of people, I think, who want something similar to high keys, mythic raids, high arena, but either can’t schedule or don’t want to, and the rest of the game is for the most part just kind of droll busywork.

Yes its popular but 13% isnt carrying anything, that is the thing i disagree on. It might be fun but its not what is keeping the game alive.

is a book series intresting if you only read the last chapter of book 12? if not thats basically how the game is now having us skip through each expansion making us have no attachment no appreciation for whats happening. so instead of pushing us to the end game have us have the story lead to the patch and make us feel like we are a part of it give us the option to do that i say give us the option to do the story to play the game allow us to continue on and on they should not be gate keeping stuff as they are and this is just the issue with the story specially the end game story dont get me started on everything else.

Isn’t it Obvious