This Netherdrake is just taunting us

Why is there a black skintone Netherdrake sitting here at the edge of the Rostrum and we can’t even get this coloration??

Where are our skintones for the Netherdrake??

Unhappy lizard experiment. :anger:


I swear I saw the other colours in the rostrum when the netherdrake was first added.


Tell me about it, and you can’t dye their armor choices either!!!

Like how am I supposed to be seen riding a naked netherdrake


They were there! Attached to centaur rep and then they were gone! :rage:


Is this a new skin colour or is there one with this colour from TBC? I could see them not adding it if there’s already one from TBC since those will have Dynamic Flight in 11.0.

An HD model would be nice tho.

He is taunting us!

Look at that smirk! Look at that pose!

It just screams “you mad?” Lol


Evokers should have looked like that.

Imagine that as a black dragon tank Evoker Augmentation spec that tanked and enhanced its allies’ abilities.

That dragon blowing a giant burst of fire or swiping its tail… man, what they could have made.

I really thought they were going to add these with the Outland cup. Hopefully they won’t be forgotten about.


Not sure what you mean, but when the new Netherdrake for dragonriding was added to the game, the Rostrum had two more colors in it that were then removed: black and green.

It’s in the game, there’s green yellow blue and black.

I’ll rephrase.

Is this a brand new skin colour never before seen, or is there a mount from the Netherwing Rep that has this colouration?

I remember seeing those two colours in the Rostrum, but do we already have Netherwing Mounts from TBC of this colour?

Yes, we do have all of those colors of the regular Netherwings.

It looks like these were customization options that were supposed to be added for the Outland Cup but didn’t get added in time for the update.

I don’t know if any of the unlockable customization options for Netherdrakes are actually unlockable at this time. None of the Dragonriding ones seem to be unlockable and there’s still several options hidden in the files, presumably because they currently have no plans to make them available.

Netherdrake customization is a mess at the moment.


Really hope they bring back those other colours, that they removed, before the this expansion ends.

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Which is a big big shame because the onyx color is my favorite of the OG netherdrakes. Whenever they release the converted versions of old mounts for dragonriding toggle, I’m gonna be on the OGs so much more.


I can’t wait to dragonride on my Infinite Timereaver!


You did, we all did. The sorta yellow/greenish one and the black one.

I really hope they get added before this xpac ends and not years later on some random whim.


Unfortunately the colors being removed probably means we’re never going to get them. So many art assets get made that never see the light of day, like those customization options showed off in an article for patch 7.3 casting animations that were never seen again and even customization options from Blizzcon 2019 that never got added (like why did normal brown eye colors for humans get scrapped?).

Look at how many mounts from BfA that are outright unused. I’ve stated before that there may be more unused mounts from BfA than unused mounts from every other expansion so far combined, at least when it comes to mounts actually in the game files.


That would have been a cool concept to play and mess around with.

I have been wondering about those for so long, though it won’t surprise me if people were complaining/whining about it for some reason so they kept the original animations. :dracthyr_shrug:

That looks like a Infinite Dragonflight Netherdrake honestly. It’s NOT your normal Nether Drake.