This item is no longer available in AH

Bumping here, too. Unable to purchase Widowbloom beyond 1 at a time, despite thousands being listed. Other herbs seem to be ok.

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First flower is also bugged. GET ON THIS BLIZZ!


I am also experiencing the issue where I can not buy Widowbloom. I am trying to make cauldrons for M+ and Raids, and sadly, I can not purchase the last ingredient that I need. I am able to purchase 1 or 2, but then it says this item is no longer available. I refresh, and that same issue over and over. I have been trying since yesterday, and still nothing. (currently, there are 495,043 Widowbloom available for purchase… YET I can not purchase.)

Please, Blizzard, can you fix this?


same problem here. i’ve already given up on trying to make money with alchemy (mission accomplished, i guess?) but i can’t even make my own agi pots right now.


Yea, I’m losing out on probably 30k/day right now due to these bugs, which is whatever…but I also can’t make stuff for myself, nor can I afford the legendaries for my alts that I wanted to get geared and play (and I’m certainly not going to let this bully me into buying a token to do it).

Nobody expects immediate fixes, and maybe they have reasons for not shutting down the AH…but at least letting us know they’re aware of such a MASSIVE problem would be nice, and I’m actually starting to get unreasonably irritated.


@Angrychair With the way prices are dropping, you can kiss that 30K goodbye.

experiencing the same thing, i am thinking it is people using addons or bots messing with it cause, i can buy 1 herb at a time, try to mass buy 200 or 400 and it fails


It’s hit & miss on buying 1 item at a time. I first noticed the bug yesterday afternoon. Tried the “buy 1 at a time” and it only worked if someone else posted at the exact time I was buying, but 99% of the time it would say “This item is no longer available”


Yeah, the AH is pretty messed up. It’s as if they only ran functional tests on this commodity change and ran no load/boundary testing at all.


I mean, that’s what I’m missing out on right now; I was still making that after prices bottomed out to just barely above where they are at now. It’s still a far cry from what I was making before the merge, but the fact that I’ve been able to push ten times the volume since the merge took a little bit of the sting out of it. (I no-life the auction house quite a bit these days, lol.)

That is, until this bug screwed everything over and now it’s all a mangled mess, putting most of us in a position where we can’t do anything at all.

What I’m now concerned about is that even if they fix this thing right this minute, it’s going to have lasting artificial effects on the economy and doom us for weeks…possibly the rest of the expansion. It’s bottled up soooo much supply and forced prices down even further from where they already crashed to that it’s gonna take forever for the AH to stabilize to where it should have originally stabilized to.

I’ve been a smaller “goblin” for quite some time, so I’m not inexperienced by any means…and this is not looking good. Had this bug not popped up and gone unfixed for what will end up being days, the market would have stabilized and, as always, us goldmakers will always find a way. This, though, is artificially affecting the market in so many different ways that I’m not sure it’ll recover this expansion.

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Once the bug is fixed, prices will go closer to normal. Right now you can’t buy anything listed/nothing is expiring that prices are locked until it’s actually able to sell (whenever that may be) There will always be resellers, that buy low to sell high, even short time flippers where you buy thousands under value mats and sell for just 2g+ more and still make a killer profit.
Blizz just needs to cancel all the AH items that are listed for 47k days to fix the market temporary. I’m still selling items that should’ve expired 12+ hours ago

Cannot buy Tome(to switch talents) during raid time.

Seem like the AH is HELLA BUGGED for a lot of item, if not ALL THE ITEMS!

And the possibility of why there is items with like 40k+ days listing … it’s maybe due to the remaining time going into the negative and the number before 0 is like 65536 or something… or in this specific case, it seem to be 47k~ something.

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still an issue today, can only buy widowbloom one at a time and i need lots to make flasks. can we please get an update on when this will be fixed?


i take that back, i cant even buy one at a time now :frowning:


I cannot buy Haste gems. There is one stuck auction that is blocking the others. Real great change Blizzard - I just want to buy some simple items how hard is it??

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I discovered that you can purchase these bugged listings using the companion app auction house, but the listing doesn’t disappear. So you can effectively infinitely print materials.

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cool didnt wanna craft my legendary anyway


Doing the same thing to me for missive of mastery. Been like that all morning.


STILL cannot purchase widowbloom OR (now) first flower. Please, please blizzard fix the AH issues. I do not use the companion app nor will I. I should be able to purchase items on the AH ingame, no? This is highly irritating and seems a symbol of a broken game.


same issue. Can’t buy anything