This item is no longer available in AH

I have the opposite problem. I can’t buy singles of consumes, or bulk buys. I have to strike a middle number.

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I have this issue too, cannot buy widowbloom :frowning:

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Frostmourne OCE still having this issue.

411714 avail.
Cant buy any due to 737 stuck at 14g50

Somone listed another 1k at 14g49s and i was able to purchase

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Please fix this issue. Is anyone paying attention to it?


Confirmed also affected both yesterday and today. Chat support said to log it in the bug forums… so here I am


Same issue with Missive of Mastery just now, others are as well per trade chat.


Some acknowledgement of a massive AH-breaking bug would be nice, tbh.

I understand fixes may not be instantaneous, but if they can shut down the entire AH just because some people were getting gold that weren’t supposed to, they can at least maybe say “hey, we’re aware of this other critical freaking bug that has thrown the entire commodities market into limbo and are working on it” over 24 hours after the fact.


So doing some research, the bug items at that listed price isn’t being sold correctly and “Magic gold” is appearing again
It’s a theory that I’m trying to replicate, but I don’t want to get banned trying to prove this.

But from what I’m experiencing is item is stuck at listed price, example is 34 First Flower at 2g 30s and more at 2g 50s. 7 at 2g 50s, and another 120 at 3g. Someone else posts 5 at 2g 30s, you go to purchase the full stack of 39 First Flower. You pay 89g 7s for it, the 34 stay at 2g 30s, but the number of herbs at 2g 50s goes away (you bought it all) & the number listed at 3g goes down.

The sellers at 2g 50s & 3g get their sales but the buyer only paid for them at 2g 30s each.

The AH needs to just be shutdown and fixed again before people get banned/in trouble on gold that just appears.

If anyone else has experienced this, voice it out so Blizzard can get this bug fixed ASAP


Also, I do not know if this is tied to the bug, but certain auctions (all commodities) are not cancelling and being stuck at 49711d remaining. This stuck price may be tied to that

UPDATE: Using a 2nd account, I can confirm that it actually isn’t adding extra gold, but it is however breaking the AH economy. So using the 2nd account I bought more than the stuck amount on the AH so 140 for example. I posted 5 at 3g an 5 at 2g 50s (the stuck price) when I bought the items on the 2nd account it did say “Adjusting price based on new value” My 3g auction sold as did the 2g 50s but the number at 2g 50s stayed the exact same


Same issue. Unable to purchase widowbloom besides thousands being available.


Those last 2 Widowbloom for 14g49s, are still stuck there, preventing purchases higher for me as well.


Can confirm, and theorized the same thing a bit further up in this thread. It seems multiple people are coming to the same conclusion that this is likely injecting extra gold into the regional economy unintentionally.

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I am also having this error when trying to buy titanium ore on Malganis. The AH #s don’t change when I do a refresh, but it keeps telling me “This item is no longer available” regardless of the quantity I try to buy.

UPDATE: to see if I could see any oddities, I posted 1 item and then went into review the AHs on the Auctions tab. The AH that seems to be having issues is saying it has 49710d left on auction… think there is a database issue going on here.


Can’t even buy missives, haha epic game thanks Blizzard guess I just won’t craft my legendary


You probably can if you try a few times to buy a zillion of them. Lmao. You’ll definitely get the missive you need…plus a few hundred more.

This is insane; the AH needs shut down until they figure this out.


Somewhat conspiracy theoretical here but: they don’t want to shut down the AH unless they absolutely have to because if the AH is down, they can’t sell tokens.

On launch day they did absolutely have to shut it down because people could reliably, deliberately, create infinite free gold.

Right now though, nobody can really use it to their advantage (as far as I can tell), so they are leaving it up broken while they fix it.


Bumping this… Also Missive of Mastery is unable to be purchased.


I’ve noticed there are some items, that when you look at the hours/day left for the post to end, some say 79711d, and it seems those are the items that are bugging out the ah, cause i can’t seem to buy items that have that duration
imgur. com /a/2ynsolW - Wouldn’t let me post the foto, but there it is


Please Blizz, can you simply acknowledge there is a major problem with the AH and you’re working on a solution?


Another interesting thing I just noticed. We’ve seen there’s another bug where the expiration time of some auctions is shown as like 49711 days.

I’m now noticing it seems to be correlated to the “stuck” auctions, and see that auctions listed at the same price as the “stuck” auctions have this happen. All other auctions listed at other prices have normal expiration times.

Stuck auctions expiration time

Note that there’s only ~200 qty stuck at that price. All of the other 1900 or so are buyable right now. My guess is that these “stuck” auctions have, in fact, already expired and have a negative TTL/past expiration date, which is causing a date underflow.

32 bit unsigned integer.

September 25, 2158 = 5955879058 (49711 days from now)
Now: 1660848658
Difference: 4295030400
UINT32_MAX: 4294967295

Difference: -63105

Math checks out. They expired ~18 hours ago.


Actually this isn’t 100% true, I sold a glyph that was at that amount remaining. I fear it may be tied more to banned players