This isnt it Blizz, Fix Racials

Some Racials need a revisit, and Earthen has just pulled to the front how Terrible the racial changes in the past 4 years have been for the game and races.

Tail Swipe - Knocks people in air
Wing Buffet - Knocks people back
Soar - Cast time to fly like a dragon (druids do it instant cast for some reason vs the race with literal wings)
Chosen Identity - Will only change you out of dracthyr form after combat to put you in the only form you can see your Transmog.
Being updated in 11.0.5

Humans: 11.0 change
Reputation bonus (10% more rep) removed.
Replaced with 2nd hearthstone charge. 15minute CD per charge.

Earthen: (NEW)
Rank of Gem means nothing, grants you 562 of a chosen stat based on gem you ate (UPDATED AN HOUR AGO FROM 363 to 562).

Mana Buns are unusable. (Patched and usable as of last night but is slower then eating a gem)(SO THEY CAN EAT FOOD)
Can not eat feasts or personal food. Rocks only.
New Rock vendor to counter the Water issue instead of fixing the problem

Azerite Surge - 2.2second empowered ability that does 100k damage, 40k healing and 35k extra for rank 3 to the primary target.

Now lets look at some similar abilities of Older Races.


Light’s Reckoning- 901k damage and 901k healing to all enemies or allies within 8 yards upon death.

Light’s Judgement - 2.5minute CD: (80) 142k damage to all enemies within 5 yards, instant cast.


Make Camp: Set up a hearthstone at any location you want… ANYWHERE

Return to Camp : 1hour CD, Hearth to anywhere you want.

+8 bagslots

Rummage Your bag/Bag of Tricks - Gimic damage. Do not have numbers but in BFA it was not impressive and it didnt seem to get better in Shadowlands.


Mirror Image

Ramping Stat increase in combat to 10stacks

Emergency Failsafe (literally a cheat death)

This list could go on and on. As you can see after the BFA influx of allied races (didnt even mention dark iron or Zandalari) the racial game has been, lackluster. And alliance got the brunt of it with the human rep change.

Dont get me wrong, im not asking for the human rep change to come back. Im asking for a viable Racial. Second hearthstone instead of a Second hearthstone charge would of made a thousand % more sense. In what world do you hearth twice within 14minutes and 59seconds to the same location?


Earthen needs a COMPLETE revamp when it comes to racials. It offers NOTHING. Humans get +2% for all secondary stats from all sources. Earthen gets, 2% of a chosen stat but no food buff any more.

Allow Ingest Minerals to do either one of the following:

A): Make Multi stat gems buff TWO stats of your choice. Tiered Gems increase the bonus… and if you choose not to ingest a two stat gem, Double a stat of your choosing (1200). Atm 562 of a secondary stat vs 440main stat from food is a massive loss for the Earthen. Goblins get 1% haste, Humans get 2% from sources. Dwarfs get +2% crit damage, and the list goes on.

B): Consume a Gemstone granting 0.5% for a secondary of your choosing, but you can add it to Feasts or current food you are eating, AND you can eat food. (see Hyper Productive changes)(yes this buffs the raid with 0.5% of a secondary)(Limit of 1 per feast/food buff)

Hyper Productive (UPDATED): Increase Finesse by 25. Some times when gathering Materials from all sources you randomly find a Gemstone.

Azerite Surge (UPDATED): (80tuning) Does 143k damage around the Earthen and 43k healing to all allies within 5yards. Instant Cast. 2minute CD.

Wide-Eyed Wonder (REMOVED)
(NEW) Commune: Allows Earthen to Regenerate Entire Resource bar outside of combat over 10seconds. 3minute CD. Moving or taking damage or action or getting into combat will cancel this effect.

Titan-Wrought Frame (UPDATED): While wearing the following armor types gain bonsues:
Plate - 10% armor increase and 2% Health
Mail - Crit Damage increased by 1% and Crit chance increased by 1%
Leather - Movement speed increased by 3% and Main stat increased by 2%
Cloth - Direct damage spells gain 1% spellpower, Damage over time effects gain 1second longer duration (this effect can not be refreshed).

Until changes like this happen i can not openly say anybody should be race changing to Earthen. Even making one is a net loss

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Blizz just keeps feeding horde good racials while tearing down Alliance racials.
That’s the biz.
The fact that they are giving horde access to DWARVES while the Alliance gets nothing new is all you need to know about devs.

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^ This post doesn’t even merit a reply.


lol. What are you even talking about?

Removing human’s racial and replace it with a nerfed Vulpera racial.

Why? Because it’s true?

Please, tell me that the horde didn’t GAIN a new race while the Alliance got more of the same. They might as well just give us a bonus horse mount to compensate.

Yeah, that sucks…but its definitely “not feeding the horde good racials”

Alliance still has the best racials, with a significant advantage

The horde has nothing to compete with Shadowmeld or Stoneform…and even after that (as the OP points out) the Mechangome racial are very strong along with the unlisted void elves

uh you’re missing the point. Blizzard buffed the horde SO STRONGLY that the of good Alliance guilds rerolled to horde, leaving us with a talent deficit.
Give a weak player a powerful racial and they will lose against an army of better players every time.

Are you talking about 15 years ago?

See this guy, he is a mythic raid leader…he rolled from horde to alliance just for the racial…just a few months ago.


No they didn’t. Blizzard nerfed all the Horde racials in WoD.

The notion that “Alliance guilds switched because of racials” is based on a blog post from Method (back when they weren’t the #1 guild) in which they said they were switching factions - but also pointed out that the best racial at the time was Pandaren, which was available to both factions.

And how long does it take Alliance to get top 100?

The “Horde” guilds that are world first were running 15+ Dwarves in Amirdrassil.

Stoneform isn’t just the most powerful racial in the game, right now, it’s the most powerful racial THAT HAS EVER EXISTED in the game.

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That’s not even factoring in that the Dwarf crit passive (their other racial) puts them in Top 3 on throughput for just about every spec in the game.

No race has ever had racials as powerful as Dwarves do, right now. It’s not even close.

Oh, and:

Earthen don’t have the Dwarf debuff removal racial.

Dark Irons do!

But not Earthen. Because that would mean people could play Horde again, and Blizzard can’t stomach that idea.

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Excuse me, Ion himself has admitted multiple times in his Forbes interviews that they gave horde superior racials for too long, which resulted in a talent drain from the Alliance and that it was a serious problem.

"“We’ve been looking at high-end participation in raids and other activities where, over time, a lot of the high-end communities gravitated Horde,” he said, “partly because past racial imbalances that we have largely remedied.”

Ion also said that monsters would never scale with ilvl.

Ion is a proven liar.

Of course, you know more than he does.

You are literally trying to say that there wasn’t a huge switch where Alliance guilds rerolled horde? REALLY?

nerfed how,

Berserking, still there
Orc go smash racial - still there
Undead Racial doing same damage number with a lower proc rate as warlock pet sacrifce… STILL THERE

nothing was changed in the way you are discribing it. The strongest racials are ones that influence your playstyle.

IF YOU CAN BIND BERSERKING FOR 15% CAST SPEED TO OTHER CDS, IT IS OVER POWERED AND STRONG… its a fire and forget that just increases your damage. vs , 2nd hearth stone… oh oh, stone form which btw is now just the longer version of the dracthyr cauterize… oh oh, what about Fireblood, the improved one, which should be held until you have 3+ debuffs on you, and is still countered if some one pops cauterize on you.

Some one didnt pay attention in the storyline.

Earthen are not dwarves, they just look like them. They are the precurse version of a dwarf.

In patch 6.0.2

And if Berserking is the bee’s knees, as you claim, why are the top 3 throughput races Human, Dwarf, and Tauren, for almost every spec in the game?

Berserking isn’t that good.

And, again… every RWF guild ran 15+ Dwarves on Mythic Fyrrak. Every. Single. One.

This can’t be for real.

clearly you have not done research and dont understand how to use the undead racial LOL

you probably just think its damage makes racial go pew

are we basing racials off race to world first?.. or off actual utility in non bleed content?

So you’re telling me they stole the Orc rock eating meme