This isnt it Blizz, Fix Racials

Yeah, according to Brewa we should all lose our racials because of the way the top 1% plays :roll_eyes:

I don’t think it’s a pattern but the human racial nerf was… oof. That was pretty uncalled for.

while its understandable to balance it so it cant be exploited by the top 1% raiders. or even the top 10%.

It is also very very understandable that the way Earthen were released it was a net -2% dps/heals across the board and still offers nothing to the actual game over other races

The same racials that are overpowered in RWF are overpowered for everyone else, too.

Alliance racials were always better than Horde ones; the problem is that they came with the disadvantage of having to play with Alliance players (who don’t even seem to understand that their racials are better…).

yeah but should a racial be a net loss because you picked it?

Answer that.

Because thats how Earthen were released. Other LESSER races have much better racials, and if alliance wanted to play a dwarf sized/shaped character, you can just play a dwarf.

Almost regretting my swap to Earthen.

Paying for this beard over here bigtime.

Meanwhile, pandaren get screwed even harder because of how expensive it is to activate their racial for 1 hour. Multiplied by 5 if you want to keep it through death.

Bottom line lesson is that for all this bickering, the real suck racials are anything dual-faction.

there is food and feasts in war within that maintains food buff through death. you will always have it if you eat the right food… should it just be a panda base racial, yes.

but Vulpera should also get running wild, that wont happen because it would mean worgen gets 1 less unique thing