This is why you don't want LFD

Yeah no duh which is all I pointed out, that LFD was in the game for over a year and didn’t cause any kind of mass exodus like some people are claiming.


It very well might have. I don’t think we know for sure without some insider information about cancellation feedback.

My wording is probably off but I don’t think using slippery slope as a sole reason with no backing to be truthful in this case. Especially when actual data shows it didn’t start a down turn in player subs or activity.

Runescape did this and it worked great, some posters here wont accept a poll as valid ever tho so this would see monumental push back.

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Thank you, all I really wanted was for you to elaborate on your reasoning. Slippery slope is a fallacy doesn’t tell me anything, for the reasons I gave earlier.

It’s use may be variable but on this forum its almost always equated to pearl clutching and used to shut people down with no reasoning.

I appreciate your asking politely and responding politely as i clarified my mistake

I don’t think a poll on the forums is particularly insightful, since so few players come here. And they tend to be the most hardcore. Which, ironically, are the least likely to want lfd and yet it’s still drastically pro-lfd on unofficial forum poll here. To a startling extent.

Anyway, in-game polls would be much more reliable. I’d be all for that.

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I think anything that randomly samples from all players is good. In game is perfect, sending out emails works too. Forums polls aren’t good data.

I dont see easily manipulated polls as valid.

Youtube polls that have beeb quoted for infavor of dual spec have all been made in a way they could be easily manipulated through someone voting muktiple times with different IP addresses, could have a bot set uo to do so, exc.

Host it on either this website, not the forums, and on
Send notifications and run it as an open campaign for actively subscribed accounts. If player polls are going to succeed the company doing the polling needs to be more involved then an email based survey.


What would a poll require for you to see it as valid? ANY poll has these issues and can be exploited.
there’s a level of trust and acceptance needed for polls where is yours drawn?

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He’s just the typical mindset of, “I don’t agree with the poll results, therefore they must have been manipulated.”

If it supported his stance, rest assured he’d be touting how genuine the polls are.

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We don’t need insider information, blizzard was still publishing sub counts at that time.

If it requires multiple IP addresses it’s not very easy to manipulate. Maintaining a botnet is something I would consider to be a little on the tougher side.

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We’ve gone full circle. The conclusion that RDF didn’t cause cancellations isn’t supported by the sub counts alone.

Yes it is, we didn’t see a big cancellation spike until mid Cata when LFD had been out for well over a year.

Are you actually prepared to change your mind on this? I’m not committed to either position, I can be swayed by additional data.

Am I just wasting my time here?

Apparently people manipulated polls here, and mmo-c, and Reddit (before the mods removed them) and YouTube and twitch and wowhead and everywhere there been a polls on the subject. They all hover around 70% pro-lfd.

Even as someone who doesn’t put much stock in random internet polls, I can’t really ignore how lopsided they are, and that it’s the same everywhere.

Now add in the fact that the mass casuals (the most likely to want a dungeon finder) probably aren’t participating in these polls, and they would be even more lopsided in favor of lfd. Obviously that’s supposition, but Blizz could find out. Poll the players in-game. Maybe they’re afraid to.

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If blizzard ran a poll through emailing their customers similar to how they do their surveys to where you cant make more votes, and is randomized for at least 1000 of their current playerbase that is currently playing tbcc (with using players from small pop realm, medium realm, and high pop realm players evenly to get a good idea from all of the playerbase) i would see it as valid.

Open polls though are very easy to manipulate.

You were spot on until here. If it’s even, this is biased towards small pop realms. Not a true representative sample.