This is why you don't want LFD

This!!! i don’t play retail ( and it’s nothing to do with LFR LFG LFwhatver the hell you’re looking for) and the reason I don’t play retail because I don’t like the new Dev’s design (that’s why I think the “just play retail” statements is beyond moronic) I want to play the old class\game design when I was fun and worth playing and paying for, (last time it was, was MOP IMO, it still had all the finders in it and it was great, I don’t want the people in charge now to mess with the old recipe, their cooking is horrible IMO. :nauseated_face:


After ICC, with the extra badges acting as a catch up system.

(DF was) Patch 3.3.0, which patch is LK being delivered on?

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ICC was in patch 3.3.0, will that be available at launch as well (hint, the answer is no).

so they are already messing with stuff, well as long as they put it in when they open the ICC dungeons I can (and guessing other will too if the servers are messed up as mine) unsub till we can fully play the game (guessing by that time Blizzard will prob put in a CRZ or some crap due to the issues going on though, IMO a LFG would be less damage to the community).


I don’t think anything can be done to convince these two. Red is afraid of people being mean to him and the other needs this system so people are forced to talk to him.

And for goodness sakes do not go into his ice cream parlor.


eehh progress looks like he agree’s it should be in now just not at launch.

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I’m not agaist it being added in the ICC phase, I still don’t really want the cross realm, bonus rewards, teleport, exc though.

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Will we be getting launch wrath DK’s?


well then tell us what you think blizzard should do then to fix the issues it was made to solve, catch up\new players, leveling alts (to keep players max engaged), low POP server\factions?


Not sure from what I read it’s getting launched at 3.3.5 but not the ICC part?.

The phase content in tbcc didn’t launch with guild banks.

I had to walk away. I was legitimately getting a headache trying to make sense of what was being said.


We will have DKs at launch of wotlkc. But you already know that. You know how content is phased in classic. You are just intentionally trying to cause a circular argument. It didn’t work for you to get dual spec in tbcc, so why do you think using the same tastings will yield a different result?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

You didn’t answer the question, will we be getting 3.0 DK’s or 3.3 DK’s at launch?


Did we get cross-realm bgs as soon as they were added in Classic? Funny how that system was the 1.12 version, not the earlier one.


The pvp system in general wasn’t in at classic launch. They even added BGs early to classic because when the start of the pvp system was added, it caused a lot of toxic player behavior.

You didn’t answer the question, will we be getting 3.0 DK’s or 3.3 DK’s at launch?


Which was a terrible decision.


Sure, Jan. :rofl:

I did read. You are the one that typed it. Keep on keepin’ on. :tipping_hand_woman: