This is why wrath was the best expansion and will always be the peak

numbers speaks for themselves having 12m people at the peak of wrath, making it the best

I wonder why blizzard doesnt just copy what wrath did…


So build a beloved franchise starting a series of RTS games that culminate in an epic conclusion in an MMO that caught lightning in a bottle by releasing at just the right time and having a relatively low barrier of entry compare to the rest of the market?

Sounds easy when I put it that way.

*posting in an Anon thread!


Wrath was a horrible expansion with one incredible raid tier that lasted four months.


Disagree. No transmog.


Big number big. Mean big good.


Because the original people are gone. There was more server identity. Less hubris. Plus, Arthas was an epic hero turned enemy fleshed out in the RTS.

:blue_square: :black_large_square: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :blue_square: :black_large_square: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:


I could only ever play wrath again if they put transmog into it. I’m just too spoiled and change my mogs too much. And account bound mounts.

What we need is a Classic+ wow that has some QOL stuff but no changes to classes etc.

I’d be down on that.


What wrath did right was have badge vendors.


Posting in another Anon bait thread!!

For the record, the numbers don’t speak for themselves but rather the trends and dynamics at the time. Anyone can pull numbers out of context and say it proves a point.

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no, wrath actually caused the wow growth to stop and reverse. wolk literally put the game in decline.


Wow numbers where growing steadily and WoTLK is when numbers started to decline as well. WoTLK was not the best expansion ever neither was legion

If there was not Ulduar WoTLK wouldn’t be so popular. Take away Invincible from loot table no one will ever step inside ICC


aka Anakin Skywalker.

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By that reasoning, WoD had the biggest subscriber increase in WoW history, and also subsequently the largest drop immediately afterwards. WotLK’s only claim to fame is staying steady, not really an accomplishment seeing as according to the data it didn’t increase TBC/Classic’s already increasing sub numbers.

Ironically, reading the chart, MoP at the tail end actually caused the largest increase in WoW history, WoD just happens to have a bit of left over from MoP when it starts; explaining why it continues to rise then just dips down just as fast.

  • The first tier was terrible.
  • The second tier was really good
  • Something Trial of the Crusader is arguably the worst tier ever created in gaming history
  • The last tier was ok, but damn that gating via limited attempts created drama
  • Dungeons were horribly easy

I’m still trying to finish Argent Tournament for the last mount I need (the Argent tournament one for 150) and after WEEKS of this… I’m NEVER going back there…

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I enjoyed Wrath for better or worse… I’ll be sad if they make a classic Wrath server and taint it with stuff we don’t need to enjoy how it used to be…


everyone here who played wrath will play it again obviously. especially if next expansion is just the same old expansion like the last 3.


Hell no.

My expectations have moved on, I wouldn’t touch Wrath with a 10 foot pole.


Saying that something is “the best” is highly subjective.

hey. remember limited attempts? today’s raiders would have such a meltdown if they got 5 attempts per wingboss.

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