This is why PvPer's are Quitting

How is this any different from pretty much always losing WG if you don’t win the first combat around the northeast workshop?

Also, it could be rebalanced/reworked (like how they just butchered Deepwind Gorge into a faux Arathi) and “clever tactics” should be usable there (for a time, as a rogue, I could SStep to turrets and invade all zones before anyone else).

They just decided to abandon it, pretty much like the rest of WoD.

Ultimately the things that have been causing PvP players to quit for years and years are as follows.
FOR CONTEXT - imagine you’re paying the same price as everyone else but the content you like is handled as follows below.

  • Same Reasons Others Quit - Poor Gear Acquisition Systems from Xpac to Xpac, Convoluted Borrowed Power Systems, Content Droughts, and Lack of Bang for your Buck in todays economy, Poor Narrative Choices effect everyone - cut content in WOD, Hastily Swapping from War Narrative to Lets burn down N’Zoth in a single patch as a little N’Zoth head inside N’Zoths head. SHADOWLANDS, I’d wager a lot of the PvP players we lost did more than just PvP (like me) and they left for the same reasons a lot of our friends did.

  • Poor Class Balance - Blizz has never really been able to keep themselves from allowing a couple classes to either 1shot, overpower entirely, our outperform others in a small group or arena setting. It sometimes takes Blizz 3+ Weeks to catch on to a single class that’s actually 1shotting people or tripling DPS in area or other content. This is likely due to a refusal to allocate resources to monitor these kinds of things or funding to actually fix them.

  • Lack of Innovation - No new Battlegrounds for years, with BFA and DF you’d think we’d have seen a Naval or Aerial themed BG at some point, should have been common sense, but it’s evident they aren’t interested enough in growing this “End Game Pillar”. Nothing new or exciting since Seething Shore in BFA (which c’mon now.) except for BG Blitz and Solo Shuffle which they haven’t been bothered to work out all the kinks. Players were really excited for Solo Shuffle but for the longest time Blizz refused to address it’s early onset issues like people leaving and or going afk, the mmr issues and Que Times, to the point where players begged and plead for months then just quit. Now that they’ve tweaked things a little it’s just too little too late.

  • Lack of Incentives - Some people will say the incentive to PvP is PvP itself and for me that’s enough and obviously for others just about everyone still playing it that’s enough but for the thousands of other players who had no new BGs, issues with Que times, Issues with mmr and watched for weeks on end or expansions on end as PvP was dominated by untuned classes there were simply not enough incentives to stick around through that level of neglect, obviously or they’d still be here.

  • Premades in Casual entry level Epic Bgs - See this Forum Post titled Pre-made Epic Battle Grounds Need to Stop + Buffs and Revamps (Community Council Requested)

  • Chromie Time - World PvP is a different beast but if you’ve ever leveled through chromie time with WM on you’ll know the odds of encountering another player are slim to none, not just because there are no leveling victims to gank but mainly due to sharding issues that go along with Chromie time that Blizz has never cared to work out.

*Warmode - to a much lesser extent effected the PvP scene but allowing people to opt out was a smart and healthy move it just came at the start of WoWs massive player count decline in BFA which has been steadily dropping ever since.

I could go ON AND ON but this was a death due to years and years of neglect, we’re still hanging on against all odds, but to what avail?


Arathi Basin allows for upheavals and last-minute turn arounds. Because SOTA is heavily tied to the use of vehicles, when those vehicles are destroyed you have a very binary result from it.

And people are still willing to play AB. People were blacklisting SOTA, specifically, not AB.

You used to q for just bgs and it was all the bgs. You could get wsg and av

So the blacklist was there because the pool of bgs to picked from in the q was larger

End of Legion they took the larger bgs like av and ashran and labeled them Epic bgs. So no you can choose betwen epic or reg bgs.

Since they shrunk the pools of bgs in the q you pick they took out blacklisting

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My dear fellow, in an expansion about dragons and reviving flight, the best we got was some flying islands…

No flying continent (they really dropped the ball there what with all the adjacent hype from Zelda: TotK), no wind interaction, nothing other than dragongliding, which is mainly popular for its speed.

The first patch led us underground FFS.

You really can’t expect much common sense here.

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I typed WG, not AB.

Planning is under the direction of people who have never done PvP in this game, purely PvE-ers. They don’t understand it, and don’t want to know, because they think somebody who knows nothing about it can come up with fresh, new ideas that someone with knowledge and experience would overlook.

Seriously, they’re just going to muck this up like they did with Wintergrasp.

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There’s no Northeast Workshop in Warsong Gulch, but I could see where the Lumbermill in AB could be perceived as “North East” and “A Workshop.”

WinterGrasp - I should have worded that better, but you should have realized what I was talking about from the context.

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it’s supposed to be arathi blizzard too i think : (
that’s my fave one 'n no one can play it atm

i hope it’s fixed soon~

Wintergrasp is one word.

SWTOR PvP far outshines the garbage and toxicity of WoW

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OK. You can address the actual issue now.


Probably from fall damage, NPC combat in epic BGs.

Player versus Player combat does not cause durability damage.

If it does, I stand corrected. But I’ve never had to repair because of dueling nonstop.

Removal of black listing is causing people to leave more because they are tired of seeing the same BGs again and again (eg silvershare mines/Temple kotmogu in randoms, epics IoC).

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


You mean you guys dont do like arena or RBGS ?

You mean you guys don’t like Blizzard fixing basic PvP bugs?


Dying in PvP doesn’t give the durability damage that dying in PvE does, getting hit and hitting things does give durability damage in PvP. Nothing to do with fall damage or fighting NPCs and it’s actually extremely easy to test, you can just do a BG and you will see your gear take durability damage.


Idk. I’ve never had to repair my gear after dueling for 2 hours straight. Let alone arena.

Fall damage and NPC combat happen in BGs, so it is most definitely not “nothing to do with”

You get rousing ire out of BGs anyways. Pretty sure selling that would more than cover any minor damage your gear takes.

Go ahead and quit. WoW really isnt a PvPers game. There’s better MMOs out there for PvP I’m sure.