This is why PvPer's are Quitting

The premades aside, something that always rub me the wrong way is how classes with strong self heal and lots of options to defense deal the same damage, or more damage than classes who don’t. Healers who are immortal as long they have mana, and the mana never ends…classes who should not be able to heal themselves heal a lot…

Maybe isn’t like that in arenas, but in random bgs this kinda break the “rpg class” element for me

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You haven’t either, and you’re the one whining at me.

Guess why? it’s because PvP sucks while leveling because they don’t balance it.

You can’t even queue leveling bgs because of ‘syncs’, exploits.

It isn’t like that in arenas as for rated battlegrounds…

I don’t think wow players are ready for what rated random battle grounds will look like. Right now if you take two elite rated battleground teams its roughly six classes total across two teams each clustered into a death ball with someone calling out who they are all going to focus on the other team.

Its gonna be rough.

Maybe isn’t, but i can’t see how is much different tbh, since the status would be roughly the same. I see random bg as a microescale of how things would play out in higher levels.

I also used to watch arenas in some blizz tournaments and it wasn’t that good either

I think most of the people who say they want “solo queue RBGs” aren’t ready for what it’s going to be like. I wonder if they’ll even be playing them after a few months.

People who legitimately want to play RBGs will already be playing RBGs.

Can’t duo queue, yet I can duo queue in LoL, DOTA2, OW2(made by Blizzard), GW2, etc.

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Lol and dota were around for years before hots though, if I’m not mistaken. They were too late on that one.

Little known fact maybe but MOBAs started theortically with Warcraft. DoTa was just a spinoff of Warcraft actually. They innovated and now we have the entire MOBA genre due to Blizzards inability to innovate and think outside of the box. Actually really interesting thing to read into, I recommend looking further into it.

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But awc folks are so lucky that they all have the same gear!

My biggest issue in casual PVP is Horde tends to have an Alt army so they are always low geared getting rekt and Alliance seems to stick to a main an join PVP to play monster hunter. Its very rare I join a group of other geared players.

Yes, thats an excellent to take, isn’t it. Tell people to quit because they ask for an aspect of the game to be improved. If everyone took that approach to something they are unhappy with, the game would be dead.

PvP exists in WoW. It is a fairly significant part of it. They didn’t spend all the time and money creating warmode because its not an important part of the game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with raising issues and seeking to have something improved.

Bring back arena teams. Only people that dont want them are people who sell and buy boosts since now you can just have some high ranked player queue up with anyone who pays them and they then start to auto get their CR up to the boosters as their MMRs will start to match as they play more. Arena teams lock you in and at end of season your team was locked so it was impossible to switch out players.

But Blizzard removed teams even from all the Classics because it allows people to simply buy up all those WoW tokens and pay some random player who is twice their CR to queue up with them and then those two end up having a lower MMR because the booster is super high with good gear but they then have someone with no rating and so it evens out so you have a player who sometimes has full PvP elites going vs new players or newly geared players who stand no chance.

Even some of the private servers have arena teams and they have zero boosting going on. Why cant Blizzard do that? Pretty annoying trying to find arena partners on Illidan server and no joke 100% of everyone you post there is only selling you carries now. No one ever looks for a legit arena match ever anymore. See people starting in PvP greens and 0 rating hit 2.4k over the weekend. And you look at their toons that got it…not even a double digit honour level and the only HKs they have are those in the arena.

So why is PvP dead? Thats why. You want PvP in World of Warcraft the EXACT way it used to be? You want quick queues with people who have near exact matching skill as your own? You want to form friends who may last a lifetime? I did all that back in the day. You still can do it. Just not in WoW.

And Blizzard wonders why the private servers keep popping up nonstop. If you are not a booster or getting boosted, then you will be all for having arena teams back as they lock you in, you have to make a good comp, you HAVE to plan ahead on what to do and how to do it. You have to except that you likely are not going to do as well as you may like. All those “world top” PvPers who have been playing since day one? Most of them never had those title back before the teams got removed and before the entire match making system changed.

World of WarCraft PvP is VERY alive…it’s just not happening in WoW anymore.

So why is PvP dead for real? Because all those who want to do REAL PvP are still doing it, not this über nerfed version that current WoW has. 100% impossible to make a legit arena group on Illidan Horde anymore. Everyime you ask, or go to group finder or whisper a PvP guild…you get a link to Discord and info on how to buy your boost.

Tell me I’m wrong. Look at some of those on the top who have zero history of any ratings ever, zero BGs done, less than 1,000 HKs across their entire account…and yet they are rocking glad titles while also guildless. It takes away form those who got it legit and tried hard to get it.

Oh and also, why ZERO word on R14 RBG Cata mog. hm? No single blue post on any of those threads ever. Just one single simple one sentence post would answer the question "Can we mog the gear that we earned from original level 60 Classic in Cata Classic on that toons that earned it? " Thats it. That’s all people have been asking for months is an answer to that. And it would take less than five seconds for Blizzard to answer the question…but they still never have.

Oh and edit. You also used to be able to change your SPEC in PvP, even in arenas and all bgs back in the day. Did WoW have more subs back then or did WoW have more subs back then? Clearly they were doing something right. WoW has about barely over 5% of the highest ever sub count.

Blizz knows PvP is more liked. Why else would almost 100% of their Classic ads show a player in R14 gear for level 60 Classic and then show a player in full S2 arena gear for the TBC adds and not advertise them in PvE gear? Why are the most populated severs in all of WoW history ALWAYS the PvP servers.

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Example: Wildstar

The most likely suspect for that was sota when in place. As yeah…if classic could blacklist, SOTA is most likely the one they’d block.

If 1% of the game liked/likes being there…I’d have that a very generous percentage.

Retail replaced this crap show with something worse. Seething shore.

I’d blacklist WSG personally. its 25% chance of decent fight, 75% chance of crap show.

I do not know how many arguments I have had about people complaining when I’ve run flags there.

WTF are you doing?

Umm, running flags. this isn’t southshore brawl. WSG is won by flags, not damage meters spammed for 20 minutes in mid mashes.

Its actually pretty fun

Warcraft 3 had custome maps. One of the popular fan made maps was known as Defence of the Ancients. Players would control a single “Hero” and go down paths battling stuff. Was fun.

Since it was a custom map, not a full fledge game, an outside company loved it and developed D.O.T.A or Defence of the Ancients. Now Dota 2. Nameing the game after thier inspiration/ideas came from.

Riot, thinking it was more complicated set out and made an easier version that took off to be a big hit, Legue of Legends.

LoL came from Warcraft =P

Warcraft 3 player made custome map was the birth place of Todays Moba genre.

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DoTA is an Aeon of Strife clone

It took alot away from Aeon of Strife 100%, but it was developed and got its mark from Warcraft 3 map editor.

And Aeon of Strife came from a Starcraft Custom map.

Dang, now im getting nostalgic for some good map making =P

Agree except I love seething shore tho

IMO WoW is primarily a PvE game and PvP is an afterthought that should be completely decoupled at this point. Go back to the “template” and remove any possible effect on the real part of the game. Even better would be an entirely separate game. There are so many other MUCH better PvP games out there, not sure why anyone would suffer through the abyss that is WoW PvP. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Blizz has already said they’re not going to “fix MMR”.
They admitted that they scuff MMR intentionally by adding/removing deflation to “keep things interesting” as they see fit.
Even if they didn’t screw around with inflation/deflation on a whim, HotS and hearthstone has always had better queuing MMR. So if they ever did care, they would pull from those games.

This new modern blizz team that wasn’t hired on for their talent or merit in game design do not care about making a quality game.
World of Warcraft is now a SaaS to sell propaganda, nothing more.
If you’re into PvP, there are infinitely better options out there- WoW is not a realistic pvp option.