THIS is why I dont run much group crap in current

Ive seen them do crap to tanks and vote kick them for nothing when I heal.
I’ll tell them to find another healer while theyre at it.
Ive blocked 2 or 3 players in one dungeon a number of times over this infantile crap.

Also seen a bit of that “GKY” trash in the chat.
I honestly thought it was just kids, but Ive been assured in here by other player that they know its full grown adults behaving like this. lmao


Welcome to every online game.

You know what I like about XBox?

Limited chat options means trolls and ragers usually don’t bother lol.

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Sadly it’s far from just the WoW community.

I play a lot of ARAM in LoL which is meant to be a “for fun mode” and you would be surprised how many people rage when someone messes up

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sometimes I honestly wonder if the man is doing that…or literally has no sense of direction or sense at all and this is just the result of his NOT knowing what he’s doing.
hard to say which, but it is kind of an indicator that its the latter…he has no clue…when he literally believed that he could remove flight from the game and the base would just brush it off like nothing and keep right on playing the game without complaint, lol.

When Ion can figure that part out, MAYBE he’ll start understanding gamers instead of just US law and courtrooms.

The wife asks me why I tolerate it when kids will do the exact same childish thing as an adult might.
theyre kids. They dont reason and think like an adult should. Of course you give the new student more understanding than you would the educated master in the same situation.

When I thought it was CHILDREN behaving like this, it didnt bother me quite as much.
Finding out in here that yeah…its VERY likely full grown men behaving like that…well…nuff said.
Then they blow a cork when you call them out on it in here, lol

one person does not make a community. If you experience this every run, then I’m thinking you did something wrong. 90% of my runs are free of this type of behavior.


bye bye


Sorry my comment did not fit your narrative. Peace.


almost prophetic…IF they werent so obvious about it, lmao

Honestly man I think you really need a break from this game.


Truly, you are a member of Ion’s community.


Because very few of my runs having some who rages against someone else?

Because you come to the forum to attack someone who has had a run containing a dirtbag.


But that’s not what he said…he said the entire community was bad. My point was to contradict that.


You should try Classic

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You blamed him for the toxicity.


bye bye :wave:
taking a break from you for sure.

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At some point you have to ask why it keeps happening to you…just saying.


That’s the spirit, silence counter opinions. Truly in the nature of “discussion” in the general discussion forum.


I loved a lot about classic when i tried it. Being able to use wands…lots of fun.
I just cant take the mounts thing. lol

Kinda humorously ironic/hypocritical that hes railing on in here…complaining about complaining again, as it were…at me for being irritated with the foul mouthed player…yet he has nothing negative to say about the foul mouthed player who attacked players who simply died to a boss mechanic. Could have been newbies for all we know.

I’ll just keep adding to my ignore list from now on without arguing with that sort.

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that someone was you wasn’t it?
So, you don’t run group content because you’re bad at it, and don’t like being yelled at is actually what you’re saying?..which is fair.

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